Vol 1 Chapter 23 – Kill me with pink?

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 23

Si Si was assigned to help Xiao Hua to dress up appropriately and she knows it was to avoid embarrassing the Third Prince. Xiao Hua’s outfit for tonight was already prepared and waiting in her room. With her experienced touch and sharp eyes, Si Si confirmed that Xiao Hua’s dress was made with high-quality cloth.

After making sure her jealousy was hidden properly, Si Si announced softly, “It’s done, Elder Sister Hua.”

Xiao Hua nodded absentmindedly and walked out of the room, with Si Si leading the way.  

Leaving her body in autopilot, her mind started to dissect what the Third Prince had said. He told her that if she entered the palace tonight, she will get to cure her eyesight. Le XiaoTing had no knowledge of any magical object that could heal in the palace at all. The only thing, or person, that has the power to heal was Liu Chu Chu, the heroine!

The knowledge of her ability to heal was kept a secret until the day of the annual competition. It was because on that day, Liu Chu Chu managed to heal the poisoned Emperor! Since then, Liu Chu Chu became famous in Guilin country and everyone wanted to be close to her.

Surely the Third Prince does not mean the heroine? But if so, how did he know about this? Could it be the Third Prince… was no longer the original Third Prince?

She quickly shook those ideas away. It would be quite absurd to have more than one transmigrator at the same time. It must be Third Prince having spies around the Second Prince and learned about the heroine’s healing ability.   

“Elder Sister Hua.” An Wan stepped beside Xiao Hua, who was left waiting beside a six seated carriage with two huge white horse in front of it.

“Sister An Wan,” Xiao Hua greeted politely but her eyes were not at all restrained in scanning the other girl’s attire.

An Wan was dressed similarly to Xiao Hua, wearing a light pink dress with small flowers sewed at the sleeves and at the end of the skirt’s length. Both of them have their hair pinned up with real flowers that were in the color of pink.

They looked just like flower girls with the duty to follow the bride to her wedding! (◕‿◕✿)

Her eyes were filled with appreciation as she secretly glanced at An Wan. An Jing might be the most beautiful maid Xiao Hua had seen in this world, but An Wan’s beauty could be ranked second!

If it was an ordinary man, An Wan would have done something to stop the lustful glances, but this was Elder Sister Xiao Hua, a fellow female and with a higher position than her. Without any choice, she decided to bear with it but a seed of doubt had already been planted in her mind.

It was a normal occurrence for An Wan to see many ladies of any age to stare at the Third Prince with undisguised lust and greed in their eyes, resembling a pack of hungry wolves. They could not peel their eyes from his divine form and like a predator, tracking the Third Prince’s every move.

An Wan had never seen Elder Sister Hua stared at the Third prince with inappropriate eyes. She would always stare downward, giving off timid and nervous feeling whenever he was around her. On the other hand, she would daringly stare at Princess Long Lian and Sister An Jing. Now, she even stared at An Wan!

Could it be that Elder Sister Hua...towards females?! Σ(O_O)

But the truth was actually simple. Xiao Hua does not dare to look at the Third Prince to prevent the risk of doing embarrassing things. The Third Prince’s beauty fits the definition of hazard to health in the workplace!

An Wan felt uncomfortable with Xiao Hua’s stare and decided to move her attention away from her by giving her a bit of advice. “Do not speak unless the Third Prince told you to. Follow my movement and pay attention to your surroundings. There are many that wish for the Third Prince’s failure and as his inner maids, we must not be a burden to our prince.”

She was worried when she heard Elder Sister Hua will be entering the palace with them. With no training and bearing of a first-class maid, Xiao Hua would be a laughing stock and harmed the Third Prince’s image!

An Jing was the only inner maid that could advise the Third Prince without getting punished. But An Wan could not find An Jing anywhere after searching for a long time. Without a choice, she has to make sure Elder Sister Hua stay at her side from the start to the end.

An Wan’s sharp eyes caught an elegant figure walking towards their direction. She cleared all her worries in her mind and the expression on her face to reflect nothing but calmness before giving a proper courtesy.

