From the old guy and the middle-aged women who value Mo Wen so much, then to the performance of Mo Wen's magical medical skills, and finally to the change of the girl's condition, all these undoubtedly show that Mo Wen has a very special and powerful power in the whole process of treatment. The two girls have begun to pay great attention to Mo Wen, There is also a look of appreciation for Mo Wen.

The girl's illness seems to have become the focus of the whole clan.

If Mo Wen really can cure the girl's disease, he will become a great benefactor of the whole sect.

The girl's body slowly changed subtly in the process of Mo Wen's treatment. After Mo Wen's hand left the girl's body, she immediately let the girl spray out a black and smelly liquid again.

Whoa, what's this?

The stench is very strong, and the consistency of the liquid has reached a very terrible level.

You don't have to ask. This must be the most terrible virus in the girl's body. The thick liquid that finally came out must be the virus that B came out by using special means.

"Young master, now... Miss, is he... All right?" One of the girls, a little nervous, stood on one side and asked in a low voice about the girl's health.

"It's not a big problem now. It just needs time to take care of her. You should also know her physical condition. After a long time of illness, the functions of all parts of her body have changed, so... His immunity is much lower than that of normal people. The current situation is no longer serious. As long as we strengthen nutrition, we can take care of her. When his body gets better, I will continue to do a second treatment for him! " Mo Wen sighed and wiped a handful of sweat with his hand. At the same time, he wiped the girl's body with a clean towel after soaking in salt and warm water. Then, he put another clean towel on the girl's forehead after soaking in cold water. The third towel wrapped the girl's feet tightly, and then tied the towel to her feet, Put it in a clean basin.

After doing all this, a strange scene happened. The two girls watched Mo Wen's action and put it into the little basin of the girl's feet. Suddenly, a piece of blood red appeared

"My God... What's going on here?" Two wenches began to nervous up, see such a basin of blood red liquid appear, don't mention more nervous.

"Don't be nervous, it's because his virus won't reenter his body. It won't have any effect on her body!" Of course, I don't know why these two girls are so nervous. If there is a mistake in the treatment of the daughter of the old man and the middle-aged woman, their Xing's life will not be guaranteed, and even all their relatives will be involved.

The girl's position in the old man's heart is obvious. Everyone here knows that girls can never make any mistakes.

And how can the sudden appearance of blood red liquid not make them nervous?

The girl's illness has always been a difficult problem for the whole sect. Once the girl has an accident, the whole sect will suffer from mental injury. The old couple are very nervous about the girl's physical condition, and even the girl's important Xing is more important than their own life. Everyone knows what happens to the girl, The old man will kill the person who hurt the girl at all costs.

As girls, they will also be implicated because of poor care.

Even if it was not them who caused the girl's accident, and they were at the scene, they did not take care of the young lady, then the consequences would naturally be very serious.

This is the reason why these two girls are so nervous.

Of course, Mo Wen also understands why the two girls are so nervous, but he doesn't want to take care of their affairs. His main purpose now is to get the jade pendant of the goddess of meditation and leave here safely.

Whether she is safe or not, Mo Wen depends on the girl's illness. For the first time, he controls the girl's illness, then asks for the jade pendant, and then gives the girl a second treatment to eliminate the girl's virus. In this way, Mo Wen has an excuse to leave here. When he leaves, Xing can never cure the girl's strange disease at once, This is the capital for him to leave the enchantment road safely.

As the saying goes: keep the Castle Peak is not afraid of no firewood, this old man's cultivation is irresistible to Mo Wen, so Mo Wen can't risk his own life.

"But... Miss's feet..." even if Mo asked that it was ok, the two girls were still very nervous.

"This is a protective measure to clean up toxins. The red liquid is the dead blood discharged from the body. Generally speaking, it is the blood that has been necrotic. Once anything is necrotic, it will be superfluous to stay in the body, and even cause pathological changes. For a patient, it will only harm his body... Two beauties, do you understand?" Don't ask this time, and didn't like just so anxious, but not in a hurry to two wenches whispered.

"Young master, you are really amazing. I admire you a little now... Hee hee..." one of the girls heard Mo Wen's words and said the words of worship to Mo Wen with a smile.

