No one will care about his life and death, no one will care about what he will do. Why should he care about other people's life and death?

What about the high morbidity and mortality? As long as it's not him who dies! How many deaths!


"Is the efficacy of vaccines and drugs for the treatment of this virus 100% certain?" In order to make a fortune, we must make sure that the vaccine and the medicine to treat the disease are effective. If we create a global epidemic, the result is that the vaccine and the medicine are not effective, they will also be in danger of life!

"Of course!" The virus they have developed, of course, can ensure that there are therapeutic drugs and vaccines. Otherwise, he is afraid that he will get the disease.

"Good!" Liu Fu let himself promise not to hesitate.

That's it!

Being not cruel to others is cruel to yourself! This is the only chance for him to turn over. He must seize it!

"By the way, Mu Huan and Bo Junyan?"

"I'll take care of them when they come here. You don't have to worry about them."

"If you want to have a large outbreak, you didn't get enough vaccine for me before. I have many relatives and friends. Please give me some more." Sendar gave him only five vaccines.

"First, you can find a way to let them avoid. When muhuan's side is sure to suffer, I'll send it to you. It's not suitable for action now." Mu Huan is not sure about the victims. They still don't have any good moves.

"Good." Father Liu hung up.

No sooner had he hung up than Liu Changfeng came in.

"Dad, I'm going." Because it's a matter of great importance, only success can't fail, so their original plan was to let Liu Changfeng come to muhuan's house, talk to muhuan, and then take the opportunity to release the air containing the super virus.

"No need to go. Muhuan and Bo Junyan have gone to country F."

Liu Changfeng was stunned. Then, "what should I do now?"

"Don't do anything. They're in the charge of Sunda. We don't care about anything." Liu Fu didn't tell Liu Changfeng that the super virus would be put in the city center.

When he heard of such a plan, he wavered. Some of them didn't want to do it. They thought it was hurtful, let alone his more conscientious son.

Let him know the plan, he will not only not do it, but also not let him do it.

Liu Changfeng hears the words, the tense nerves suddenly relax and breathe a sigh of relief. Although he decided to destroy her completely because of the bad breath of muhuan last time, after he got the virus, he thought that it might kill her. He has been struggling all the time.

He didn't even know why he got there.

Why, he should take such a virus to harm the girl he likes.

Although she killed his father to this step, but

Strictly speaking, it's his father's fault. Even though, no matter how he looks at his father, he knows that muhuan has given them enough.

But he knew that he could only do so when things came to this stage.

But his conscience can not pass, so he has been struggling.

Now it's not necessary for him to do this. The mountain in his heart disappeared in an instant, and the whole person could breathe normally at last.

"All right, you go to have a rest." Liu father road.

"Well." When Liu Changfeng turned to leave, he suddenly turned around. "Dad, do you think Xiaohuan will die of illness?"

Liu Fu, "what do you say?"