In the early morning, the sunshine scattered in the Jinhua five-star Mansion Hotel, making the flowers in the hotel garden more energetic.

Over the garden, a few unknown birds chirped while flying, adding a trace of vitality to the silent garden.

Mo Wen, a sportswear, walks in the garden, smelling the fragrance of the flowers around him. His spirit is unspeakable.

Far away, Mo Wen saw utred Kaman sitting on the stone bench in the garden with a lonely face, holding a cigarette in his hand. Most of the cigarette had burned, but he didn't find it. He just looked at the table and didn't know what he was thinking.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, utred Kaman raised his head in amazement. Seeing that it was mo Wen, utred Kaman immediately put out the cigarette end and stood up, and his expression returned to normal.

Looking at utred Kaman's figure, Mo Wen sighed. A few months ago, when he met this guy, utred Kaman was very tough. Mo Wen clearly remembered utred Kaman's determination to maintain the honor of blood clan.

From utred Kaman's expression at the moment, Mo Wen can see that the old man must have been worried about himself just now.

Mo Wen sighed, quickened his pace, walked over and said, "I remember you didn't smoke before."

"It's so boring. It's a relief." Utred Kaman gave a faint smile, but it was far fetched.

"Is it because one is too bored?" Don't ask, can't help asking.

"..." utred Kaman laughed and said nothing, but the expression represented the thought of his heart.

Don't ask utred Kaman what he wanted to say, but he didn't know how to say it. He sighed and said with a smile, "soldiers will come to block the water and cover the ground. No matter what happens, I have you with me. Even if I fail, I won't leave any regrets, but... These people around me are pitiful. They will be heartbroken because of my accident."

"Your Majesty, what you asked me to investigate has been investigated." Utred Kaman was also very upset when he heard this. He quickly changed the topic: "in recent days, Qiu Boyi and his son have been in frequent contact with a dark organization abroad. According to my investigation, this is a mercenary army."

"Mercenary corps?" Don't ask for a sign.

"Yes." Utred Kaman nodded: "yes, but it's not clear which mercenary regiment it is. Besides, there's another thing that's very strange."

"Oh? What's the matter? " Don't ask clearly. If you can say strange words from utred Kaman's mouth, things will never be simple.

Utred Kaman saw Mo Wen's unknowingly expression, and he was also puzzled: "just last night, Xu Tianqiu in Fuzhou was besieged, which was also written by Qiu Boyi and his son. I think it's strange that since the father and son can find domestic experts to deal with Xu Tianqiu, why should they find foreign mercenaries? Moreover, according to the news, whether it is domestic experts or foreign mercenary corps, Qiu Boyi and his son did not seek them through formal means. "

Informal means?

Don't ask eyebrows instantly wrinkle, subconsciously thought of Yang Tianbao.

However, the next moment, Mo Wen immediately gave up the idea.

If Yang's father and son help Qiu Boyi and his son, Mo Wen will certainly receive news. Moreover, Mo Wen also understands that although Yang Tianbao has a high prestige in the military, he is too hot tempered to agree with this despicable method in Qiu Boyi and his son's Secret Cao.

Is there anyone else to help them in China?

Don't ask. A flash of light flashed in my mind. After another thought, I immediately understood that in such a short period of time, no one can do these things except those lawless guys in the military and political department.

The mercenary corps, in various countries, can only contact the military and political tycoons.

After understanding all this, Mo Wen's heart was more worried, worried that the disciples of the blood clan would ruin Xing's life in order to help them.

The mercenary army is not terrible. What is terrible is the weapons in their hands.

Is it a blessing or a curse?

Don't know. The only thing he knows is that he can only continue to play the game with permission until the end of the game.

In the study of a villa on the outskirts of Fuzhou.

A young man stood respectfully in front of an old man, with a confident expression, even an imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.

Last night, the young man was still very nervous, but now he is very confident! Yes, yes, confidence! After just one night, he changed so much.

In a few hours last night, the young man investigated the forces protecting Liu GuoXuan through a strong network of relations and the forces of all parties.

Finally, let them find out where the power to protect Liu GuoXuan comes from.

