"Yes After a military salute, Chen Gongpeng turned and left the room, then surrounded the 21st floor of the hotel with 43 members of the Snow Wolf Commando team.

At the same time, Prince William, who had not made clear the situation outside the door, changed his attitude towards Mo Wen, a mysterious Chinese.

As Mo Wen expected, the Prince William sent the imperial seal of China, which he got from his high price auction, to Mo Wen, which shocked many people.

And don't ask to Prince William's action, and no other people so unexpected, and he also very impolitely under the seal.

According to Mo Wen, this thing belongs to China. No matter what way he gets it, it is far more aboveboard than the robbers who once plundered the treasure of China.

Under the contact of Mo Wen, accompanied by Chinese embassy officials, the two national treasures of the zodiac rat head bronze head and jade dragon seal were loaded on the plane to fly to China through the regular channels of the government of Liberia.

Everything went as expected and nothing special happened.

But in a room on the 21st floor of the hotel, that's not the case.

The door of room 2177 suddenly "bang" a dull tremor, immediately scattered to pieces.

The fragments of countless gates, like shrapnel after shrapnel, scattered and fell everywhere. Prince pules, Prince delbeihui and a disciple from the five poisons sect immediately stood up in horror, and a thought flashed in their heart at the same time: he is coming.

Then cold hands and feet even back a few steps, until the back against the wall, just a little bit of a snack.

The smoke at the door finally dissipated. A burly figure stood tall and straight at the door. Behind them were a row of soldiers dressed like special forces, all with a strange weapon in their hands. This kind of Qiang branch was specially made. The bullets not only had lethality, but also had a very special lethal component against dark creatures. These soldiers wore black hoods on their heads, One by one, standing tall and tidy at the door, motionless, with the leading burly men as the main body, a sharp knife shaped team. Yes, the leader is Chen Gongpeng.

At this time, Chen Gongpeng's eyes sparkled with anger. He held the strange weapon tightly in his hands and gave a low roar, saying: "the remaining evils of the five poisons cult, come here and kill me!" With that, he heavily stepped on the ground, and the whole room trembled uneasily.

"Who are you?" Del beihui frowned and looked at the soldier dressed Chen Gongpeng suspiciously.

Chen Gongpeng took off his mask and showed a sad expression. His eyes seemed to be able to emit fire. He stared at the three people in the room without blinking and gave a low roar. Showing a miserable look, he said: "two blood princes, a believer from the five poison sect of China, what are you plotting here? Do you want me to point out one by one? Don't tell me that you are negotiating business... Hum... What you have done, I know in my heart. Now, it's better not to make unnecessary sacrifice, otherwise, I will kill... You without hesitation... "

At the end of the conversation, Kyle Kreis, ishenberg and Lisa also appeared at the door of the room.

Pules Bailey and del beihui were shocked when they saw the appearance of Lisa. It seemed that they didn't expect that these people were the rescuers called by Lisa. Of course, the two princes had heard of a mysterious army affecting Leah - Snow Wolf commandos. The mystery and strength of this army made them tremble. At the same time, they were full of fear and doubt about Lisa.

But the five poisons cult around them didn't seem to have the fear of both of them. This guy raised his eyebrows and gave a cold hum. He looked at Chen Gongpeng with disdain and said: "what a arrogant old guy, the middle of Holy Land... In the end, it's still the leader of the ghost sect. Even the snow wolf commandos affected Leah can be transferred at will... It seems that I underestimate this guy... Hello, old guy, Don't ask? He's not so timid that he can't even show his face? "

Chen Gongpeng squinted at this guy and laughed madly.

After a long time, he said coldly, "who do you think you are? Mr. Mo won't come to see you. I'll tell you that you are in danger now. Don't imagine that the people of the five poisons cult will come to save you. In addition, the five poisons cult will be dug out from the ground sooner or later, and all of you disciples of the cult will face extermination. Hum, think about how you will end up! "

"You..." this guy naturally knows that he is not the opponent of these people, but he has a lot of backbone, and doesn't seem to admit defeat. He stares at Chen Gongpeng coldly, and roars like a wounded fierce beast, saying: "tell me, even if I die, let me know... What's the matter with you, What's the relationship? "

Chen Gongpeng straightened up and said proudly, "I can't tell you that Mr. Mo is the person I respect most. Anyone who dares to make Mr. Mo's idea will never come to a good end. Ha ha, I think you people are impatient."

