The south gate is quiet and the water is good. After getting into the water, the sea is wide. The people around the city Lord's wife can't catch up with her!

Nanmen Jingshu is very angry!

She has never been humiliated like this in her life! And I've been seen by so many people!

If she knows, through the big screen, there are more big men outside to see She's really going to break down.

Nanmen Jingshu in the initial anger, quickly recovered calm.

Fortunately, people outside don't know what happened in Xiaoluo's secret place.

Fortunately, the people in Yiren hall don't know what happened to her tonight.

Fortunately, she ran fast and was not bound by the city Lord's wife.

Now what she wants to do is to slip back to Yiren hall quietly and assume that nothing has happened.

Jingshu of the South Gate climbed up from the lake and found a family with clothes hanging. She stealthily changed her clothes and went back to Yiren hall.

When she changed her clothes, she was very upset.

All the clothes she had taken off were still in that room. It was evidence that the clothes fell into the hands of the city Lord's wife Think about all feel scalp numbness, regardless, go back first!

Su Luo sleep is very shallow, so when Nanmen Jingshu comes back, she immediately opens her eyes.

Soon came the sound of Nanmen Jingshu and Longwei.

However, Su Luo was not interested in her affairs, so she quickly went to sleep.

The next day.

Just before the dawn of the day, there was a thumping sound in the hall, but it was QingHan who ordered everyone to wake up.

All the people gathered in the hall, others are good, only the South Gate Jing Shu face pale as paper.

QingHan frowned: "are you ok?"

South Gate quiet Shu cold hum a: "can't die! You don't have to care! "

If not guilty, Nanmen Jingshu would not get up for a meeting.

QingHan looked at Nanmen Jingshu, her eyes grew tighter and frowned. How could Nanmen Jingshu look more like a spoiled little girl, arrogant and willful?

On the contrary, Yun princess, who is regarded as arrogant and willful by all people, is rational, calm and atmospheric.

QingHan's eyes stare at the South Gate Jingshu: "I don't say much about the rest of the words. I only ask you, the key of the city Lord's house, do you want to continue or give up?"

The south gate static Shu again thick face, mentions this matter, her complexion still can't help rising red.

"What's the matter?" QingHan always feels that Nanmen Jingshu has something to hide from everyone.

"It's OK!" The South Gate Jing Shu is angry, "this matter you decide good, don't ask me again!"

Said, the south gate static Shu turns to walk!

QingHan immediately became angry: "what's wrong with you, Nanmen Jingshu?"? The key of the city Lord's mansion is related to the task of all of us. What do you mean by not doing it like this? It's time for you to be self willed?! People trust you so much. How about you? I won't give a little effort! "

For the present QingHan, he is a man who can do things, not a conceited little princess with a bad temper!

I'm not willing to pay any effort?! The south gate static Shu nearly gas burst, she turned, that pair of cold eyes like a knife shot at the green cold!

But She couldn't say a word about last night!

Therefore, the south gate static Shu eye knife flies to the green cold, turns around, the breath exhales leaves!

"What's wrong with the quiet south gate? How can she be qualified as the head of a team like this? " QingHan frown coldly, he waved his hand and swept away the boredom in his heart, and then asked Su Luo: "what do you think?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!