Vol 2 Chapter 35

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

And thank you to

? Aerim

For the lovely review~

XH 35

Thanks to Long Lian's help, Xiao Hua learned that it was now the eleventh month of the year, and it had been four months since she started serving the Third prince as his personal maid and six months since the day she transmigrated into a novel.

These four months, Xiao Hua's daily task consists of brewing tea, grinding ink, and accompanying the Third prince to eat. It was actually an easy job compared to Le XiaoTing's job in her original world.

She felt a little disappointed that she did not get to help the beautiful man to get ready every morning and before bedtime. It was not that she was being a pervert, but it would be a memorial experience!

Princess Long Lian, who had often visited Xiao Hua to play and complaint about her lessons, noticed that Xiao Hua have sharper eyesight than average now, thanks to the miracle medicine from the heroine. Using that her eyesight was restored as an excuse, Long Lian forced Xiao Hua to learn archery with her, but even if her eyesight was sharp, she could not shoot accurately.

The Third prince found out and scolded Long Lian, stopping her from forcing Xiao Hua to learn archery. But on the same day after their evening meal, the Third prince suddenly threw a question at Xiao Hua.

"Do you want to be stronger?"

"Stronger? Your Highness’ meaning is for this servant to learn martial arts?"

The Third prince shakes his head. "If it's possible, this prince would have An Jing to teach you already. Unfortunately, you do not have the mindset and determination to learn it."

"Ah?" Don't have the mindset and determination? He did not even know if she has it or not! How could he say that! (°ㅂ°╬)

Seeing his little maid getting angry, he silently thought she looked like a small animal that gotten bullied. "You lack concentration and you prefer the shorter path to success. That is not the correct mindset a cultivator should have."

Xiao Hua feels as if a large boulder had drop onto her head. What he just said...is true! Is she that transparent?! Σ(°△°|||)︴

"There are other ways for you to be stronger. You would not be as strong as Long Lian, but at least you can protect yourself if you face danger."

An Jing stepped forward and placed a rolled up black cloth onto the table before unraveling it. It was similar to those pouch where the doctors stored their equipment or acupuncture needles from historical dramas.

Inside the black cloth were a row of short, slim sharp knives. The height was the same as a pen, and the width was the same as a cardboard. The point of the blade looks pretty sharp and she could see the reflection on the surface of the blade and the handles were carved with the picture of a dragon with it’s intimidating claws.

It was small in size but the sharpness of the blade looked lethal.

"Your Highness wants me to carry weapons for self protection?"

The Third prince nodded as he sipped his tea leisurely. "Even a normal human could win against a cultivator with a weapon. The key to win depends on how familiar and skilled you are with your weapon."

The child Le XiaoTing used to have a dream that was similar to other kids, which was to be a superhero. To fight against the dark force and protect the world!

Remembering how silly she was during her childhood was embarrassing. But seeing these cool and dangerous knives, it brought out her old dream to be a superhero from deep inside her heart!

But Xiao Hua had to face the reality. In this novel, she was Xiao Hua, the Third prince's personal maid. In other words, she was already knee deep inside the Third prince's camp and to survive, she had to make sure the leader remain alive to continue shelter her.

There was no beautiful fantasies of being a hero but only a harsh reality of fighting to survive and protect what was important.

Le XiaoTing missed the peaceful environment in her original world. She was lucky to be born in the era and in the country that was not involved in a war.

Hmm, speaking of original worlds, the heroine's original world was not exactly peaceful either. The heroine born in a very modern era, where most of the things were already well developed and new unimaginable things were created.

It was the 25th century, a world where human lives entwined deeply with technologies.

However, there was a segregation of rich and poor, and the contrast was rather extreme. The heroine was born at the poor area and had worked hard to climb at a high place. She was a highly in demand mercenary with high success rate. The reason she died was thanks to her best friend that betrayed her because she was jealous of her success and boyfriend.

Sounds silly and cliché, but then, there were still readers.

The heroine used her previous life knowledge to create a few gadgets with her OP skill and charged them with energy from some sort of power stone to make them work. Le XiaoTing was a reader that usually skipped explanations, so she was not clear on the process of how those gadgets were made.