With that, he turned his head and ordered: "take down these three guys. If you disobey, you will be killed."

It seems that the last three words, Chen Gongpeng's whole body showed a strong murderous atmosphere, so that the three guys in the room all trembled, felt waves of cold.

Pules and delbeihui finally realize that they have offended the wrong people. What is the reason? You know, this is the most terrifying force in Liberia. Fighting with them is like looking for death.

And Snow Wolf Commando is to listen to the order and spread to the royal family, want to send this force to the hotel, can be ordinary people?

Mo Wen's identity naturally became what they wanted to know and were most curious about. The two blood princes who knew something about the snow wolf commandos now had fear in their hearts. As dark creatures, the two blood princes were naturally afraid to fight against this mysterious and terrible force.

They have heard of the way Snow Wolf commandos pursue and kill. One is beheading, the other is being killed by random guns, and the other is extermination.

Among them, extermination is the so-called "Manchu chop" in China. That is to say, all the people who have relations with them are killed. At this time, pules and del beihui are standing there with cold hands and feet, completely losing the chance of resistance. The guy of the five poison sect is not afraid of tigers when he is just out of the woods, and he doesn't know the strength of the snow wolf commandos, He showed an unyielding smile and insulted Xing to all the people. He would rather die than be a traitor of the five poisons cult. Naturally, he would not bow to these people easily.

Chen Gongpeng saw that this guy was still so arrogant under such circumstances. With a "click", he raised the Qiang branch in his hand and shot the guy of the five poison sect in the head.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the gun rang out, and the followers of the five poisons sect dodged the shot. However, he did not expect that Chen Gongpeng's bullet, like a tracking missile, directly followed the direction he was avoiding. The speed was so fast that he could not avoid it at all.

"Chi!" With a slight sound, the bullet went through the guy's arm.

Just as the bullet penetrated the left arm of the five poison cult, something strange happened.

The bullet was like a fierce beast with a big mouth. It was biting this guy's body. It only saw the wound on its arm was instantly eaten by incense, and then it screamed: "ah... Poison in the bullet..."

Under such circumstances, even Lisa and ishenberg were surprised. What was in the gun?

It's said that the snow wolf commandos are mysterious and powerful, but no one thought that this gun had such great power that it would swallow the arm of a real man in an instant.

Compared with the two women, Kyle Kress was much calmer. He stood still, staring at the scene in front of him, and muttered to himself, "Yin Yang secret skill..."

Kyle Kress, who was once trapped in an eleven story underground castle, has learned the power of this thing. He has been trapped for so many years, that is, the power of this thing, which has trapped him in the underground castle and made him unable to move. He has become a tool for others to raise iron beetles.

"The secret of yin and Yang? Kyle... What are you talking about? Is this the secret of yin and Yang from China? " Lisa asked in surprise.

"Not bad!" Kyle tasted the secret of yin and Yang, so he recognized the mystery in the gun at a glance and said coldly with no expression: "it's really the secret of yin and Yang... Especially for people from the dark, it's fatal..."

Not only the blood clan and the five poisons sect, but also Kyle Kreis, the resurrected ancient corpse, has a great fear of Qiang Zhi in the hands of Chen Gongpeng and others.

In a panic, ishenberg and Lisa stepped back and looked pale at the snow wolf commandos around them.

Pules and del beihui are even more flustered, with a face of dead ashes, watching the five poisons cult being slowly tortured to death, their hearts are completely flustered.

Because so far, Mo Wen has not shown up. In the dark, a storm of conspiracy is brewing.

As a result, the snow wolf commandos actually know Yin and Yang, which is a nightmare for the dark creatures.

After that, don't ask. After knowing this, he can't help but be surprised. As the blood emperor, if he knows that there is such a weapon in the world that can kill his blood kindred, it's not good news, but bad news.

Of course, not long after the event, Mo Wen also developed a way to conquer it. This secret skill of yin and Yang has become a cruel means for Mo Wen to deal with the five poisons cult.

In other words, at this time, the five poison believers in the ejection of the quilt, a cry of pain, half of the body has been eaten by the terrible magic incense, suddenly the wailing outside the door, cut through the sky, a shadow suddenly appeared, this person's appearance, suddenly made all the members of the Snow Wolf Commando nervous.