Vol 1 Chapter 7 – Can An Jing help her to dress every day?

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
Chapter 7

"Look, Third brother! Her legs are red!"

For the second time in the same day, the same gorgeous prince kneeled down in front of Xiao Hua. He gently lifted her wet robe without asking for permission again and examines her red-as-lobster legs.

Honestly, if Le XiaoTing was not used in wearing shorts and knee-length skirts, she would have kicked him, no matter how good looking he was!

Is this the proverb where Xiao Hua would experience a fortune first before meeting a disaster? No, wait! Having this prince kneel down before her was not a fortune!

While Xiao Hua was busy in her thoughts, the Third Prince gently touches and prods her legs for a while before his hand moved away. But Xiao Hua's legs followed his hand, unconsciously seeking more of his touch. His hand immediately ceased moving and it was only then Xiao Hua realized what she had done, feeling extremely mortified.

She was not being a pervert! It was just that the Third Prince’s hand felt good to touch, as the cold sensation was a relief of the heat on her legs. How was she going to dig herself out of this mess?!

The Third Prince surprised Xiao Hua as he did not reprimand her. He wordlessly stood up, took out a small bottle out of nowhere from his wide sleeves and handed it over to An Jing, who had finally returned with a robe.

"Spread it evenly over the burn and keep her legs away from water or any warm things."

"Understood, Your Highness."

Prince ah, why are you telling that to An Jing but not her? She was the one with the injured leg, not An Jing!

"Third brother, that medicine..." Long Lian stared at the small bottle on An Jing's hand curiously.

The Third Prince said reassuringly. "I made it with my own hands. In two days, she will be fine."

Xiao Hua fought the urge to rub her ears. Did she hear it wrong? The Third Prince was the one that made that medicine? Since when did he even know how to concoct medicine? It was not written in the novel!

"Long Lian, go and get dressed before you catch a cold. I will wait for you and Xiao Hua in the main hall."

The Third Prince left with his blackguards, leaving the silly looking Xiao Hua with Long Lian that was staring at the back of her brother with reverence eyes.

An Jing approached Xiao Hua and without asking for permission, draped the robe over her shoulders before picking up her up in a princess carry style. How embarrassing!

Long Lian turned away from the funny sight and coughed a few times to disguise her laughter. "I will go and change first!" The princess quickly went towards the room where she previously used to get ready for the hot spring with An Wan trailing behind her after her like her attached tail.

An Jing carried them back to the same guest room from earlier. Xiao Hua was placed on the bed carefully and the older maid tried to remove her wet clothes.

"Wait! I can do it myself!" Xiao Hua protested loudly. "Please pass me my clothes."

Hiding her smile, An Jing handed her a set of clean clothes that was clearly not the clothes that she wore earlier. Xiao Hua examined An Jing's dress before staring at the clothes in her hand. An Jing's was pink and the one in her hand was blue.

"Why isn't it pink?" Xiao Hua finally asked when she could not figure out what was the reason behind it. She thought she would wear the same uniform as An Jing as they were both servants of the Third Prince.

An Jing revealed a small smile as she patiently explained. "Elder Sister Hua is our Highness’ personal maid and An Jing is just an inner maid. The dress color indications our position."

"Oh." Xiao Hua accepted the explanation without making a fuss, as she was pretty satisfied with the color. Not that she was against pink color, but the blue color looked better.

Using her stubbornness, she rejected An Jing's offer to help again and managed to change her clothes, but after the third layer, Xiao Hua does not know how to continue.

When she first transmigrated, she was on the way to MongLu's manor and forced to be a servant. She was forced to learn how to wear her uniform, but luckily it was easy with only two thin layers of clothes and tied them with a thin belt around her waist.

But this new maid uniform looks fancy and difficult to wear. She stared at the final layer, which was a thin and transparent looking. She finally found out that there were two holes for her to shove her arms into. Sighing in relief, she was going to tie the belt around her waist over the layers, but An Jing quickly stopped her.

Xiao Hua jumped in shock because she had thought An Jing was facing away to give her privacy because Xiao Hua refused to change in front of her. Shit, was An Jing watching her since the beginning?!

"Elder Sister Hua, the outer layer must not be tied together. It's an outer robe."

"Ah?" This is outer robe? Why was it so thin and transparent?

"The third layer is actually an outer robe." An Jing swiftly undid her mistakes and with knowledgeable hands, helped her to dress correctly. Xiao Hua did not know it was an outer robe as she had not seen it before in MongLu manor. Even An Jing does not have that fancy outer robe!

...Can An Jing help her to dress every day? (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

Mentally slapping her lazy mind, Xiao Hua attentively memorized what An Jing did. When she finished, Xiao Hua shyly thanked her.

She earned a tiny smile. "It is not easy to wear a dress you have not worn before."

Sister An Jing, Xiao Hua will give you a nice person card! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

The door suddenly opened with great force, and a beautiful princess in an artistic blend of blue and green dress quickly strode in. When Long Lian saw that Xiao Hua's hair was not done, she complained. "Why are you not finished yet?"

Long Lian moved to the side table with a small mirror that was much better quality than the copper mirrors in MongLu manor and picked it up.

An Jing quickly stopped her. "Princess, let this servant help Elder Sister Hua with her hair."

"But I want to play with her hair," Long Lian answered and managed to grab a comb before An Jing could stop her. "An Jing, An Wan, go and dry her hair."

The two maids could not do anything but obeyed their princess. Their palm suddenly glowed in a light shade of blue and they gently run through Xiao Hua's hair with their fingers. Magically, each time their glowing fingers run through Xiao Hua's wet hair, it slowly turns dry.

Xiao Hua did not know something out of ordinary had happened behind her as she watched Long Lian hummed happily while she rummaging through a small chest on the cosmetics table that was filled to brim with shiny accessories.

This... when did Xiao Hua suddenly become a princess? Xiao Hua remained quiet and just let Long Lian do what she wanted to, unable to summon the will to stop her and ask questions.

When Long Lian finally finished deciding which accessories would match Xiao Hua, her hair was already dried and drapes her back like a thick curtain. 

"Great! Now, Xiao Hua, sit on this stool! Both of you, help Xiao Hua put on the medicine."

"Yes, Princess."

An Jing placed Xiao Hua on a stool and An Wan gingerly lift up the hem of her dress. Long Lian stepped behind Xiao Hua and started moving her hair here and there. Xiao Hua's attention was not on the maids, but on Long Lian. She was a little afraid of what Long Lian was going to do to her hair.

But it was such a nice sensation to have someone playing with her hair. When she was still a child, her mother often combed her hair and tied it into different hairstyles on a whim. That was one of her most treasured memories of her childhood with her mother.

The pain was not as intense as she felt in the beginning when she remembered her mother, but it was still painful and uncomfortable.

"Ta-da!" Long Lian bounced in front of Xiao Hua and grabbed a mirror to hold up it up in front of her. "Isn't it nice?"

Her pain distracted, she blinked away the nearly forming tears and peered at the copper mirror held before her. The first thing she saw was an unfamiliar small face with baby fat on her cheeks that did not disappear even when she had eaten a lesser portion of her meals than the original body does. The skin looked rough and dry, but that was to be expected when this body was a commoner that had to work hard for a living. Her eyes were on the large side, sparkled with innocence, making her look younger compared to most thirteen-year-old children.

However, Le XiaoTing only approves of Xiao Hua's peach blossom eyes because Le XiaoTing's other features were much better than this body's. Her eyes reluctantly moved to her hair and nearly choked on her saliva.

What is this hairstyle? Sailormoon!? (」°ロ°)」