"Lack of concentration."

Xiao Hua snapped back to reality and blushed in embarrassment when there were eyes staring at her with annoyance and amusement.

"I-I... Xiao Hua will not do it again!"

"When you are in danger, being alert is the key to survival," the Third prince chastised lightly.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"You will start training to use these knives."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Eat this pill."

...Huh? (・・ ) ?

An Jing, reached out a hand to take the small bottle filled with the pill from the Third prince's palm, takes out a pill and gently shoved the pill into Xiao Hua's mouth. Xiao Hua, who was used to being feed with pills once a while, did not hesitate to chew on the pill.

Her face immediately twisted and rapidly turning greenish, her hands quickly grabbing onto her throat. She was in conflict whether to vomit the pill out or not.

The Third prince was quick to cover her mouth with his palm before she decide to vomit the pill out. "Swallow it."

Le XiaoTing was bad in swallowing pills and usually resorted to chewing it into small pieces or to swallow them with the help of milk.

The pill that was currently in her mouth was not small sized and the taste was the most horrible thing she ever tasted! Even the previous pills that were feed to her were not this bitter and large sized! Yet she was expected to swallow this big pill, without any water to help her?

She could not do it!!! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Xiao Hua struggled and tried to tug his hand away but no matter what, his hand seems to be glued onto her.

With her teary eyes and red face, the Third prince’s eyes softens and gently pats her back with his other hand. The four inner maids in the room looked away as if they were watching something they should not.

They felt as if they were witnessing a couple's interaction!

"Be good and swallow it. It's good for your health."

Stop treating me like I'm a disobedient kid! Why don't you come and swallow it yourself?! (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Xiao Hua's eyes darted around to distract her as she tried to swallow it. She knew it was her mental block that made her afraid to swallow it but she did not dare to continue chewing the pill because the taste will get even worse.

She speaks from experience!

Her eyes landed on the cup that was filled with tea. She quickly reached out to grab the tea and the Third prince did not stop her, already got an inkling what she wanted to do. He removed his hand and Xiao Hua eagerly drinks the tea to cover the taste.

After successfully swallowed the pill, Xiao Hua let out a noise of a person that was finally able to breathe. She wanted to give the Third prince a glare when suddenly the temperature in her body rise and does not seem to be stopping. In no time, she was already sweating.

"W-What's going on?"

There was a sharp pain from the back of her neck before everything went dark.

"Your Highness!" The inner maids stared at Xiao Hua worriedly.

"Being unconscious would be better for her. She would not able to withstand it."

Normally one would have tried to withstand the effects of the pill as they were not that difficult to endure. The maids secretly thought that getting stabbed was much more painful than eating the Nutrient pill for the first time.

Actually, they do not know if there was even a person that dared to made themselves unconscious after eating the Nutrient pill!

The Third prince stood up with Xiao Hua in his arms and leisurely walked out of his room. He walked towards the next door, a room for a servant to rest during night time when they take turns to keep watch.

He stood in front of the room, pondering for a while before turning back to his bedchamber.

"Your Highness!" An Wan called out. An Jing had wanted to pull An Wan back before she could dig her own grave even further but the Third prince had already halted his steps.

"This prince knows what you are worried about. But this prince doesn't need a servant that thinks too much."

An Wan unconsciously trembled in fear, remembering her own punishment when she had done what she should not have a year ago. She had boldly waited for the Third prince on his bed, naked, anticipated that the prince would not able to hold himself back once he saw her alluring body.

Her ego and self-confidence were crushed when the Third prince stared at her body as if it was nothing and ordered An Jing to punish her for a whole day. The Third prince would have thrown her back to her previous master if An Jing had not pleaded to give An Wan a second chance.

The identity of An Wan was special, and the Third prince had to give her some face on behalf of her previous master.

The Third Prince would have sent An Wan to be punished if Xiao Hua had not suddenly let out a pained whimpered and started squirming around, feeling uncomfortable even when she was not conscious.

The Third prince’s attention shifted away from his inner maids and stepped into his bedchamber with Xiao Hua. The door closed behind him, leaving his four inner maids outside, each with different thoughts in their mind.