Vol 2 Chapter 54 – I want to drink milk

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 54

“Ah...you don’t need to give me any presents. Just buy one for Ah Lian,” Xiao Hua told the Eighth Prince. Then she speaks to the Third Prince in fluster. “Your Highness...you don’t need to as well. You have given me a lot of pretty things.”

“Birthdays are celebrated once a year. Everyone deserves a present for their birthday,” the Third Prince said.

Since the Third Prince had said it that way, then Xiao Hua will happily wait for it! “Then Xiao Hua thanks Your Highness for the gift in advance.”

“Xiao Hua, what do you want for your present?” the Eighth Prince questioned. “Long Lian had especially told me to get you a present. She even offered to help me buy one but I rejected it.”

“You, asking me what I want… won’t it be easier for you to just let Ah Lian help you?” Xiao Hua asked.

“I don’t know how much money I have and Long Lian looks like one that would buy stuff without looking at the price.”

Heise! Just because Ah Lian is a princess does not mean you can generalize her into the category of spoilt and money waster rich lady!

Long Lian was truly a good girl! Whenever she purchased new clothes, she would hand over the old ones to Xiao Hua to train her embroidery skill! Long Lian was also not one to waste food and even helped Xiao Hua to finish her food!

“So what do you want?” the Eighth Prince asked again, looking as if he expected her to answer. Perhaps he had always asked what people wanted as a present instead of surprising them?

What Xiao Hua earnestly wish for, was what the Eighth Prince wants too. But unfortunately, they have yet to find a way to return back to their original world. Unless they confirmed that they have no way to return to their original world without dying, they will not stop searching for it. Their beloved family was waiting for them to return!

Previously, due to his case of time traveling, the Third Prince was interested in it and read all the books in the royal library regarding that topic. During his search, he found out about transmigration and decided to research this topic too. He had told the duo transmigrators everything he had read, which does not include the way of returning. That prompted the Eighth Prince to search the library himself in case the Third Prince missed any information. Regrettably, Xiao Hua does not know how to read Chinese words, so she can only count on the Eighth Prince to do everything.

“I want to drink milk,” Xiao Hua finally answered. She honestly missed milk, cream, and cheese. Le XiaoTing loved them a lot.

The Eighth Prince rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Okay, milk it is! Eunuch Heng! Ah, where did he disappear to?”

Eunuch Heng had previously stood where he could not hear them, but could still be seen. But he was now missing and the Eighth Prince can only stand up and search for his missing eunuch.

Leaving both of them behind, Xiao Hua started to feel awkward. She sneaked a glance beside her and found the Third Prince holding onto her ugly embroidery. Her hand twitched with the urge to snatch it from his hands!

“What picture are you trying to make?”


Xiao Hua knew her embroidery was terrible to look at. She was not a person that would blindly praise her work. Le XiaoTing had only sewed her torn clothes and did some cross stitch when she was younger.

It was Xiao Hua’s ambitious and fun seeking self that had her started to learn embroidery. Often during the quiet afternoons, she would witness An Jing’s steady fingers, holding onto the needle, with movements that resembled dancing when she embroiders. Her experienced and quick movement allowed her to create beautiful flowers and dragons in a short time. That beautiful embroidery had stirred Xiao Hua’s interest.

Seeing that the Third Prince just stared at her embroidery with his slender fingers caressing the ‘unique’ dragon, Xiao Hua decided to change the subject.

“Your Highness, when is your birthday?”

“A day before the New Year.” The Third Prince finally looked up from the terrible needlework and gave Xiao Hua an anticipatory smile. “This prince wants a pouch with dragon embroidery made by you.”

Xiao Hua: ‘…’ You want me to finish that within a half months’ time?!

The Third Prince chuckled at Xiao Hua’s panicked expression and stood up. Leaning down, he lifted Xiao Hua up and his arms once again became Xiao Hua’s mobile chair. They slowly made their way to the Spring Courtyard, the Third Prince’s bachelor cave.

“Your Highness, Xiao Hua can walk…”

“My little maid does not like this prince to carry her?”

“No, of course not, Your Highness.” Xiao Hua sighed inwardly, already gave up since this was not the first time the Third Prince carried her around, treating her as his doll. Till now she could not figure out why he would do this and she slowly got unmotivated to seek for the answer.

