Vol 2 Chapter 47 – The Eighth Prince wants to run away with Elder Sister Hua

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 47

The Eighth Prince snorted, his eyes showed his contempt towards her.

"I have not planned to reveal myself, but I can't endure watching how stupid you are anymore!"

Xiao Hua's mouth twitched as annoyance steadily increasing in her. How many times had this brat called her stupid? Did he think she was a super elastic mochi, foolishly absorbing his insult for free?

"Stupid?" Xiao Hua sneered. Her backbone that she had forced to keep hidden since the day she first transmigrated into this world finally revealed itself. "The stupid one is clearly you!"

Hah, fellow transmigrator, you want to fight? Then this young lady will fight and stomp on you until you turn into a pancake!  !!(メ ̄  ̄)_θ☆°0°)/

She quickly continues on, refusing to give that stupid brat a chance to counterattack. "Always clinging onto Ah Lian and stalking her everywhere, what are you trying to do? You are her brother, not a potential boyfriend!"

"W-What... don't talk nonsense, you fierce girl!" However, the bright blush on his face betrayed his real thoughts.

Oh ho! We got Ah Lian's fan here!

"Hah! You like her yet you keep trying to brainwash her to like the Second Prince? You should not get her involved in the fight in the first place, you crazy brat!"

The Eighth Prince finally snapped. "I just want her to be with the Second Prince! It would be safer!"

"Safer? F***k safer! Don't you know that Second Prince of yours will use Ah Lian to do something dangerous because she's useful?"

"That's untrue! Stop slandering my male lead! He's a hero!"

"Hero your bloody head! Heroes will not save people and then manipulate them to do dangerous things for him! That’s a con man!"

"He did not manipulate them! They are returning their gratitude to him willingly! They were the one that chooses to follow him, pledging their life to him!"

"Those maidservants sacrificed their lives for the heroine just because of the sick gratitude for the hero and heroine! They died when they don't need to!"

"Pang Pang and Tang Tang?" The Eighth Prince frowned.

"I don't remember their name!” Xiao Hua snapped and waved it away. “But he could have ordered more guards to protect the heroine but he simply thinks that two maidservants would be enough to keep her safe, even knowing that they would die because their strength is not enough! He's not even bothered by it and just bloody happy the heroine is uninjured!"

"They died because they want to! To them, they are happy that their mistress survives! Do you think the male lead does not want to send more guards to his wife? It’s because he knows that his wife doesn't like guards hanging around her!"

"So he would sacrifice the life of his loyal and capable servants just to keep her happy? Both of them are stupid!"

"He's that type of person! To him, no one is as important to him as the female lead! What’s the use of servants if they could not sacrifice their lives for their master?"

"That's just sick!"

"That's how Xiao Hua died too!" The Eighth Prince countered.

Xiao Hua gave him a look filled with utter disgust. "That's sick too!"

"What do you expect? Everyone to survive and live happily ever after?!"

"I don't care if they die or not but no way am I letting Ah Lian die just because she decided to help the hero and heroine! That idiot author is an idiot for doing an idiot thing like killing people as if they are worth nothing! Idiot!"

"Hey! I'm not an idiot!"

"I'm calling the author idiot but you are an idiot too!"

"I'm that author you called idiot!" The Eighth Prince stood up and slammed his small sized palms on the table, the teapot and cups shaking from the force.

Xiao Hua slowly stood up as her face darkened. "You are the author?"

"Haha! Surprised? You are one of the lucky readers that know I wrote that famous novel!" The Eighth Prince grinned smugly.

"Author?" Xiao Hua spat out the word as if it was a curse.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!" The Eighth Prince screamed in fear when Xiao Hua suddenly climbed onto the table and leaped at him like a cheetah hunting its prey, her hands stretched out towards his neck.

"I will kill you!!!"

A black figure leaped out from the top of a tree, landed between them and grabbed onto Xiao Hua's hand before they could touch the Eighth Prince.

"Let go of me! I need to strangle him for killing Xiao Hua-" She abruptly stopped when her mind finally recognized to the visual input sent to her brain through her eyes.

"Da Bei!" Xiao Hua squealed in shock. She had totally forgotten about her watchdog!

