Vol 5 Chapter 156

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 156

The night was breezy, helping the trees to sway around playfully, filling the atmosphere with a sense of peace. The gentle sounds of cicadas that accompany the night did not break the peaceful atmosphere.

But in a certain bedroom, the occupant was not feeling peaceful at all.

On the bed, there was large sushi with the seaweed replaced by a blanket with the filling being a young girl. Xiao Hua hides inside the blanket, surrounded by the comfortable darkness, to hide from the embarrassment of her actions today. 

Le XiaoTing was proud of herself for not throwing her face for a hot guy like most girls did in her school and later, workplace. Yet, Xiao Hua was a lovesick fool that willingly throws herself onto Long Zhu, unwilling to separate!

So embarrassing ah!!! Le XiaoTing hits Xiao Hua repeatedly in her mind.

Who would have thought she would be crippled by the 'falling in love with my savior' syndrome? In this new world, it was Long Zhu that protected her and gave her everything, making her dependent on him.

Fortunately, this was not a tragedy setting romance, or else she would have a bad ending!

Nevertheless, Heise was right! Two years was not long at all and she needs to train herself to be stronger! Only then she can proudly say she look like a beautiful vase but tougher than metal! 

Fuck it! She, Le XiaoTing, was an independent woman! (⌐■_■)

A new, unknown place could be treated like as an overseas trip! She will experience new things and besides, from the moment she transmigrated to this world, everything was a new experience for her!

There was a growing fear that the Third Prince's love towards her would not able to withstand the trial of time and vanish, or another person came to steal him from her, but so what? She will not cry and endlessly cling onto one-sided love or a married man! Duke Heng might still be available then!

Xiao Hua: I still wanna cry tho. (╥_╥)

Le XiaoTing: If he really did that, I will give him a great taste of revenge that would be unforgettable for life! I still have my pride!

Xiao Hua: Is pride edible? (╥_╥)

Le XiaoTing: You shut up!

"What is Xiao Hua doing?"

Xiao Hua had no desire to talk to people at the moment but after a minute, she poked her head out of her sushi roll, revealing her messy hair and flushed cheeks from the heat. Her eyes were red and swollen from the crying.

"Hello, XiYing. Is everything fine back at home?"

Duan XiYing and Tian Zi had to rush back to the manor when a messenger informed that some of the servants, a.k.a the Munzhu's hostages, were causing trouble when the Third Prince and most of the higher ranking maids were not around.

"Hmm~ Steward is handling things well~ but your little Munzhu friend gotten injured."

"Eh? Er Yen? Is he one of those that rebelled?" Xiao Hua asked anxiously. 

"Nope~ He's a good boy, trying to stop them, but his actions had everyone treats him as a traitor so he got beaten up. Don't worry, a doctor was invited and with just a few days of rest, Er Yen will be fine."

"I see." It must be hard for Er Yen, to remain loyal to the Third Prince yet had to betray his dignity as a Munzhu citizen. "Could they not return back to their homes? Isn't a Munzhu and Guilin Kingdom having an alliance now?"

Duan XiYing shook her head. "They can't return. The Emperor fears that Munzhu would take back their words so the hostages are here to stay for a long time."


"It was Munzhu country that first declared war with Guilin. They might have agreed with the peace alliance, but Guilin is wary of their sudden agreement and these hostages would be something to hold Munzhu back if they want to declare war again."

"Poor them." How many lives were ruined from just one war?

Duan XiYing placed a hand over Xiao Hua's forehead to check her temperature. Her palm was cold and it relieved a bit of Xiao Hua's heat.

"I'm not sick, XiYing."

"Xiao Hua's eyes are red and swollen. XiYing will kill those people that hurt Xiao Hua."

Xiao Hua rolled her eyes. "What's with you and Da Bei with death threats?"

The little miss thought they are joking around, but they are actually very serious~

Xiao Hua let out a tired sigh. "XiYing, do you know about the possibility of me being adopted by Doctor Bai?"


"Then you know I will have to stay at Bai's family land?"

Duan XiYing nodded. "Yes. Master had told XiYing about the possibility of it happening."

"I see..."

The dejected expression on Xiao Hua's face had Duan XiYing sat at the edge of the bed and rubbed Xiao Hua's head, at the same time running her fingers over her hair to turn into a tidier state.

"Master will do anything to have Xiao Hua as his wife. Doctor Bai is someone Master trusts with Xiao Hua's life and even if it will take years, Master is willing to wait until you reach adult to take you back."

To show that she understands, Xiao Hua nodded despite being slightly bitter about it. However, she was truly touched by what he would be willing to do just to have her increase her position to be able to marry him without much protest from other parties. 

With a serious face, Duan XiYing pondered. "Why is it that when I'm not around that Lord Bai will appear?"

"Must be your luck," Xiao Hua answered with a straight face.

Fortunately, Duan XiYing was not around, or else the process to reach the same ending will be very much different. Duan XiYing would definitely help out the Eighth Prince with the prank and things would get out of hand.

