Because it's a dangerous journey. When you get to the cloud, it will only become more dangerous.

At the moment, in the flight cabin, the man in black is trying to crack the code.

Can't solve Can't solve Can't solve

Fortunately, the flying brain has been set in advance, otherwise, no one will control the ship, and I don't know where it will fly.

Black robed man used to boast about it, but now as time goes by, he can't solve the code at all. He's going crazy.

However, Yan Fei was more anxious than he was. Every half an hour he would ask carefully, "Lord Black You Have you untied it? "

Black robe is so popular that I almost want to kick Yan Fei!

What? Can't he look with his eyes? If it is, will he still sweat hard here?

One day, two days It's almost the third day

Yan Fei was crying.

If he had known this, he would not have offended Su Luo. What should he do now?

In his tone, he took a bit of anxiety: "Lord Black, can you do it or not? You have to say something."

"Do you want to die?" The black robed man had a bad temper. These days, he had exhausted all his patience. He slapped Yan Fei's head in anger!


The captain of the spaceship was photographed and hit the cabin wall.

Fortunately, the whole cabin is reinforced by Su Luo, so there is no trace of collision.

However, Yan Fei still spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You Damn it There was a look of regret in captain Yan's heart.

If he didn't fight for captain with sullow Will it be much better?

But now that we have come to this point, there is no turning back.

The movement here attracted the attention of yuan.

"Not yet solved?" Adults yuan came to the cockpit and frowned slightly when he saw the scene in front of him.

The black robed man had to admit that It's too hard. "

"Didn't you say it was easy? Can you answer it at will? " Yuan adult that pair of bloodthirsty cold eyes staring at the black robed man, "the result now you tell me, can't do?"

"This flying brain doesn't know which Alchemist is responsible for. On the surface, it looks simple and crude, but the more research it is, the more complicated and mysterious it is. In my opinion --"

the man in black pauses and says with difficulty: "there are only two ways to open the code."

"What method?"

"One is to ask Su Luo; the other is to find the producer of this flying brain." The man in Black said solemnly.

Yan Fei listens, the heart immediately clutters for a while, then can't cry or laugh.

Yuan turned and asked Yan Fei, "who is the producer of the flying brain? But on the ship? "

In fact, Mr. Yuan asked with an impossible attitude. In fact, how could the producer of flying brain be on the spaceship?

Yan Fei nodded: "yes, not in."

He knew that flying brain was made by Su Luo, but he could not let adult yuan know. If Lord yuan knew about it, Yan Fei would be directly abandoned, and he would not let himself be in such a situation.

Yuan adult nodded: "then only ask Su Luo this road."

"I'll beg her..." Lord Yan staggered to his feet.

Anyway, his face is no longer valuable. If he goes to ask Su Luo, he will be ridiculed and despised. , the fastest update of the webnovel!