"Yes, sir, your medical skills are amazing. I was too nervous just now. If there is any conflict with you, please don't mind!" Followed closely, another wench also followed to Mo to ask an apology.

Just now, because they were afraid that the girl's physical condition would have an accident, their tone of speaking to Mo Wen was a little stiff.

It's not too much to say that they don't respect, trust and insult Mo Wen. Now it's reasonable for the two girls to take the initiative to show kindness and apologize to Mo Wen.

"It doesn't matter. I understand your current situation and your difficulties, so... I won't blame you. Of course, I hope you don't embarrass me... I came here just to get what I need. As long as I get what I need, your little sister's illness will be cured naturally..." Mo Wen thinks that he treats girls, It's like doing a business. There's no respect. As long as you get what you need and are questioned by two girls, what's the point?

There is no loss for Mo Wen.

"Thank you so much, young master. I didn't expect you to be so understanding. Unlike other people, you are fierce to us little girls, as if you were a big man..."

"Ha ha!" Don't ask Wen Yan. He laughs and says: "it's easy to write, but it's hard to be a good person. If you want to be a good person, you have to pay a lot of bitterness, even a painful price..."

"Little brother, do you need the goddess jade pendant carefully?" Just as Mo Wen finished saying this, the girl lying on the bed suddenly turned her head and looked at Mo Wen, who was talking with two girls, in a low voice.

"Yes?" Mo turned around, looked at the girl in the eyes, nodded and said, "yes, I'm here for this jade pendant. I'm here to treat you. The first is to protect your life, and the second is to get this jade pendant..."

"Little brother, when I heard you talk to my parents just now, it seems that this jade pendant is very important to you, isn't it?" The girl nodded and asked.

"Yes, it's very important. Although my adoptive mother has no blood relationship with me, he raised me. Even if she wasn't my biological parents, she was imprisoned in a very special place for more than 20 years and suffered a lot. I can't turn a blind eye to her death, let alone ignore her. I went to the enchanted way alone to get this jade pendant, Because... This jade pendant can help me a lot in the process of rescuing my adoptive mother... "

"Then... Little brother, if I give you this jade pendant, can you take me out with you?" The girl suddenly put forward a let Mo Wen and two wenches are shocked request.

"You... You're going out with me?" Don't ask, in shock at the same time, when speaking also become stuttering up.

He knew very well that the girl in front of him was very important to the old couple. How could they agree to let the girl leave here with a stranger?

Obviously, this is a headache for Mo Wen, and also a big problem for mo.

"Well, I want to go out with you to have a look..." the girl looked at Mo Wen very seriously and nodded heavily, as if she was not joking.

"I'm afraid it's not OK. You can't go with me. You're the darling of your parents. If something happens to you, I can't take the responsibility..." don't ask. Are you really afraid of taking the responsibility? No, he doesn't want to have any more relations with this girl and this sect. Don't ask if he took the jade pendant. If he took this girl with him again, the consequences can be imagined.

Besides, don't ask how you can leave here with a problem?

Now the situation outside is enough for Mo Wen to have a headache. If you continue to take this girl, it will undoubtedly be a bigger burden for Mo Wen.

To ensure the safety of the girl, but also with this timing Zha bomb back to the rich state, in case the old guy suddenly changed his mind, don't ask life will be killed at any time.

So after all the unfavorable factors for Mo Wen, Mo Wen directly and decisively refused the girl's request without considering other factors.

"But you are my doctor and your martial arts are not weak. I left you for your safety. You can pay so much for your adoptive mother. Why can't I do something for you?" The girl is very naive to Mo Wen said his heart.

"But..." don't ask hesitated, he this time to the girl's favor, has doubled several levels, but he still can't agree, shaking his head, very decisively said to the girl: "do you really think so?"

"Of course, why don't you believe me?" The girl's lips pursed slightly and looked unhappy: "little brother, you are the greatest person I have ever met. Just like my parents, they can give their lives for me because of my strange disease, and you can give so much for your adoptive mother, even for your own safety. This is not something anyone can do, little brother, you are such a good person, I don't want my parents to turn back. This jade pendant is very important to our family. If you take it away, my father will not let you go, so... I have to leave with you to ensure your absolute safety... "