What he did before was too wrong. I'm sorry for her. He can't make up for it with the rest of his life!

The more you think about it, the more yuhansheng thinks it's OK!

I just can't think about it. I can't let it go. I can't accept it. Now I have only one obsession left. No matter what, he will keep her. She can only be him!

"Yu Hansheng, you should know that it's not sweet to make a change." Ouyang Xiaoxiao and Yu Hansheng have been together for many years, and they have met each other. She naturally knows Yu Hansheng. Just looking at his eyes, she can guess his mood changes.

The more she could see it, the more headache she had. She didn't know what to do and how to stop him.

"As long as it's you, it's sweet." The voice of jade Hansheng is somewhat ambiguous.

Ouyang Xiaoxiao, "...!"

Ouyang Xiaoxiao knows Yu Hansheng very well. Because of this understanding, she doesn't know what else she can say now, because it's useless to say anything.

It made her head thump.

She didn't know what the old man wanted to do and why to treat her like this!

When she wanted it so much, she didn't give it to her. She didn't want it, but it was just like this!

"Yuhansheng, if you come here to be hard, all you can get is a body!"

"No, I can get three bodies, yours, Chen's and David's." Although Yu Hansheng is smiling, the threat in his sentence is obvious.

If she can't think of it and threatens him with death, he will let David and Xiaochen be buried together.

"Yu Hansheng! Xiaochen is your own son! " Ouyang Xiaoxiao can accept Yu Hansheng's harm to her, but she can't accept his harm to her children. She would hate him so much before, because he can even deal with their children.

How innocent the child is! Especially, he is so lovely, so good, and his own son! How can he handle him!

No, it's not even that. It can't be used as a threat!

"I don't care whether he is my own son or not. I only care about you. If you are good with me, you can do anything you want. If you want me to give him all the best, I will give it. If you want David to live well, I will let him live. It all depends on you." The jade Hansheng is hard, but it can't be all hard.

Also need appropriate soft.

In short, as long as she stays with him, it's OK.

Otherwise, it's all out of the question!

There are many kinds of love in the world. Some love is that if you are safe with me, it will be sunny. Some love is that your happiness can only be given by me. If it is not me, it will be destroyed together.

It's your misfortune and good fortune to meet the latter.

It depends on whether you like him or not. If you like deep love and can live with him forever, it's lucky. If you don't like and don't want to be with him, it's the biggest misfortune.

Yu Hansheng said so directly, Ouyang Xiaoxiao understood naturally.

She was silent after the meeting. "Well, you let David go."

Just because she fights with Yu Hansheng, there is no chance to win. Only when David is released, can she leave Yu Hansheng.

"Let me let him go. What terms do you exchange?"

"Don't you say that as long as I stay with you and want you to be what you are?" Ouyang Xiaoxiao raises eyebrows.

"That's when you really stay with me, not when you want me to let David go first. You can escape me by him." What a smart person Yu Hansheng is, he can naturally see through Ouyang Xiaoxiao's mind.