Azren came out of his room in a foul mood. Following closely behind him was the crazy demon, Gizach.

Was there a word worse than crazy? Gizach was insane, nuts, and a total lunatic!

The red-haired demon was indeed dangerous, and his warning earlier did make his body shiver, but Azren still needed his help to detect the angels' presence around Michy. That was why he steeled his heart to become an ally with the nasty demon.

Even though he wasn't comfortable around the red-haired male, he still let the demon help him this one time. Perhaps he just needed to forget Gizach's warning for now. He just needed to avoid Gizach in the future, right? Gizach wouldn't hunt him like a predator would for its prey, would he?

Perhaps Azren forgot that Gizach had known where he lived now. The demon could visit him anytime he wanted to take his virginity away.

Azren brought his gaze around the house to find Michy, but he didn't find the young idol anywhere.

"Maybe he is in his room," he whispered to Gizach, who was standing by his side.

"Just go to his room then. I don't have much time left. I need to do my other jobs after this."

The blonde simply nodded his head before leading the demon to go upstairs. Even though Felice had warned him not to enter the idol's room, he knew that it was fine if he just knocked on the idol's door and waited for the idol to open the door.

He had done it earlier when he informed the idol that he was about to go buy some groceries, and he was still alive until now.

They finally reached Michy's door, and Azren glanced at the red-haired demon before raising his hand to knock on the door. Michy wouldn't be able to see Gizach, so everything would be fine as long as he could act calmly in front of the human.

Not long after, the idol opened his door from the inside, and he glared at the green-eyed demon right away.

"What do you want?" He asked in a cold tone.

Azren tried so hard not to glance at Gizach, but he believed that the red-eyed demon was observing Michy now.

"I will go outside again. You don't like vegetables, right? Then I'll buy some meat and fish for you. You're not allergic to seafood, are you?"

Azren tried to act as naturally as possible even if he was nervous.

Michy looked up at the taller man while frowning. "I don't have any problem with seafood," he replied nonchalantly. "Wait here a moment. I'll get my wallet first."

The door was closed once again, and Azren blinked in confusion. He thought that the young idol wouldn't give him money because he had made a mistake before, but he was wrong.

'Michy is not that bad, I guess?' he concluded inwardly.

"I didn't sense any angels' presence around him."

He was a bit startled when he heard a voice coming from his side. He turned his head and found Gizach frowning at the door.

"Are you sure?" The blonde whispered as a response.

"Yes," replied Gizach. "He wasn't guarded by any angels, and I didn't find any traces of angels on his body either."

Azren was about to respond, but then the door was opened again from the inside, and the blonde turned his head to leave Gizach again. He had to swallow his question now.

"Here's the money," Michy said as he handed the money to the blonde demon.

Azren accepted the money, but he then frowned when he realized that the money wasn't the only thing handed over by the human. He noticed a few sheets of tissue on top of the money.

He quickly brought his gaze up again to look at the pair of blue eyes. "Why did you give me tissues as well?"

Michy's flat gaze remained on his green eyes before descending to the lower half of his face.

"Your lips are bleeding. I don't know what were you doing with them, but that's disgusting."

Those were the last words he heard from Michy before the silver-haired idol slammed the door shut right in his face. Azren could feel his heart jump at the loud noise.

"Now I can understand why his evil meter is still low."

He could hear another voice, but it didn't belong to the young idol. He turned his head to his side again and found Gizach's solemn expression. That expression puzzled him.

"That human still has a good heart, and probably his kindness is even bigger than his evilness. That's why his evil meter is still low."

Azren was confused, but he knew that it wasn't safe to gossip about the human in front of the human's lair. That was why he signaled for Gizach to leave the boy's door.

They were walking down the stairs when Azren responded, "You think he still has a good heart just because he gave me a few sheets of tissue?"

"Yes," replied the red-haired demon. "He should have ignored your wound, but he chose to give you a tissue. It proves that he isn't evil enough. Even if I didn't feel the presence of an angel before, you still have to work hard on him."

Azren grimaced as they reached the first floor again. His human brain told him that Michy was a 'tsundere,' but he needed to learn more about the boy to be sure. In addition, Felice had told him about Michy's dual personality, and probably that was also the case. He needed to find out about it soon so he could decide what he should do.

"Your target is not bad, though."

Azren could hear Gizach spoke again, and he looked up at the red-eyed demon. "What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.

Instead of immediately answering his question, Gizach just grinned widely at him. That weird gesture made him frown, and he sensed a bad thing again this time.

"Your target is so cute and looks tasty. Will you mind if I have sex with him in the future?"

Azren widened his eyes. Gizach was totally out of mind!