"How is Xiaonian now?" Su Luo faintly smiles and doesn't care.

"I always wake up from sleep. I've been better in the last two days." Speaking of this, Mrs. Zhao's face showed a smile, as if relieved, "Wei Xihua is looking for you to say love?"

There's nothing to hide. Sully nodded.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Su Luo with a touch of magic. She felt that this beautiful girl was frank, honest, kind and upright

It's just that I asked and answered without a trace of concealment.

Mrs. Zhao seldom meets such a person with such a good temper. The more she looks at Su Luo, the more she likes it.

As the No. 1 lady of Mayer City, Mrs. Zhao has the dignity of a superior person, but that is for the people below. When facing Su Luo, Mrs. Zhao doesn't know why. She just thinks that Su Luo is very attractive to her.

Mrs. Zhao has always been very generous to people who are angry with her, so she took the initiative to sell a favor to Su Luo: "since Wei Xihua has asked for you, you can come out and be a good man. You tell him that if you want someone, Zhao's house will send people to Shenglong in ten days."

In other words, Mrs. Zhao decided to let Gu Xinyang go, and she gave the favor to Su Luo.

The favor of the city Lord's son is hard to get, but Su Luo doesn't think so. Her look is still so calm and calm: "Madam Zhao will send someone to tell him about it. I won't go here."

Seeing Su Luo's refusal, Mrs. Zhao's affection for Su Luo was even more slowly rising. The more she saw Su Luo, the more she liked it, she said with a smile: "I heard that you are going to Imperial College. You know, this ancient family is in the imperial capital, but there are backers. If you sell Wei Xihua, you will benefit a lot when you get to the imperial capital."

Su Luo looked at Mrs. Zhao with a smile: "the ancient family, one of the four super families, is an affiliated family of the cold family? It was about him

So, after knowing Wei Xihua's background, the girl still looks light, don't you think so? Didn't she know how difficult it would be if there was no relationship in the imperial capital?

No, she should know, but even if she knew, she still chose so. Mrs. Zhao looked up to Su Luo three points.

Then, she was in a dilemma: "in this way, I know what to take to thank you. Ah, this Amethyst, my family is more, it is too insulting, other things, and Why don't you come with me to the treasure house and take whatever you want? "

This Mrs. Zhao is also a man of disposition. If she likes Su Luo, she would like to let Su Luo choose a satisfactory one.

If the rest of the ladies in the city of Mayer saw such a lady Zhao, they would all be astonished. Their chin would be piled on the ground into a hillside.

You know, this lady Zhao is famous for her noble, aloof and arrogant in Mayer city It seems that the people in the world have not entered her eyes, but now, she is as warm as seeing her old friend.

Su Luo faint smile: "other pour do not need, Amethyst also do not insult people, if Mrs. Zhao must thank, with Amethyst is not bad."

This Amethyst, Su Luo is to earn fast, spend fast, the speed of earning completely can't keep up with the speed of consumption.

If Mrs. Zhao doesn't feel comfortable with human feelings, she will give it to Amethyst. It's more convenient.

If someone else said this, Mrs. Zhao would certainly drive people out and scold them for being rude.

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