The old man was also very satisfied with the young man's performance, but he was also a little worried: "is there anything wrong with the result of your survey? It's really just for the sake of looking for a doctor? "

"Yes, boss." The young man nodded and said: "according to my investigation, this is a disciple of the hermit sect. The specific identity is not clear now. But the boss can rest assured that with their strength, I can kill them completely. If they interfere with our plan again, I promise that none of them can leave alive..."

The young man tried to show off his strength to the old man.

But without waiting for him to finish, the old man interrupted him. He frowned and said coldly, "I can't be careless. I don't think these people are simple."

"Boss, all our men are experts. It's a piece of cake to deal with a few people." The young man said with self-confidence: "when I investigated these people last night, I was not at ease at the beginning. I tried to find out the left behind people in the hospital. The result made me very disappointed. If I wanted to kill them, it would be easy to say."

At this point, the young man sold a pass. Seeing that the old man looked at him expectantly, he quickly said, "I took six hands to test last night. As a result... We subdued the people left in the hospital in less than a minute!"

"Less than a minute?" Listening to the young man, the old man couldn't help but smile.

This old man is no other than Qiu Boyi's father, Qiu Ming. Qiu Ming has a great network of influence in China. In his opinion, it can only be described as a pervert who can subdue the hermit sect in less than a minute!

"Good. You did a very good job this time." This time, Qiu Ming had no stingy words of praise.

And hearing Qiu Ming's words, the young man's expression was very excited!

Young people don't know how long they haven't been praised by Qiu Ming. Since fighting with Xu Tianqiu, he has fallen behind everywhere. His subordinates are basically killed by Xu Tianqiu. Every time Qiu Ming calls on him, he will scold him. Even a few days ago, he plans to abolish his position and identity around Qiu Ming.

"Don't worry, boss. We can beat Mo this time." The young man swore.

"It's only the first step to defeat mo. the key is how to deal with his subordinates." After all, Qiu Ming looks far away. After a short period of excitement, he immediately regains his cool. Qiu Ming knows that Mo Wen is also a very difficult character to deal with, and that his identity is what Qiu Ming is most worried about.

Hearing this, the young man laughed confidently: "boss, as long as we don't make mistakes in this plan, Mo and his staff will be ruined! Xu Tianqiu killed so many of my subordinates last night. It's time to pay for blood. "

"Oh?" Recently, Qiu Ming completely let go of this matter to the person in front of him. He didn't know a lot of things. At this time, he seemed a little curious: "what can you do?"

"Boss, Xu Tianqiu has a new girlfriend, who is the owner of a private restaurant in Fuzhou. We can start from this woman." The young man's face changed and said with an evil smile.

When Qiu Ming heard what he said, he immediately realized something: "did your people find Xu Tianqiu's weakness? Is that the woman? If we fail, we will pay a high price. Are you sure? "

"Boss, don't worry. There is no master like Xu Tianqiu around this woman. It's very easy to kidnap her. I've checked the life rules of this woman, and I won't make any mistakes."

"Isn't that a little mean?" Qiu Ming slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Boss, I think even Mo Wen's two women who stayed in Fuzhou were kidnapped together, but... Now the problem is that there are blood clan and Xu Tianqiu's men who are protecting these two women." Perhaps because of the discovery of Mo Wen and Xu Tianqiu's weakness, the young people are particularly excited: "if we want to let Mo's obedient hand down, we can only take the women around him to threaten him, so as long as we can take these women, then we can deal with him through his weakness! As long as he is controlled by us, the forces around him will be disintegrated by us

Qiu Ming has to admit that this is the only way to get revenge. He has been defeated one after another, which has made him doubt the ability of these people around him.

What's more, the forces around Mo Wen are too powerful. Any one of his subordinates is a top player. Let alone kill Mo Wen, it's very difficult to get close to him.

If you control mo Wen's weakness, it will be very different. Qiu Ming has also learned a lot about Mo Wen during this period. He knows that Mo Wen is a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. When Mo Wen's woman is caught, she will be obediently arrested and at his disposal.