Chapter 55 - What is Harry up to?

Yue Ling also looked at Mo Shira who was staring sharp daggers at her, she swallowed her saliver, and then coughed really hard, as the saliver went through the wrong hole, but Mo Shira didn't budge at all, looking at her like she wasn't even there, but then Harry handed her a glass of water and she took it without even looking at who gave her the water to drink, it was only when she was done did she see that it was Harry, and then look at Mo Shira's face which was as dark as a pot.

while they were all eating, although Mo Shira is not happy about the fact that Harry was getting all of Yue Ling's attention he still manage to ask some questions...

"So how come I haven't heard about you before from them Mr Harry?" he asked while sipping from his coffee.

"well it is because I have been away for three years now, and I just got back" Harry replied.

"oh I see, if you'll excuse us, we'll be heading to our cabin" Mo Shira said before taking Yue Ling with him and living, but then he noticed that Harry was still staring at her and he doesn't understand what was going on, and even Yue Ling seems to be oblivious of his stares.

"Although I trust the words of my Ling, but this guy is a little too suspicious to my liking and why does he keep staring at my wife like that, why his girlfriend is sitting with him, I'll definitely get to the bottom of this" Mo Shira said to himself while they were still on their way to their room, unknown to him that someone else was also having the same thought as him.

Sheilah was also observing Harry as he kept staring at Yue Ling, but Mo Jihnu and Jiang yanran are to oblivious to what was going on around them as they were both in deep thought.

Harry who was still staring at Yue Ling came to realize that someone was also staring at him, so he turned to the direction of where the gaze was coming from only for him to meet eyes with Sheilah who at of embarrassment of getting caught quickly drop her head down to sip her coffee, but of course Harry already understand what was going on in her mind, and is going to sought it out later, but meanwhile he didn't show any reaction at all, like she didn't see him staring at Yue Ling a while ago.

Once he was done thinking about God knows what, Mo Jihnu decided to live the table as Harry's present was really pissing him off, and Sheilah followed behind him living Jiang yanran and her boyfriend alone at the table.

"my love, I think we should go now, I'll show you some stuff I bought for you " Harry said as he squeeze her hand a little bit and smiled widely at her, and then she nodded before living with him.

still in thought, Jiang yanran thought that if it were to be four years ago when Harry would call her intimately like now, her heart will start beating fast and she will feel butterflies in her stomach, but she doesn't know why that doesn't seem to be the case now, as she didn't even feel anything of that sought now, and she also doesn't know why Mo Jihnu keep entering her thoughts, she doesn't know for sure but she felt that Mo Jihnu was not fine seeing her and Harry today,

She doesn't know why she is not happy that he wasn't happy, so she thought of going to see him later and talk to him, she has decided to forgive him for what he did to Yue Ling in the past, and is hoping that they could be friends at least. It doesn't sit well with her anymore that they keep quarrelling anytime they see each other.

meanwhile in one of the First Class cabin, Mo Shira entered into their room, but refused to talk to Yue Ling, he is still angry seeing her talking and laughing with another man in front of him,

Yue Ling knew that coming inside with Mo Shira wasn't a good idea but she can't run away from her husband she has to face him one way or the other.

she is thinking of a way to make Mo Shira stop being angry at her, but she couldn't come up with an idea, but then Mo Shira walked passed her straight inside the bathroom and locked it from inside

Yue Ling wanted to go meet him inside the bathroom so they could at least bath together, but unfortunately, the door is locked so she decided to wait for him to come out.

she waited for 30mins before the devil finally came out wearing only a towel.

Mo Shira knew exactly what was going on in her mind but since he was still angry or should I say pretending to be angry at her he decided to play hard to get, at least for today or he might end up getting played as he can feel himself getting really hard on, so he quickly put on a white shirt on black shorts and went to the sitting room to watch TV ????

Yue Ling who was still day dreaming about her husband whose body she has seen on countless bases came back to her senses when she felt no presence of the devil, by then her cheek is flushed and is as red as a tomato.

she looked around for him only to find him Watching TV in the sitting room, she went closed to him and sat beside him, but he pretended not to have noticed her, so she stood up went to the front of the TV thereby blocking his view, she decided to do some romantic and funny movements, but still he didn't even budge, so she decided to dance seductively for him only to end up twisting her ankle and then she fell down and shouted in pain.

Mo Shira after seeing Yue Ling fall down and and crying in pain quickly got to help her

"don't touch me it's all your fault" Yue Ling said still whimpering,

"I'm sorry baby it won't happen again"

"just don't worry since you don't wanna notice me I won't talk to you too Ahh!" she screamed in pain again

Mo Shira didn't have a choice but to carry her inside the bedroom although she was still trying to resist him, he is man after so he succeedely carried her into their room, put her on the bed and got an ointment to rub her leg,

once she has calmed down a bit Mo shira started talking to her,

"you know you can't dance why did you dance"

"I'm sorry but I did it for you"

"you always do things I ask you not to do, for example I told you not to laugh and smile with other boys yet you did otherwise, and then now you went to dance even though you know you can't dance"

"I'm sorry my love please forgive me ".

"hmm, if not for the fact that you twisted your ankle I would have given you a befitting punishment, you should be thanking God instead, I'll get a doctor for you "

"no don't worry I'm fine now, I didn't break my leg it is only a small injury, I only want you beside me now "


so Mo Shira got in the bed with her and slept beside her.

A/N: next chapter is four hours from now..

thank you.