Vol 2 Chapter 57 – Dear Husband truly adores me

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 57

Xiao Hua was currently in a very uncomfortable situation.

Her legs felt numb as she was seating down with her legs cushioning her butt and fastened her eyes onto her teacup served on the table in front of her. She was surprised when she found the seats to be Japanese style, where the chairs were actually just cushions on floors, and the drinks were the green tea that Le XiaoTing had tasted in Japanese restaurants! She even had to remove her shoes and wear an indoor slipper around the house.

For a second, she thought she had traveled to a Japanese country with the small bamboo water fountain and paper sliding doors until Ping Shui talked to her in the Chinese language.

Xiao Hua avoided eye contact with the person in front of her that has a noble ranking, following the proper protocol. Her brains feel as if insects were crawling over it, agitating the itchiness as she was afraid of making a mistake.

Seriously, why would her punishment be something this dangerous? One mistake from her would embarrass the Third Prince!

“How is the Third prince doing?” A strong yet feminine voice inquired.

“His Highness is doing well.”

Madam Ping Shui nodded as if it was to be expected that the Third Prince was in good health. She was just asking that question as a form of courtesy. “Ping Shui will need you to pass my thanks to the Third Prince for the gifts to grandfather.”

“This servant will pass it on. Third Prince heard that Grand Tutor Ping Pong had fallen ill and sent this servant to deliver some medicine to hasten his recovery,” Xiao Hua speaks as smoothly as she could.

“Grandfather is resting and could not personally accept the gifts. Please pardon Ping Shui for accepting the gifts on behalf of grandfather.”

“Madam Ping Shui, the Third Prince understands Grand Tutor’s difficulties. It’s already an honor to have Madam Ping Shui to personally accept the gifts and invite this servant for tea.”

Xiao Hua swears that by the time she leaves Ping Manor, her polite quota for the day would have exceeded the limit! She was actually worried that one day she might not able to handle the pressure of being cautious of her every word and action, increasing her anxiety and one day, she will finally snap and paint the town red!

“My mother had prepared some snacks and accidentally made more than we could eat. If you do not find it unpleasant, please bring some back for the Third Prince to try,” Ping Shui offered kindly.

“It’s not unpleasant at all. The Third Prince had mentioned that he misses Madam Ping’s delicious snacks and even ordered this servant to inquire if Madam Ping would not mind giving a portion of the snacks to His Highness if she had made some today.”

Madam Ping Shui laughed, using her wide sleeves to cover the lower part of her face. Her laugh was not loud or overly soft, just enough to let a person notice her amusement.

“It is fortunate then, that mother had made some snacks today. I will have my mother prepare more snacks to bring back for the Third Prince.” Madam Ping Shui gestured at the plate filled with snacks on the rectangular table with short legs in dark brown color placed between them. “Please, try some too.”

“Then please pardon this servant’s rudeness.” Xiao Hua lowered her head slightly and did not reject Madam Ping Shui’s offer.

Actually, when the plate of snacks first appeared before her eyes, her attention was already on it! It was so cute how the white-colored snacks were molded into rabbit shape! Its body was plump with its body full of fillings.

Using a chopstick to pick one of the rabbit snacks, she unceremoniously takes a tiny bite on its head and the sweet red bean filling poured into her mouth. The skin was so soft and slightly chewy! The red bean was not overly sweet, suitable for everyone with a different preference of sweetness to enjoy!

Madam Ping Shui smiled when she saw the happiness for something as simple as snacks on the Third Prince’s personal maid’s face as she busily chewed on the snack. There was no trickery could be seen from her reactions. She apprehends that sending this maid to meet her indicated that the Third Prince trusted his personal maid.

Realizing that her face was too expressive, Xiao Hua quickly controlled her face back to a polite smile. “To let Madam Ping Shui see such an embarrassing sight, this servant is embarrassed.”

“Ping Shui is happy to see my mother’s snacks are enjoyed. Please, have more.”

Xiao Hua: Oh~ I can eat more- cough- wait she is here on a mission!

“Thank you for your generosity. Madam Ping Shui, please have some too. This servant is embarrassed to eat these delicious snacks alone.”

Madam Ping Shui’s smile widened and joins in to eat the adorable rabbits.

“It’s been a while since this servant sees Madam Ping Shui. It seems married life is good for you. You are even more beautiful than before.”