“Your Highness, everything is ready.”

Xiao Hua’s first reaction when she saw what the Third Prince’s attire was… Momma! I’m blind!

What is this color?! Hot pink?! Kill me with pink?! (+_+)

Xiao Hua wanted to look away but her eyes were glued to the shocking pink. It was similar to knowing it would end up in a disaster but could not stop herself from continue looking.

“Xiao Hua seems to like this prince’s attire. When we return, this prince will give you a new set,” The Third Prince said, amused when he noticed his little maid could not peel her eyes away from his body.

“No!” Xiao Hua shouted in disgust. It was not that Xiao Hua disliked pink. It was just that the shade of pink the prince was wearing was too…adventurous!

Si Si and the other servants were shocked at Xiao Hua’s attitude. This was the first time Si Si had seen the prince at a close range! She felt that the color of the clothing was too feminine, but Si Si does not dare to criticize when it looks good on the Third Prince. Yet this silly maid dared to refuse his highness’ goodwill!

Si Si’s eyes flashed with joy. With this, the stupid girl will be punished!

Realizing how rude her reaction was, Xiao Hua panicked. With a low bang, she kneeled down in front of the Third Prince.

F*ck! My knee hurts! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Xiao Hua bowed her head until it touches the ground. “This servant does not dare to wear it! Only the Third Prince’s unparalleled figure could match it! For a servant to wear clothing alike to their master is an offense to the hierarchy system!”

Xiao Hua does not know what she said as long as it was praising the Third Prince!

A soft, enchanting chuckle filled her ears before Xiao Hua was lifted up from the ground by her armpits. This position again...

Everyone’s mouth hung wide open as they watched their prince had his personal maid sit on his left arm while his right hand gently pat the dirt away from Xiao Hua’s skirt that had gotten dirty from the kneeling.

Did they get the facts wrong? Perhaps Elder Sister Xiao Hua was not their prince’s personal maid but his princess consort? Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)

“Xiao Hua is better suited in blue,” The Third Prince commented thoughtfully, which caused Xiao Hua’s scalp to feel numb.

Regardless of what happened to this person that changed his personality, everyone referred to him as the Third Prince. No matter what, this guy has the power to kill her without difficulty!

“Your Highness has excellent judgment,” An Jing, who suddenly appeared from nowhere, praised the Third Prince. “This servant will prepare a new set in blue.”

The Third Prince nodded in approval. “Make few more sets with different patterns.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

W-What is going on?!

Xiao Hua, who was still sitting on top of the Third Prince’s left arm, suddenly feels cold. Perhaps he got a loli fetish?!

Si Si’s face was calm, but her eyes showed her true feelings. Inside her mind, it was alike to a tsunami, creating waves of chaos. Her expectation was different than what happened!

Not only that, what’s with giving that silly maid clothes that were similar to his? Not only that, he even wanted to give her more than one set? A set of the Third Prince’s clothing was enough to feed a commoner’s family for a month!

The Third Prince stepped into the carriage with Xiao Hua that was still seated on his left arm easily. An Wan and the three bodyguards positioned themselves around the carriage, each taking a side to guard the carriage.

With a strong neigh, the horses galloped out of the residence, letting Xiao Liu to guide them to the right path.

The carriage was no longer in sight but Si Si’s eyes were still trained on the road, but no longer concealing her feelings. Her eyes revealed undisguised greed. Normally, Si Si was someone smart enough to not let anything disturb her mind and accidentally revealed her ambitions. But the shock she experienced had banished her façade, long ago beaten her logical thoughts deep inside her mind.

An Jing, who had remained behind, had her eyes taking in every movement and expression of Si Si’s. If Elder Sister Hua had not randomly mentioned how eager this maid was, she would have missed this dangerous thorn by Xiao Hua’s side!

It would be unfair to remove Si Si when she had not done anything to harm Elder Sister Hua. It was a rule of the manor to only punish those that had committed wrong, but not suspected of doing one. Even when one suspect, they need proof to hold it up.

How troublesome. But rules are rules! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