Vol 4 Chap 108

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 108

Xiao Hua quickly explained, "Lord Yang Ling wants me to help in asking the bow from you. Third prince, will you return the bow back to him?"


"Third Prince, Lord Yang Ling truly loves that bow."

"I know."

Xiao Hua: '...' What else am I supposed to say?

"You pity Yang Ling?"

"No." Realized that her answer seems cruel, she hastily explained, "It's not as if you had taken his wife away!"

When silence was the only reply she got, she turned her head to look over her shoulder and found the Third Prince seriously pondering over something.

Xiao Hua's heart was numb as she said, "...I suppose it's good that Lord Yang Ling treats his bow like his wife..."

The Third Prince smiled, giving her a cute nod in agreement.

Xiao Hua: '...' My boyfriend being mean to his friend but I found it cute!

Finally allowing her to shift around so that she can look at him without spraining her neck, Xiao Hua stared at her boyfriend, slightly pleading. "Can you return the bow to Lord Yang Ling? He refuses to leave if he doesn't get it back."

"He will leave when I kick him out."

Xiao Hua: '...' How fierce, but I can't deny the reasoning!

"If I return his bow, what will you give me?"

"...Huh?" Xiao Hua swears her boyfriend just asked for something outrageous.

"I won't hand over the bow if I get nothing in return. Xiao Hua understands that, right?"

"I will inform Lord Yang Ling to find something in exchange for the bow."

The Third Prince smiled roguishly as he leaned closer so that his lips could touch her soft cheek. "I will only accept it if it's Xiao Hua that gives me."

Xiao Hua: '...' Why me?! I'm broke!

"But... but that bow is Lord Yang Ling's!" Xiao Hua protested fearfully.

"Naturally, if Yang Ling personally asks me, I will demand something in return from him. But right now, it's Xiao Hua that asks it from me, so you will be the one to offer something to me."

(╬ Ò﹏Ó) Unfair!

"This servant is penniless and able to live with shelter and food was all thanks to the third prince's generosity," Xiao Hua said flatly but her eyes expressed her belief of being wronged.

Long Zhu frowned and leaned closer to lightly bite her earlobe, which was tempting him.

"Kyaa!" Xiao Hua squealed, immediately pulled herself away while holding onto her abused ear that still tingled from the bite.

Ignoring Xiao Hua's accusing gaze, Long Zhu said seriously, "You will not refer yourself as a servant when we are alone."

Xiao Hua bites her bottom lips worriedly yet her eyes showing delight. Unknowingly, her action had a pair of dark eyes stare at her lips. "I... I understand."

Long Zhu frowned as he was able to spot her agreeing without understanding, again. It was the same look when he explained to her about inner energy during their short period of training while heading to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Xiao Hua, you are not my servant."

"Yes, I know."

He felt a bit frustrated, unsure if she understands his meaning. "You are my fiancée, my future bride to be, my princess consort."

"I... I know." Xiao Hua blushed prettily and he fought the urge to rub his fingers over the blush. "I just... I'm not sure since there isn't any promise about it..."

"I promise to have you as my princess consort. No matter what happens in the future or how difficult it would be, I will make it happen."

Xiao Hua's eyes shined brightly like a star in the vast night sky, and he acknowledged it was that vision that made him want to pamper her even more. "Then...if you fail to fulfill it, I will go and stay with Heise!"

Long Zhu's mood dropped and he says threateningly. "You will not go to him."

But his little flower was not afraid and even boldly demanded, "Then you know what to do so that I won't run away, right?"

He could not control his lips from curling upward, or his eyes soften in a sappy way that would be similar to how General Tang gazed at his dominant wife.

"I will give you no reason to run away from me," Long Zhu promised before sealing the promise with a kiss.

Xiao Hua happily throws herself into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his shoulders boldly. Her body felt light without doubts, allowing her to act normally around him without fearing that he would punish her.

"Please stop!"

Surprisingly, the Third Prince immediately stopped, but she could see it took a huge effort for him to stop with how tense his body and the way he clenching his jaw.

Shakily, she uncoiled her other hand on his hair which she had messed up and quickly covered her chest and fixed her clothing.

"You...don't like it?" His voice was calm, but the tension in his body under her was very noticeable to her.

"It does not matter if I like it or not," Xiao Hua hurriedly explained. "I'm too young for this. My body is a fourteen-year-old girl and we are not yet married."

Hearing her words, reason slowly calming Long Zhu down and his body cools down. "I apologize."

"Y-You don't have to! I understand!" She totally understands hormone, lust, and teenager's libido!

When the Third Prince suddenly pulled her into a hug, she let out a sharp shriek. "Don't be afraid, we will just hug," the Third Prince gave his word, and only then did she relax in his arms.

Xiao Hua bites down her lips to stop herself from asking about his actions earlier. His movement seems awkward, but it was with purpose. He knew what to do and how to touch to get her purring under his palm.

However, she should not be too surprised if she was not his first woman. Males in the historical era have different thinking about letting little boys experience sex, or at least that was what she thought.

Xiao Hua sighed and removed herself from his lap, away from temptation. The arms around her reluctantly let her go.

"Lord...Lord Yang Ling! Will you return the bow to him? Would it not be better if he has a strong weapon with him? He is your ally after all. It should also stop his mind from wandering to Liu Chu Chu."

"I will give return it to him tomorrow."

Xiao Hua sighed in relief. That will stop that boy from cheating- Ah Pei! Even if she does not believe that bow could stop Yang Ling from searching out the heroine, it could at least stop his wandering mind for a while.

"Yang Ling will not side with Liu Chu Chu," the Third Prince said, accurately guessed her worry.

"But the heroine's archery skill is stronger than him and he would want her to teach him!"

The Third Prince shakes his head and stood up to place his hands on her shoulder.

"My archery skill is better than Liu Chu Chu's. I know her level from my previous life, and I'm confident that she will never be able to defeat me in archery. Yang Ling would never believe her skill is better than mine. I've made sure of that."

Xiao Hua: '...' This young lady seems to have a jar of vinegar poured into her mouth!