Xiao Hua had not lied or made an empty flattering, for Madam Ping Shui indeed looked more attractive than the time she saw her during the engagement cancellation gathering. Her skin seems to glow and there was more spirit in her eyes. Her hair was completely piled up and decorated with expensive hairpins, into a hairstyle for married women.

It had been four months since Ping Shui and General Tang Jiang’s wedding but Xiao Hua was unfortunately not able to attend.

“Ping Shui is very happy with dear husband.” There was no anger or annoyance from Madam Ping Shui towards a servant that dared to ask about her marital life. “Dear husband was originally reluctant to part with the Tang family, but he made a great afford to adapt to his new home.”

“That’s good news. It was rather wise for General Tang to choose his future instead of being stagnant in the past. This servant is amazed by General Tang and Madam Ping Shui’s courage.”

Madam Ping Shui lightly laughed. “Dear husband treats me kindly and never slight me for my past engagement with the Second Prince. He’s a wise man for separating work and family life.”

It was rather strange for people in this era to segregate their working life from family life, for most officials that Le XiaoTing had read in the novels usually used their family connections to make their working life smoother.

“Pardon this servant for asking an inappropriate question but…did the Second Prince pressure General Tang about Madam Ping Shui? This servant is not educated with only rumors to learn about the world. This servant could not help worry that the Second Prince would try to harm Madam Ping Shui…” Xiao Hua trailed off. She had already said enough for Madam Ping Shui to connect the dots.

Madam Ping Shui gave Xiao Hua a warm smile, unlike the indifference smile that was usually spotted on her face whenever she conversed with other official’s daughters. She knew that Xiao Hua was here on behalf of the Third Prince to inquire about her husband.

“Ping Shui is content to have Xiao Hua worried about me, but please be reassured that it would be hard for the Second Prince to harm me.” Madam Ping Shui smiled like a predator with a dark glint in her eyes. “Dear husband truly adores me.” Her tone was filled with confidence and her smile held secrets that only she and her husband knew.

Xiao Hua could not stop her mind from wandering to PG 18 scenes that Madam Ping Shui might have used on General Tang to tame him. Xiao Hua discreetly fanned herself as she felt that the room’s temperature became warmer.

“This servant admires Madam Ping Shui.”

The door suddenly slides open and a large size man with wide shoulders wearing a dark brown plain robe stepped into the room. His large shadows loomed over them like a scary monster. His originally fierce expression immediately turned to a foolish expression when his eyes landed on Ping Shui.

“Shui’ Er, I have looked everywhere for you.”

Xiao Hua had to fight off her goosebumps upon hearing the endearment that the battle-hardened General Tang gave to his beloved wife. He had said it in a spoiled manner that a macho voice should never use!

“Husband, we have a guest,” Madam Ping Shui reminded sharply with a polite smile on her face.

General Tang spared a glance at Xiao Hua, deeming her unimportant and turned his attention back to his wife. “Shui' Er, mother said you are free this afternoon. Let's spend time together.”

Xiao Hua could not help but shiver, resisting the urge to rub her arms. That spoiled tone from a muscular man was too exciting for Xiao Hua to take in!

“Husband, the guest is the Third Prince's personal maid. Don't be rude,” Madam Ping Shui informed gently yet unyielding.

General Tang pouted in response. He had already known his wife was entertaining the Third Prince's personal maid and he purposely came over to interrupt them.

He was a loyal soldier to the Second Prince and would naturally dislike other princes that would hinder the Second Prince's aim for the throne. Even if he looked like a no-brain but only brawn person, for him to hold a general’s position means that he has some skills. He had already known his lovely wife was on the Third Prince’s side before their marriage.

However, despite his attempt to brainwash Ping Shui, he ended up falling into a beauty trap instead. Slowly, his loyalty shifted towards his wife and he willingly surrendered to it even if he knew it might shake his sense of loyalty towards the Second Prince.

But his surrender to his wife does not mean he supported the Third Prince! He was just merely allowing his wife to do what she wanted as a good husband! But he was irritated that the Third Prince dared to steal his wife’s attention from him during his rare free time!

He puts on his fiercest scowl on his face with the purpose of scaring the tiny maid away, but who would have thought the maid did not even pay attention to him! She was too busy eating the rabbit-shaped snacks, not wanting to torture herself with General Tang’s display of love!

Instead, his scowl was seen by his dearest wife and earned a cool gaze in return.

Wife...Shui’ Er! I’m not glaring at you! Don’t be angry, this is all a misunderstanding!