Chapter 1116

Although many readers have said that "where is the setting of a life moment when stepping on a horse?" "I have forgotten to turn off the setting of life moment since you have not mentioned it for such a long time." "Tama bat, I have forgotten all the settings for such a long time", but I believe that you are just arrogant.

As a very important link in the Dean system, life moment can be said to be related to SIVI's own life - once exhausted, he will die immediately.

This life-related pressure was also the biggest source of motivation for Seaver's efforts to build up Aldrich college in the first place.

However, as Aldrich college gradually got on the right track, Sylvie's strength also increased, especially after he crossed the limit of the great mage. After stepping into the legend, those fighting copies in the academy system were as simple as eating and drinking water for SIVI, and he could easily win and seize almost all his life.

After that, he didn't care much about the copy.

For one thing, after he became a legend, he even tried to create the world. His ultimate power and power were easy to make people lose. Even SIVI was also affected to a certain extent. Naturally, the college system, which was like a mountain on his mind, was naturally despised by him subconsciously. It was only when he discovered himself in other parallel worlds that he realized the academic system again It's not as simple as he thinks; secondly, he simply has no time. Because of various reasons, Sylvie has been busy running around dealing with all kinds of affairs related to the college, and by the way, saving the world. After all, his free time may not even last a week. Naturally, he has no leisure time to study the replica system.

Although the word "almost" means that there are still two or three copies that have been lit up, but to be honest, SIVI doesn't want to touch those copies at all

Unlike other instances that can be swept away by force alone, the remaining copies are hardly combat related.

One copy, for example, is to make a group of girls from a slum the number one geisha group in the world as a broker (or turtle Lord) without using magic.

It is said that half of the girls' hometown, that is, the slum, was destroyed by natural disasters. If they want to rebuild, they need a lot of money. In order to save their hometown, the girls stand up and decide to become idols Oh, no, it's geisha!

This copy Seaver tried several times when he was a great magician. The result was either that he was rubbed on the ground by a more powerful geisha group, or he was so angry that he put those annoying black thumbs (members of underground gangs, whose main business is collecting protection fees and selling hearsay) to make those annoying black thumbs parallel with prostitutes and public knowledge Can or some other wonderful mince

After all, as the dean of the college, SIVI, who has always been a short protector, can't calm down when he sees that the girls in his geisha group have been wronged. He basically adopts the mode of "not killing you, I don't have an idea". Once the class uses magic, the copy is a failure Although, in a sense, it makes sense for Sylvie to get rid of all the annoying guys before throwing him out of the copy. Otherwise, if you throw Sylvie out in the event of a failure, he will probably suffer from internal injuries.

All in all, all those attempts made Seaver feel like a piece of shit, and he finally gave up the copy.

There are still many copies of this kind, and the method of customs clearance seems not to be absent. However, it needs Seaver to be constantly abused by those copies. Maybe he can find out the flaws and break them. So SIVI collectively refer to them as feeding dung copies. After realizing that he is not shaking M, he refuses to touch these copies.

Only in the case that the new copy is not lit up, now he can choose only these dung feeding copies.

In fact, the lighting conditions of many new copies have been met, but they are still not lit.

Sylvie thinks that the new copies may not be opened until the system enters the second stage. However, it's still a mystery how to be recognized as the world's No.1 magic academy by the system. The system itself has no hint, so SIVI has no good way at present.

Back in the room, Sylvie opens the system page again, looking for something more acceptable in the dung feed copy.

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, he once again entered the world with the copy of weightlessness.

Unlike some single task copies, this replica world has a task chain. Only when all the task chains are completed can the replica be considered as a strategy.

For example, when entering this instance, SIVI receives the first task.

"Mission 1: please help merchants kill bandits and protect them from going to town without using magic. "

at the same time, the common scene also appeared before SIVI's eyes.

Some tough looking goblin are holding steel knives and yelling around a human girl with a package on her back.

Next to it is a very common wooden van.When he entered the dung feeding copy for the first time, SIVI was devastated. At that time, he directly took out a blue magic sword, swung the sword and slashed blindly. He easily knocked down the seemingly vicious goblin. As a result, the direct mission failed and he was kicked out of the copy.

At that time, he thought that he might have moved too fast and missed some clues, so after entering the copy for the second time, he cautiously chopped several goblins, but he was knocked down by a kidney of a human girl behind him

It wasn't until then that Sylvie suddenly realized that he was trapped.

The mission says "businessmen," but there is only one girl. In other words, goblin is a businessman, and the human girl is a bandit Although it's incredible, in the fantasy world, a person's strength has nothing to do with TA's gender, appearance and age. It's impossible that an old man in slippers is a great master of fire department who has been single for a hundred years and can destroy the heaven and the earth?

Besides, it was not only the first task. The next several tasks of this damned copy were extremely tricky. After being kicked out by the system for various reasons and postures, he wasted more than 30 copies of the chance. Then, SIVI was furious and threw it into the dung feeding copy and never touched it again , the fastest update of the webnovel!