Chapter 42 - going shopping

Mo Shira: you two over there, he said pointing at them, with Yue Ling by his side....

both: yes... sir, they answered at the same time, while they were sweating Heavily and shaking as well,

Mo Shira: it seems to me that you both are done with your work in this company, kindly go and submit your resignation letters, and for the rest of you I won't tolerate anyone insulting Yue Ling understood?

everyone: yes sir...

when he was done, he stormed out of the office without giving those two a chance to apologize...

Yue Ling ran after him,

Yue Ling: you should have not sacked them, they weren't wrong in anyway right,

Mo Shira then opened the car and entered living her to stand outside but she entered anyway,

Yue Ling: I know it was not right for them to talk about those things in the office, but they weren't wrong, you see, I have always been causing trouble here in the company, I might even be the reason you transferred Jessica, and besides we're both having s.e.x aren't we??

Mo Shira: don't let me call you a fool, didn't you hear them calling you a dirty name I can't stand it, I felt like killing them right there and then, you should be happy I didn't ,

Yue Ling: but...

Mo Shira: no buts, just keep quiet, he said before pulling her closed to himself and kissed her forehead,

Mo Shira: just know that I love you, and I'm here for you okay.

on Saturday is our company's anniversary, and also our engagement, lets go get lunch then from there, we'll go to a good shopping mall to get the perfect dress for you okay,

Yue Ling: okay.


when they were done with their lunch, they went to a big shopping complex, where they'll get everything they needed, including rings.

Mo Shira made her try on every beautiful dress that caught his attention, and to his surprise they all fit her perfectly,

Yue Ling: I tried them all now, which one fits me the most, she asked feeling tired, all the food she ate before coming here have been drained out of her, she is really exhausted,

Mo Shira: hmm... the pink, no the orange, oh I think the pitch fits you more, and the purple its really nice, even the blue dress is really unique I like it, but I think we'll go for the red dress, no no almost forget even that lemon fits you well,

Yue Ling: "..." what Mo Shira, which one do I take I think I like the black colour better, it really looks m.a.t.u.r.e,

Mo Shira: no it's too m.a.t.u.r.e to my taste,

Yue Ling: I also like this yellow its really Beautiful, like a princess gown,

Mo Shira: no no, it's too plain,

Yue Ling: yes now I get it, I think we should settle for this white it's like an Angel's gown, what do you think?

Mo Shira: it's not even the wedding yet, and you want to put on white, then what colour will you put on then??

and now even the sales girls showing them the clothes got really tired and exhausted but could not even cry out, as Mo Shira didn't give them any room for arguments as their boss is his sister Mo Lin, while others were laughing at the two people arguing like children.

but at that moment Mo Lin came, she was out before and just came back a little while ago,

Mo Lin: what's going on here Ling,

Yue Ling: oh thank God you are here, we've been arguing on the clothe to pick on the engagement party,

Mo Lin: you see, well my brother is never satisfied about a design, he always seems to have one problem with every design, you know what, I'll suggest you take all the ones you've been trying on, I have no better answer...

Mo Shira: exactly that's exactly what we'll do,

Yue Ling: of course no, it's too much, when will I wear all of them, and besides the prize tags on them has a lot of zeros on them.

Mo Shira: ha ha ha, Yue Ling, you haven't seen anything, please park up everything...

Mo Lin: okay you guys should follow me I have personally ordered for your rings to be made and they've arrived, it's one of a kind, no one in this world have that type of rings you see, its made specifically for the both of you, she said, as they were walking towards the ring section,

it has a very simple design just as Yue Ling wanted it, it's stone is really bright pure diamond stone that is carved to form the first letter of their names ;L&S on it.

Mo Shira is to wear the one having the L and Yue Ling is to wear the one carrying the S.

they both loved the ring,

Mo Shira: little sist you've done a great job, I owe you one

Mo Lin: you always owe me one.

that was it they then went to the next section, shoes, then jewels and so on,

they got home really late, it was already pass 11, Yue Ling was really tired and she couldn't make anything for dinner, so they had to order for some food and once they were done with the meal, they took a bath together and Mo Shira didn't do anything stupid and then they both lie down together cuddling each other under the sheets before sleep took them off.

the next day they couldn't go to the office, firstly because of tiredness and secondly because Mo Shira's private fashion designer came home with suites of different types and colour,

you know Mo Shira selected selected and selected before settling down on a pitch colour suits and that too after so many arguments between him and Yue Ling, who was busy blaming herself for staying behind, she could have just gone to the office alone.

it sounded fun to Yue Ling as its been long she watched film outside her house, the last time she went to some cinema was with Jiang yanran and Qin Yang, and to tell you the truth is the film was boring, she is only hoping that today's own wouldn't be boring.


when they got there, the place was not filled with too much persons, so he decided to just pay for a full hall, so they both will enjoy themselves alone.

Yue Ling looked at the movie they were about to watch in the board outside, and found out it was a romantic movie,

but by the time she entered the hall it was empty, it was just the two of them there, the person outside told her that the place Was fully booked then what happened??

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