Mo Wen was confused by this sudden action. He was stunned. When he reacted, the four old guys had rushed to the monster.

The green monster spits out the letter and attacks the four old guys. The four old guys flash quickly and fall to the ground heavily.

"You are looking for your own death. The monster is poisonous... It's over. It's over this time. You are so angry with me!" Don't ask at the moment is also Huoran stare big eyes, looking at the green monster fierce appearance, eyes can't help bursting out of the color of great panic, rushed up, if a step late, the four old guy's life is worried.

"Ah At this moment, the change suddenly happened.

Mo Tianbao, who was standing on one side, suddenly raised his head and roared wildly. Then he raised his hands and slapped his chest heavily, as if there was something in his chest that made him very comfortable. However, at the moment of his crazy slapping, a monster continued to emerge from his split abdomen.

"Bang Bang..." the sound was endless. Under Mo Tianbao's strong hammer, countless fist prints appeared on his chest, and white liquid flew out.

That pair of eyes, which used to be deep and incomparable, just like the black hole of the universe, now turned red, as if they were wounded beasts, full of confusion and killing intention.

"Damn, he's going to continue to release monsters. It's not good..." Mo Wen was surprised and sped up his pace.

When he got to the four green monsters, the monster suddenly changed into a giant with a height of three or four meters.

Small guy is very difficult to deal with, become such a big body, naturally give Mo Wen and others increased more difficult.

"Snake scale dagger, take..." Mo Wen waved with his hand, snake scale dagger returned to his hand, and then angrily drank: "kill..."

When the roar fell, the snake scale dagger flew out again and assassinated the expanding green monster. As before, the six parts turned into innumerable white lights and penetrated the green monster directly.

However, the green monster was assassinated by the snake scale dagger. It seemed that his body became a ball full of bullets. Even the sharpness of the snake scale dagger could not pierce his body. Just now, the white light running through the green monster's body flowed down the venom of the white liquid drop by drop, and the wound healed in the blink of an eye.

Shit, it's dead today. This monster is terrible.

Mo Wenxin is in despair. Seeing what Mo Tianbao looks like, although he has a snake scale dagger in his hand, he doesn't know why. It seems that he can't do any harm to Mo Tianbao.

"Shua!" Mo Wen immediately waved his hand and sent out a wisp of strength. He immediately rushed into the snake scale dagger nearby and injected it into the snake scale Dagger's assassination.

"Mosquito, how can this monster be so powerful?" The three female ghosts who have recovered as before in Mo Wen's soul ring space are surprised. Bai Xueer is surprised to see that the monster is so crazy and invulnerable.

"I don't know. Don't ask so many questions. We have to find a way to get out of here quickly, or we can't kill the monster and Mo Tianbao... It's not worth taking our life in!" Mo Wen immediately responds to Bai Xueer. If you can kill him, you can fight him. If you can't kill him, you will make a bad move. As long as you can kill the enemy, Mo Wen won't care about it in any way. But now with Mo Wen's cultivation, you can't kill Mo Tianbao and the monster in front of you. What's more, you can't fight this poisonous one person and one monster. Mo Wen can only fight and run to save his life.

"Mosquito, try the blood method..." Alice suddenly suggested.

"The way of blood clan? Speak quickly... "Mo Wen cried anxiously.

"You have the snake scale dagger in your hand. Now the snake scale dagger can be transformed into countless parts. I mean, you smear the blood of the blood emperor on the body of the snake scale dagger, and then issue it again. Try to see if it can kill this monster..."

"Yes, why didn't I think of it?" Don't ask. Before Alice finished what she said, she grinned and yelled, "Hey, hey... Snake scale dagger... Close up!"

When the snake scale dagger is retracted like lightning, Mo Wen grabs the body of the dagger with his hand, makes a strong stroke, sprays out a little blood column, and falls on the body of the snake scale dagger

At this time, a strange scene happened, the whole snake scale dagger suddenly flashed a dazzling light, the light was yellow, and just above the light, there were countless poisonous snake shadows, also issued a harsh cry.

Wow, what's going on? Is it a confession?

When Mo Wen was puzzled, he immediately felt the snake scale dagger appear in his consciousness. All kinds of strength, along with his wound, penetrated into his body, blended with the blood and holy force in his body. Under the rapid operation, it re fused into a kind of evil power. It was extremely cold

In this cold incomparable strength, Mo Wen felt a piercing cold, B to the whole body, can not help but hit a shiver.