The Eighth Prince stared at Da Bei in fear as well. He knows that if someone ever suspected him being the fake Eighth Prince, he would be killed! Like Xiao Hua, he had also forgotten during the argument that there would be some guards hidden at every corner of the Third Prince's residence as protection.

"W-We need to s-silence him," the Eighth Prince said with a trembling voice, his eyes staring at Da Bei wildly.

"What? No!" Xiao Hua quickly pulled Da Bei, who was still holding onto her arm, to hide behind her. A thin girl trying to protect a boy that looked to be twice stronger than her was a funny sight to look at.

"He will tell everyone and they will kill us!" the Eighth Prince exclaimed.

"I will only tell master," Da Bei answered with a pair of calm eyes. He does not look disturbed that the Eighth Prince wanted to kill him.

The Eighth Prince calmed down slightly, as the Third Prince was not someone cruel to kill people. He was too passive and too timid to kill a person.

But... the body he's in right now is the Third Prince's brother ah! \(º □ º l|l)/

"The Third Prince might kill us! This body of mine is his brother's!"

"If that happens, we will run away then!" Xiao Hua declared.

"It's not easy to run away," Da Bei 'kindly' informed them.

Xiao Hua turned to Da Bei and gave him a glare. "You stay quiet for me or no lollipop for you!"

Da Bei unconsciously loosens his hold on Xiao Hua's arms in surprise, giving her the opportunity to pull her arms away.

Da Bei: What's a lollipop?

But Xiao Hua already turned back her attention to the Eighth Prince. She had unconsciously treated Da Bei as the twins of her friend that she babysits often where they would be obedient as long as she offered them a lollipop.

"Let's run away now!" The Eighth Prince suddenly said with fire in his eyes.

Xiao Hua wanted to cry. She might have suggested running away, but she does not know where to run to! She did not know anyone outside and she has no idea how to get herself a job when there was no reason for people to trust a little girl and a little boy. Moreover, they would likely need to run away whenever they saw guards hanging around their hiding place.

The outside world is too dangerous for this young lady! (╥_╥)

The Eighth Prince grabbed her hand to pull her towards the exit. Suddenly, she saw the Eighth Prince gotten tied up with ropes around his torso along with his arms.

Next, Xiao Hua was similarly tied up in the same way.

The one responsible for it said solemnly. "I apologize but without master's permission, you cannot leave the manor."

The Eighth Prince let out a frustrated growl as he tried to free himself from the ropes. His efforts had gotten him intimate with the floor, moving around like a worm and his originally clean clothes were now smeared with dirt.

"Da Bei, you heard everything, right?" Xiao Hua asked. She knows that they were in trouble, but strangely she did not feel panic or anything, as if knowing it was inevitable. Whatever the Third Prince decided to do with them...she will accept it.

Could she be in shock?

Da Bei nodded, his eyes expressed the grave situation they were in. "This must be known to master."

"And have us killed?" The Eighth Prince growled and struggled against the ropes even harder.

"That will be master's decision."

"Your Highness?!" Eunuch Heng that just returned from the kitchen was shocked at what he had seen.

Without caring, he dropped the food container and immediately dashed towards Da Bei. He was the only one standing there without being tied up, so naturally, Da Bei was the enemy! Tian Chi was shocked to see the tied up Xiao Hua and Eighth Prince as well, and failed to save the fallen container from Eunuch Heng's hands.

Da Bei easily stepped aside from Eunuch Heng's Qi coated palm and dropped a sentence that stopped the young eunuch's tracks.

"I stopped them from running away."

"Run...away?" Eunuch Heng was rendered speechless. His eyes stared at the Eighth Prince with undisguised disappointment, causing the prince to unable to continue looking at that pair of eyes.

"Why did you tie up Elder Sister Hua as well?" Tian Chi asked Da Bei as she put down the food containers on the table.

"The Eighth Prince wants to run away with Elder Sister Hua."

Suddenly, Eunuch Heng and Tian Chi's eyes on the tied up duo turned strange.

"Elope?!" Eunuch Heng shrieked in such an unmanly voice. "Your Highness, please think wisely! The Emperor could confer the title of concubine to her for you!"

"That's right! The Third Prince would not be so cruel to separate both of you!" Tian Chi added a few cents in.

Team Transmigrated VS Team Servants.

Round 1 goes to Team Servants!

Team Transmigrated suffered a huge blow and vomited blood!