Bo family, a hundred day feast

The children of one hundred days have developed a lot compared with the children of one month. They have entered the first peak period of beauty value in their lives. In addition, Bo Junyan and Mu Huan have high beauty values. The Bo family, born from the combination of their two advantages, is cute and lovely. The beautiful people love each other and the flowers bloom when they see each other. Especially those eyes, which are seen by the elves, can't help but show their hearts to him, just ask him to look at himself more One eye.

He lovable let Bo Junyan this originally because is a son and unhappy person, now, hugs the son not to be willing to put down.

However, there were too few times for him to hold the baby. Every day, the child was occupied by his parents. It was not easy for his son to come back to him and muhuan. Muhuan couldn't let go of it. He couldn't rob his wife.

All the dragon family came to attend the lovely 100 day banquet of Bo family.

"Look, brother, isn't that Yuqi?" The second dragon family bumped into his eldest brother.

Long Feilei hears Huo Yuqi instinctively look up and see the past. Then, Huo Yuqi comes to them with Qi Rui's arm. His eyes are dark.

The second brother of the dragon family said, "I heard that they are engaged. Although the Qi family is not as good as ours, it is also a big family. Qi Ruiren is very handsome and professional, and his age matches Yuqi. They are the best match."

Long Feilei's hand, quickly clenched.

A year ago, Huo Yuqi said he would give up, he didn't believe it, because Huo Yuqi only pestered him from small to large, and she didn't know how many times she said to give up him.

But in the end, she came to haunt him.

So, he doesn't believe it.

And now, he believes.

Because she had never kept out of touch, avoided him for such a long time, and had never been so intimate with other men, frequent public access, let alone engagement.

She really is.

I really gave up on him.

This is what he always wanted, but now, fully realized, she really gave up him, but he did not have a trace of happiness, even

I feel empty in my heart, as if everything is no longer important.

"Yo, brother, what's your expression like?" The dragon's second picked up his eyebrows? Is it hard? "

Long Fei and Lei don't speak.

"I regret that it's too late to suffer. Now they find someone who is young, handsome and in tune with each other. I can't see you as an old man."

Long Feilei, "...!"

Long Fei, Ting Han, "are you brother's brother?"

"Of course, if I had not, I would have killed me." The Dragon second smiled.

Dragon flies thunder to nod, "this pour also is."

Later, he looked at long Feilei, "brother, if you regret it in your heart, I think you have a chance now. With Huo Yuqi's obsession for you, even if she doesn't like you as much as before, she should still have you in her heart. Now you have a chance to save it!"

"Don't be too late, or it will be miserable! Look at me. Look at how miserable I am now. " Long FeiTing said and looked at muhuan. The whole heart hurt.

I can't let go of what I can't get.

He is really

I can't think about it. It's a life in hell.

Now, he can only hope that time can cure his heartache and let him put it down completely one day.

Long Feilei still doesn't speak, because up to now, he hasn't figured out his heart and what he wants.

There's an update. It's a short time. It's almost over~