Chapter 62 - Harry's true colors 4

"certainly you don't, I already know whom you worked for and that you've already sent the doc.u.ments to them but I have other plans for you" he said standing up and walked closer to me.

"I want you to work for me, as I'm seeing you, you are one of kind, and besides I'll fulfill your every wish of becoming rich if you work for me. "he said smirking at me.

I looked at my mom who was looking at me like she was shocked but later told me not to work for him, she doesn't want me to do illegal jobs and I understand no mother would want that for their children.

I looked back at Harry who was still smirking at me,

"you are a very rich man, you can get anyone to do your work, why does it have to be me?"

"because it has to be you, and don't think too highly of yourself thinking that you are the only one who can do this job, you are only doing it to pay for the properties you took from me okay. "

"and if I refuse to comply? "

"then you and your family are welcomed to be slave here forever, there is no way I'll let you guys live this place alive, and hmm as for your little sister she looks soft, innocent and beautiful if I sell her to those in slave trading I'll definitely gain alot of money from her, and your mom, she'll make a really good house helper, and you dear Anxia you will definitely make a good companion in bed, surely you'll love to warm my bed every night "he said giving me a warning look.

"so if I should agree you'll free my mom and sister? "

"of course not but I'll surely take good care of them, I will make sure the maids of the house give your mother everything she needs, they both can walk around the mansion and can even go outside to the garden but they can't step outside this environment.

I will hire a good professional teacher to give your sister good tuition at home and make sure she has everything she needs including clothes books everything she needs,

she and your mom can pick out any room they will like to stay in, they are free to do whatever they like, but if any of them makes the mistake of telling on me then I'll make sure to kill you guys at the spot.

so what do you say dear? "

"I'll do it"i said after giving it much thought I really don't have a choice.

"so from now onwards you wouldn't use the name Lin Anxia anymore, you'll b.a.r.e Sheilah from now, it will be your working name.

and that was it, I started doing illegal works for Harry, I could live the house on my own free will but I couldn't report the case to the police Harry can do anything to my family I was completely helpless.

I was staying in the room close to Harry's, and anytime he feels honey he comes to me to relieve him of his stress by giving him blowjob, and whenever he is angry he'll **** me to vent his anger even though I'm not the one who got him angry, although he did what he said about letting my mom and sister enjoy, he also employed a good home teacher for Jane, but we weren't happy, our freedom was lost.

although I had free movements I only have to go out as per his instructions and if I don't come home before he does I'll be his scapegoat for the day.

after explaining everything she went through in the hands of Harry and the major reason they came to China Mo Shira and Yue Ling were almost out of breath,

"there is also one more thing, the woman that Harry claims to love is also In this ship and the person has also known him for many years, and in fact from what I heard the woman is already married to another man.

"do you know about anyone that could probably be the woman after all you've also known him for sometime now? " Mo Shira asked Yue Ling trying to get some information about that person .

"as far as I know Shira it has always been me, Yanran, Qin Yang and Harry who hang out together I've never seen him with any other woman. "

"mm, this is really strange "Mo Shira said.

"you guys have to help me, I'm not even concerned about myself now, I'm concerned about my family please help me" she pleaded.

Yue Ling couldn't help it anymore and hug Sheilah, the things she went through was just similar to what she went through in the hands of her family, although Sheilah met with this situation due to her selfishness and greed for money but she stood on her ground and endured everything for the sake of her family that shows how much she loves her family.

"don't worry we'll find a solution to this, after all this vacation will be ending two days from now we'll have to take things slowly so that Harry wouldn't harm anyone here. "Mo Shira said trying to calm the two women down.

"please I'll like you to also talk to Mo Jihnu about this, he doesn't know how dangerous Harry is he might take drastic steps to win over Jiang Yanran. "

another bomb was dropped upon them again,.

"you mean to say Mo Jihnu is in love with Yanran, but they always fight how...? " before Yue Ling could finish her statement Sheilah cut her off.

"not only does Mo Jihnu love Jiang Yanran I'm also certain that she also loves him, but isn't willing to be with him because of Harry's present ".

now that they know all these they have to find out a way to make Harry pay for what he has done, and to also find out the about the major person Harry is in love with.

"Sheilah don't worry about anything just go to bed now, I promise I'll help you and your family okay"Mo Shira reassure her before letting her go back to her cabin.

"I'm really worried about Yanran now"

"you don't have to worry I'll definitely try my best and tomorrow we'll both talk to Mo Jihnu about this okay, come on let's go and sleep.


Meanwhile in Mo Jihnu's cabin he was sitting on his bed reading about the file that mark sent to him,

from what he has read so far Jiang Yanran's parents left a very huge amount of property and money in her name and could only take them when she is married, and according to everything he found out that Harry isn't that interested in Jiang Yanran at all, so it must only mean that he came back for the money, and Jiang Yanran isn't even aware of that fact and she is busy denying her love for him even after that intense love making they had.

sent a thank you message to Mark and made it to the door of Jiang Yanran.

once he knocked she opened the door and let him come in without even complaining, she even look like someone who is not fine, her face is pale and her face is flush .

Mo Jihnu wanted to explain things to Jiang Yanran but seeing her condition he couldn't.

he put the back of his palm on her head to feel it and saw that she is burning from fever so he immediately close and locked the door, carried her bridal style and place her on the bed before finally fetching out medicines for her to take, after taking the medicine he went inside the bathroom and brought back wet towel with him before finally placing it on her forehead instinctively, he change the cloth a couple of times before her paled face came back to life.

once he was sure she doesn't have a fever anymore he entered the bed with her and pulled her to himself wrapping his hands around her so she'll feel warm.