"Do XiYing need to visit the temple to cleanse XiYing's spirit and fortune?"

Xiao Hua blinked in surprise at the sight of a concerned Duan XiYing. It was the numerous reads of cliché romance novels that make her suspicious of the possibility of a gossip-worthy history between them.

She decided to test it out. "XiYing, you want to meet with Doctor Bai? But did you not meet him already when you sent the letter from the Third Prince?"

Very close to a whine, Duan XiYing complained. "He only met me for a while before kicking me out!"

Yup, there was something between them, alright. That something must be huge since XiYing forgot to refer to herself as the third person.

"XiYing, did you offend Doctor Bai or something? To kick you out like that..."

In that short amount of time, Xiao Hua was able to identify that Doctor Bai could be a bit playful, but he was a rather patient and gentle person, very much like the Third Prince.

"I did not!" Duan XiYing immediately denied fiercely. "He's just an unforgiving person!"

Xiao Hua's imaginary cat ears twitched and eagerly fish for more. "What did you do? Doctor Bai seems like a very forgiving person. He did not even get angry when the Eighth Prince pranked him!"

Or not. He did throw the prank back onto Heise after all.

Much to Xiao Hua's disappointment, Duan XiYing clams up. "The day is late and Xiao Hua needs to sleep. XiYing will prepare water and some ointment for Xiao Hua's swollen eyes."

Xiao Hua sensibly did not push the issue. "Okay."

After all, there was still time for her to learn the truth~


The morning court was canceled as the Emperor had invited ministers from the third rank and above into the palace to welcome the Legendary Doctor Bai to the Guilin Kingdom.

Everyone was excited at the thought of meeting the legendary doctor. Although none among them were treated by the great doctor before, his prowess was widely known, along with the invention of cure to many dangerous diseases.

The Emperor also allowed well-known doctors in the Guilin Kingdom to join the celebration, knowing that they wish to exchange notes with the legendary doctor. To the Emperor, this was a great benefit as the exchange notes will help Guilin Country's doctors to thrive.

When the Emperor and Empress arrived, all the guests were already in attendance, including all princes and princess, with exception of the third prince and fourth prince that were still in South Guilin Village.

Everyone's back was straight with neck stretched and eyes wide, secretly trying to identify who among them with the unfamiliar face was Doctor Bai. The thought of Doctor Bai arriving late was not in their mind, for that action was considered rude. Just look at the Second Prince! A hundred canings he received for being late was enough to have him arrive early since then.

If the second prince knew what most were thinking about him, he would freeze them all with his ice spiritual energy!

Seeing that everyone has familiar faces, they moved their eyes to Liu Chu Chu, the rumored apprentice of Legendary Doctor Bai. Surely the student would recognize her own teacher.

A eunuch hurriedly makes his way to the Emperor and only dared to approach after received permission to do so. After a moment of whispering into the Emperor's ears, the Emperor's previously good mood dimmed slightly. He dismissed the eunuch with a wave of his hand, before standing up from his dragon chair, immediately getting everyone's attention as they hurriedly stood up as well.

"We have gotten the news that Doctor Bai is currently having a patient to attend to. It would be a while before he joins the celebration, but we will have a light feast while we wait."

Everyone was relieved that the Doctor Bai was just late instead of not attending the banquet. After the Emperor returned to his seat, only then did the others dared to sit back down.

The second prince and Liu Chu Chu did not follow to sit down. Instead, they stepped up to the front before the Emperor and Empress. They respectfully saluted; their red and white attire was no longer a surprising sight to everyone.

In a respectful manner that he normally does not possess, Long Shan asked in a humble manner. "Father Emperor, Long Shan wish to ask you a matter and hopes that Father Emperor would grant it."

The Emperor has an inkling of what his most talented son wishes to ask. "Let Us hear it."

"Long Shan wish to marry Liu Chu Chu as soon as possible. After the recent accident, this son grew fearful of how fragile human life could be and wish to attain happiness before it could slip past my hands."

The Second Prince and Liu Chu Chu's hands were entwined, both staring at the Emperor with a firm and resolute expression, as their eyes expressed their hope that the Emperor would not heartlessly reject their wish.

Long Shan was the Emperor's most capable son; hence he has a certain degree of fondness for Long Shan, as well as being the son given birth by his favorite concubine. He himself understands that happiness would easily slip past their hand if they were not cautious enough, and could not blame his favorite son for thinking so.

Just like him, Long Shan would do anything to keep his loved one close to him, guarding her away from threats. 

He glanced at his Empress and received an encouraging smile that appeases his heart. Concubine He might be the one that satisfied him during springtime, but his Empress was the one that understands him at a deeper level.

"We will grant it."

Everyone quickly gave their good wishes to the couple and thus everyone missed the sly smirk adorning the beautiful Empress' face that was mostly concealed by her wide sleeves.