In Mo Wen's more than 20 years of experience, it can be described as a variety of miscellaneous stories. Because of this, Mo Wen is very sensitive in some details. There is a very strong dark atmosphere in the literary magnate's body, which makes Mo Wen's sensitive nerves tense instantly.

It is this very sensitive atmosphere that makes Mo Wen interested in this guy.

Chen Yi and Lin Xi think it's impossible. They think that Mo Wen must be so sensitive because of too much pressure recently, so they follow Mo Wen to see what's going on.

Just after the words, Chen Yi, Lin Xi and Lisa have come to the back of Mo Wen.

When I saw Wenhao just now, Chen Yi and Lin Xi didn't find anything wrong. On the contrary, Wenhao made Chen Yi and Lin Xi feel that he was very busy and immediately put into work as soon as he returned home. This kind of man is just a kind of performance of a successful man. Of course, any woman will like the momentum of a successful man.

At this time, Chen Yi put her hand around Mo Wen's arm and secretly watched Mo Wen's reaction. Chen Yi was ambivalent. On the one hand, she didn't want Mo Wen to feel that she cared about him. On the other hand, she was worried that Mo Wen would think that she didn't care about him. Leaving her ambivalence, Chen Yi didn't know what to do. She took the initiative to take Mo Wen's arm, I just want to make sure that Mo Wen is still angry.

Mo Wen takes a look at Chen Yi, then turns her eyes to chat with Lisa. Chen Yi sees that Mo Wen doesn't respond, so she puts her delicate body on Mo Wen, which makes her very intimate.

This scene is seen by many men who walk here, and their envious eyes will shine. Mo Wen feels that his back is cool. This feeling is definitely not caused by envious eyes, but a murderous atmosphere. When there is this murderous atmosphere, Mo Wen will feel this kind of cool and uncomfortable premonition.

He thought in his heart: who wants me to die?

"Auntie, do you see that? Is there something very dark about this guy? " Mo Wen looked at Lisa beside him and asked in a low voice.

"Well!" Lisa nodded, her face was dignified, and at the same time, she responded to Mo's words in a low voice: "you're right. This guy has a very dark breath. It's this breath that makes me feel that this guy should have practiced some dark martial arts. Only this possibility can make him have this dark breath Under the expression of words, there is this kind of breath... "

"According to my aunt's conjecture, what kind of dark martial arts would this be in the dark world of the west? Can let a person's body permeate such dark breath? " Don't go on asking.

"There are three kinds. The first one is the iron armor skill, which is a kind of martial arts practiced by the iron armor Zerg. This kind of martial arts is not dark, but the people who practice this kind of martial arts must stay in a dark environment for a long time, so that the practitioners can feel an extremely dark atmosphere. The second one is one of the dark creatures, Xiaoyi and this guy haven't seen each other for ten years. If this guy mutated into a dark creature ten years ago, it's also possible to cultivate a special martial arts among the dark creatures, so that his body also releases a dark element. The third one is "dark priest."

"Aunt Lisa, how many dark creatures are there in the dark world of the west?" Recently, Chen Yi was reading a book about the dark world in the west, so as soon as she heard Lisa's words, she immediately asked with great interest.

"There are 16 kinds of dark creatures. The blood clan ranks the third and the first is the snowman, which is a kind of Dark Creature commonly known as snow monster and Bigfoot in the Western dark world. In the eyes of the Oriental people, it is also called savage." Lisa smiles and lowers her voice to introduce Chen Yi.

"Sixteen? So much? " Lin Xi a listen, his body involuntarily felt a trace of cold, the body slightly trembled.

"Yes, among the 16 kinds of dark creatures in the west, snowman, water monster and blood vampire are the three most powerful creatures in the West. The next is the Jersey Devil. The head of this dark creature is a bit like a horse, with two hooves, covered with fur, dark red eyes and bat like wings. It can fly in the sky, and then it is the moth man Dover devil (also known as Dover bighead), Elaine frog man and big cat are bigger than other dark creatures. There are also owl man, Ben Yap, Billy ape, Helena manatee, plant sheep, man eating tree, Thunderbird and flying cat. Owl man calls these dark creatures Birdman in the eyes of the Greeks, Benyep's prototype may be the extinct dipterodon 20000 years ago, which is a very fierce dark creature. Billy ape is also known as Bondo mysterious ape. Hidden in the mysterious primeval forest, it has never had any contact with the outside world. Helena manatee is a semi aquatic and land-based animal, plant sheep, as the name suggests, plant animal, It is recorded in ancient books and records that this creature has a mild Xing style. You may have heard of the cannibal tree, but I won't introduce it more. Thunderbird is similar to Kunpeng of China, while flying cat is a kind of mutant creature, which is more vicious. There are only two kinds of results for people who provoke flying cat, either to win or to die. "

"It's terrible..." just after listening to Lisa's introduction, Chen Yi and Lin Xi felt that their bodies had been bristled with sweat, and a kind of fear enveloped their bodies.

