"You're welcome to us." Professor Sam said with a smile.

They have worked with muhuan for more than three years. She has given them a lot of help in all aspects. Besides, for doctors, such a thing should have happened to many of their families. Muhuan and the expert team she invited are the hope of their families. Especially, it is said that the treatment plan of muhuan's new research can be effectively controlled Condition.

This made them resist such an order and unwilling to do it.

Destroying muhuan is destroying their family's hope life. They can't do anything like this.

What's more, even if their family members are not ill, this medical team is also working hard for the people and fighting at the forefront. How can they destroy them?

In particular, they all know that Sentai is also ill. The person who issued the order is not their serious boss.

So they didn't act even if they were ordered.

This makes Lingwei angry!

It's not that to see the seal order is to see my order. Does J order need to act like a mountain? How dare they disobey orders!

Just when she tried to push Sentai to order them to act.

Sentai suddenly has a sharp decline in vital signs. Even if the experts guarding him rescue them in time, they have not come back.

This makes Lingwei feel something wrong, because after using the new treatment plan, Sentai's condition is getting better and shouldn't die suddenly.

When she heard that the leader had also died in the evening, which made her determine the speculation in her heart, she immediately looked for an opportunity to call Sunda.

"Is that you?" He must be the black hand to both of them!

"Just do your job well. Don't ask more about what you shouldn't ask Last time, the unhappy separation made Senda very angry with Lingwei.

Lingwei heard this and laughed, "you are really good at it! Kill both of them! "

Let him kill Bo Junyan and Mu Huan. He has all kinds of excuses. He can't do it. Ha

Sure enough, he never realized that it was his business, not her own, to kill Bo Junyan and the two of them.

"Don't contact me again until the situation is stable." With that, Sendar hung up.

Ling Wei looks at the hang up phone and thinks of what he said. She feels sick for a while.

When did the people and things she thought she could control become like this?

Is from Mu Huan's appearance!

Think of here, her eyes hate scarlet! Scarlet! It doesn't matter if you can't find Bo Junyan. She must die!

Just when she was worried about how to mobilize Sentai's people to kill muhuan.

The death of bensentai and the leader is confidential information. People who don't know how to be publicized suddenly all know that the reason why they will die is attributed to the new treatment plan of muhuan.