This cold is not an ordinary cold invasion. It seems that Mo Wen's whole body has lost consciousness, and his whole body is stiff.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the cold power turned into a thunder and lightning in his body. He got into the middle of his eyebrows and moved. He sat in a low voice. Then he felt comfortable in his body. The feeling of stiffness and cold disappeared in an instant. Instead, he drank: "snake scale dagger, Kill... "

Snake scale dagger in Mo Wen's anger, don't ask to make any action, the original small dagger, suddenly turned into a one meter long snake shaped sword, changed into countless parts, fiercely at the monster that is still expanding.

"Boom boom..." under the huge movement, the snake scale dagger suddenly increased its power, and split the green monster in two on the spot.

"Wow, mosquito... Nice... The power of the snake scale dagger is really extraordinary, ha ha..." Mo Liang can't help shouting and laughing.

"Be careful..." as soon as Mo Liang's voice fell, Mo Xi nervously pointed to Mo Wen's direction and yelled.

I saw that the green monster was split in two, the body strangely put together again, and with a very fast speed, heal the wound.

Such a strange scene made everyone worried about Mo Wen.

However, Mo Wen didn't give the monster the chance. He closed his arms and burst out a red light around his body. The red light was burning like a flame. It turned into a fire dragon and quickly submerged the whole body of the green monster.

"Roar... Roar..." the green monster burned with Mo Wen's power, and the body just put together became two parts again. Of course, there was also the credit of snake scale dagger in it. Without the chop of snake scale dagger, the monster would not be so easily dismembered.

After about ten seconds, the green monster's body was burned and shrunk rapidly, from the body of the giant to the size of the original one when it came out of Mo Tianbao's abdomen.

"Bang!" A sound, the green monster in the burning explosion, from the body of the explosion, burst out with a lot of poisonous liquid and broken meat.

"Spread out quickly..." Mo Wen saw this, and quickly burst out an energy shield, protecting his body in the energy shield, blocking those poisonous liquid and broken meat.

That scene just now was really frightening. If there was no Alice's reminder, maybe you could only save your strength and Xing's life by running for your life.

The monster and Mo Tianbao who can't be killed will run for their lives regardless of everything. But in this way, Mo Wen may send the villagers of mojialing to the mouth of this beast.

"Good one, don't ask... How do you make the snake scale dagger recognize the Lord? Hum... Don't think you can kill me like this... Dream... Ha ha... "Mo Tianbao stares at Mo Wen and the four old guys coldly. Under his fierce eyes, he shoots cold light, as if the world is under his control.

"Don't be complacent... Five poisons are dead, two poisons... I see how many skills you have to continue to fight with me..." don't ask to take back the snake scale dagger. Since the snake scale dagger has recognized its master, don't ask as if it has the strength to speak. No matter how powerful it is, Mo Tianbao doesn't pay attention to it. He also wants to try what amazing power the snake scale dagger can play.

"Ah..." after hearing Mo Wen's words, Mo Tianbao raised his head and roared at the sky. As before, he beat his chest with his hand, speeding up the drilling speed of the abdominal monster.

Don't ask see, he knows can't continue to let the monster out again to show off, try to kill the monster in Mo Tianbao's belly.

Thinking of this, Mo Wen's face sank, and his intention to kill was horizontal. Under the power, his idea moved and he sent out the snake scale dagger: "snake scale dagger, kill..."

"Whoosh, whoosh..." the snake scale dagger seemed to understand Mo Wen's words. It shot out quickly. When it was close to Mo Tianbao, the whole body of the snake scale dagger suddenly changed into a huge knife of three or four meters. It cut Mo Tianbao's body across his waist.

"Pa..." a, snake scale dagger in horizontal cut away moment, Mo Tianbao's body was cut into two sections on the spot.

This scene and the result, originally is worth Mo Wen and others happy, but, no one thought, this cut, not only let Mo Tianbao body to drill out of the monster appeared in front of Mo Wen and others, but also the rest of a few did not show the face of the monster to B.

No, I'm in trouble again!

Mo asked and scolded secretly. He quickly took back the snake scale dagger, but when he did, Mo Tianbao took the opportunity to cut himself into two parts and put them together again.

It's too late for Mo to react. Mo Tianbao's healing speed is too fast, and the three monsters in front of him are expanding at the fastest speed. In the blink of an eye, the height of a few meters is growing.

"Spread out quickly... These three beasts are so terrible..." Mo Wen's voice just fell. The monster, who has been like a scorpion, spits out a mass of venom with its raised tail and directly covers Mo Wen's head.

"Mosquito... Be careful... The venom of this monster is so powerful that it may kill you at any time..."

"Boom..." when Mo Wen saw the venom like a big net under his head, he burst out a force, and his whole body showed a dazzling red light

Everyone held their breath and waited for the next moment. Yes, they were worried about Mo Wen.