"This is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is the dark creatures that have not been counted. These dark forces are deeply hidden. Generally, people who have seen these dark creatures can't survive... They will try their best to kill those who have seen them, even children and old people..." Lisa sneered, This is nothing strange for him. After living in the dark for hundreds of years, she has developed a certain immunity to everything in the world.

"Auntie Lisa, do you also feel the dark smell of Wenhao?" Chen Yiming knows why. Just now Lisa has said that she also feels this kind of strong dark atmosphere in Wenhao's body.

"Of course!" Lisa nodded and took a subconscious look at Mo Wen. Then she looked at the traffic outside the window and said with a sneer, "if I guess correctly, this dark smell on this guy comes from a kind of martial art called 'dark shadow'...."

"The shadow of darkness?" This time, Mo Wen became interested. He had also been to Yulia. Even though he was no stranger to these dark creatures, he had never heard of such dark martial arts in the dark world. So when Lisa spoke, she instinctively spat out these four words from his mouth.

"It's true that the martial arts of the dark shadow can achieve the purpose of attacking by cultivating the shadow to absorb the spiritual power of the dark. There are similarities between the practitioners and the iron armor skill. I've learned the power of the dark shadow once and suffered losses. So I'm very familiar with the dark breath. I can't be wrong... Even after more than 20 years, I still remember it very clearly, It's the same as the dark smell of literary magnates... "

"The shadow of darkness? Auntie, is there any way to find out which dark creature this dark martial arts came from? The more detailed the better... "Mo asked eagerly.

"Try your best. I'm afraid this kind of investigation can only be found through the old housekeeper. Besides, it's not so easy to investigate the dark world in the West. Once it's found, our blood clan may become the target of the siege of the dark world. Once these dark forces join hands, our blood clan may not be able to resist..." Lisa seems to have some words, She seems to be worried about something, or she doesn't want to talk too much about the dark world of the West in front of Chen Yi and Lin Xi.

Four people walked into the elevator. Lisa walked in the front and went up the elevator to the third floor. Chen Yi and Mo Wen walked behind. Mo Wen turned to Chen Yi and said, "guess what I was thinking when I saw Wen Hao just now?"

"What do you think?" Chen Yi a Leng, ask a way.

"I wonder what kind of person this guy was? What kind of family background and why did he leave China for more than ten years, and why did he return to China after more than ten years? To tell you the truth, as long as I see this asshole, I'm very upset... "Mo Wen curled his lips and said in a tired tone:" I still wonder, how could you have such a good relationship with him at the beginning? "

When Chen Yi heard Mo Wen's words, her heart suddenly became nervous again. She held Mo Wen's arm tightly and said with a guilty heart: "this is a long time ago. I... I forgot it. Besides, he and I are really just ordinary classmates. Don't talk nonsense, OK?"

"Cough cough..." Mo Wen sighed slightly and said awkwardly, "then I won't ask. If someone is willing to say it, tell me. If someone is not willing to mention it to me, I won't force others to mention it..."

Mo Wen seems to say this to herself, but Chen Yi doesn't know how to answer Mo Wen. It's obvious that Mo Wen is jealous of Wen Hao. Chen Yi thinks that she was angry with Mo Wen because of something trivial. Now she and Mo Wen have changed their identities. For a moment, Chen Yi doesn't know how to answer Mo Wen. She knows what happened between her and Wen Hao ten years ago, But I'm worried that if you don't know that you've fallen in love with literary giants in the past, will you be even more angry because of this? Chen Yi was worried in her heart, but she faltered on her lips and said, "do you want to... Or... I'll tell you something about my college years later?"

Mo Wen smiles a little. In fact, he still wants to ask Chen Yi about the relationship between literary giants. But all the time, Mo Wen is a good man who doesn't want to embarrass himself for loving women. Now it's the same. He doesn't want to embarrass Chen Yi any more, and he doesn't want to make Chen Yi's relationship stiff because of this.

When the party came to a dining room box on the third floor, Chen yilinxi and her colleagues saw some of Mo Wen's men and a large area of electronic monitoring equipment in the box.

Seeing all this, Chen Yi was shocked and said in her heart: Wow, did the mosquito move so quickly?

Chen Yi takes a few steps in surprise and looks at the pictures on the electronic screen carefully. In one of the pictures, the two foreigners who are following Wenhao at the airport today are the two men. This undoubtedly shows that Mo Wen has begun to monitor Wenhao's every move. This scene also changes Chen Yi's mood. How much she hopes the man she once secretly loves, Not as Mo Wen said, but a very dark person

In the face of Mo Wen's practice, Chen Yi doesn't know whether she should let Mo Wen stop or support him.

For the safety of Mo Wen, Chen Yining is willing to sacrifice her good memories. Standing in front of the French window in the box, Chen Yi casually looks at the bright and beautiful night scene not far away. She can't help but think of what Lisa said to him. The night scene is beautiful, but Chen Yi doesn't want to appreciate it.

At this time, a shadow appeared in Chen Yi's sight again. It was also the appearance of this person, which made Chen Yi's mood become tense.