Stopping at the small room beside the Third Prince’s sleeping chamber, he pushed the door open with his free hand and stepped in. It was a small bedroom but it was still larger than the one Xiao Hua currently claimed as her bedroom.

The bed was covered with thin, see-through white colored curtain with pink lotus flowers pattern. The bed frame was made of redwood, its design specially made for females in mind.  The material used to make the table and chairs were white colored stone, matching the flower vase at the side of the room that holds onto a bunch of fresh lotus flowers.

After taking in the interior of the room, she turned her head to look at the Third Prince, who had been watching her expression. Her eyes were full of questions as she continues staring at him.

“From today onwards, this will be your room.”

Xiao Hua’s eyes would have dropped out of the socket if it was possible and her mouth was gaping open in an unattractive way. With an amused chuckle, the Third Prince teasingly swiped a thumb over her parted lips, and Xiao Hua automatically closed her mouth.

The Third Prince’s thumb had not moved away in time and got caught between her lips. At the unexpected situation, both of them turned stiff, their eyes expressing their shock. Xiao Hua honestly wanted to open her mouth to release the Third Prince’s thumb, but her mouth reacted the opposite way of her thinking and tightens its hold onto the thumb instead.

She could see the Third Prince’s eyes became half-lidded, but his gaze did not lack clarity but gained intensity instead. Startled upon seeing that gaze, her mouth went limp and released the thumb. There was a string of saliva connected between her mouth and his thumb.  

Outright panicking, she shakily used her sleeve to wipe the saliva off his thumb. “I-I did not mean to do it!”

The Third Prince suddenly lowered his arm where Xiao Hua was sitting on so that he can press his forehead against hers. Her breathing turned irregular as she forced herself not to breathe loudly and expose the smell of her mouth to him. He let out a sigh as if he was facing a dilemma.

“Xiao Hua.”


“You’ve said you are 27 years old?”


“You are not married?”

“Yes- No! I mean no! I’m not married!”

The Third Prince lightly laughed, causing his body to lightly shake. “Your parents did not arrange a marriage for you?”

“That...it’s too old-fashioned. In my world, we hardly have arranged marriage anymore. People now have the freedom to find the one they love to get married to.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

Xiao Hua had told the Third Prince some terms used in her world. But he appeared more interested in ‘girlfriend’ so she tried to explain more about it. Surprisingly, he was like a sponge, easily accepting the new knowledge.

“I used to have one, but no longer.”

The Third Prince was silent for a moment before he asked in a low voice. “Did you hug him?”

Xiao Hua blushed, feeling uncomfortable with the topic. But she still answered him. “Yes. We did things that couples do. Hug, kiss, hold hands, and stuff.” But she refused to sleep with her ex-boyfriend no matter how much he tried to coax her. To her, that would be a gift only for her future husband.

The Third Prince does not seem happy to hear it. “You are a knowledgeable woman, I see. Are you purposely seducing this prince?”

“What?” Since when did this young lady seduce you?! You are the one that seduces me!

The genuine irritation displayed on her face calmed down the Third Prince. “Do you know what would happen during the wedding night?

Xiao Hua blushed even more. Why is he asking this stuff?! “I did read about them.”

Oh gosh. I just realize that whoever that will clean up my apartment after I’ve disappeared will definitely discover my stashed steamy novella collection!!

“You had never done it?”

“Of course not! I’m not married! Third Prince, why are you asking these questions?”

The Third Prince smiled, seemingly happy all of a sudden. “This prince just wonders why you are still so...innocent at this age.”

“Are you calling me old?” Xiao Hua narrowed her eyes. Was he laughing at her for not married at twenty-seven years old?

“Xiao Hua is not old,” the Third Prince said in a slightly coaxing manner.

The Third Prince had died at the age of eighteen in his previous life. He continues with his second life at the age of eight. Adding the years up, his soul was at the age of twenty-seven.

Coincidentally, Le XiaoTing and the Third Prince were the same age. Calling Xiao Hua old was the same as calling himself old.

She decided to let the matter go and asked an important question instead. “But...why would you give this room to me?”

“This prince wants to be able to keep an eye on you.”

Xiao Hua: ‘…’ Giving her a beautiful room...just to keep an eye on her? Did he treat suspicious people this way?

Xiao Hua’s heart feels bitter.