Vol 5 Chapter 162

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily


XH 162

As soon as Tian Liang tasted the tea, his eyes brighten, and no longer as reluctant as before to drink it. He even withdraws the fist he was about to give Xiao Hua to eat!

Tian Liang: I had drunk water from my own dirty hands before, this bucket is nothing! (;⌣̀_⌣́)

"Baby chili, you could have brewed the tea in a better manner!" The King complained once his mouth was freed.

"It still brings the same result, so might as well save time by brewing once, don't you agree?" Xiao Hua answered innocently.

Tian Liang: '...' Shit, this King nearly agreed! (#'Д')

"Of course not," Xiao Hua gave a sincere smile. "Xiao Hua only does that to you."

Tian Liang: '...' You want me to feel special? As if! (҂' ロ ')凸

"How can a servant be as lazy as you?" Tian Liang narrowed his eyes at Xiao Hua. "You are those that abuse your position and force the lower-ranked servants to work for you?"

Xiao Hua: If this young lady says they were the one that jumps up eagerly to do work for me, will you be shocked?

"Your Majesty is reluctant to drink? Then Xiao Hua couldn't possibly force you! I'm sure Your Majesty can know your way out of Long Lian's courtyard!"

Tian Liang glared at Xiao Hua, once again doubting his choice to comply with Xiao Hua's conditions just to get Long Lian. With Xiao Hua's approval of him courting Long Lian, Long Zhu will be easier to get permission from.

If Xiao Hua knows of his ideas, she would have asked why he did not ask permission from Long Lian's parents instead. They were the one that controls her marriage, not her brother.

"I will drink! But for me to drink all in one go, don't you think it's too much?"

"It's just one bucket. It should have amounted to the total of one day's water that you should have to drink. If you don't finish it all, you cannot leave!"

"Cannot leave?" Tian Liang smirked and eyed Long Lian like a rogue. "Hear that, princess? I can't leave until I finish drinking it all..."

He slowly sipped the tea, purposely groaned loudly in bliss. The tea was delicious and he could easily drink it all in just half an hour, but if he could stay at his princess' courtyard longer, he does not mind slowing down his drinking speed.

Long Lian rolled her eyes but did not scold him, indicated that she does not mind him staying longer. Xiao Hua immediately figured out that Long Lian does not dislike the King of Munzhu's attention.

This time, it was Xiao Hua that rolled her eyes rudely. "I don't have eyes to see how shameless you are. But Long Lian, make sure he drinks it all, please?"

Long Lian nodded, not at all reluctant to be the watchguard. "I will. Are you leaving already?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I can't stay longer but I need to discuss some matters with Doctor Bai."

Long Lian grinned, showing that she was not angry. "When I have the time, I will come and play with you!"

Xiao Hua's eyes unconsciously trailed to King of Munzhu, secretly thinking that she would not be able to see Long Lian for a long time then.

Tian Liang caught Xiao Hua's gaze and sneered. "Are you not going to call him 'Father'? You will hurt his gentle heart."

"It needs time," Xiao Hua pointed out. "After all, I had to replace him with my real father."

Tian Liang stopped his sneer and his expression turned serious. "You will not replace your blood father just because you got adopted. Calling your adopted father as 'father' does not mean you betrayed your blood father. Your blood father will understand and would wish for his daughter to have a better life and to show your respect to Doctor Bai for helping you."

Xiao Hua had said those words to stop his teasing, but who would she know that he would get so serious and gave her a lesson of life? In contrary to what he thinks, she does not feel she had betrayed her real father when she accepted the adoption. Le XiaoTing was too young to remember her real father when he passed away and she viewed the adoption as something she needed to do as a condition to marry the Third Prince.

Besides, treating Doctor Bai as 'father' could be treated as a role play. The reason she had yet to call him so was because...it feels pretty awkward.

Xiao Hua smiled sincerely. "I know. Thank you for your advice, King of Munzhu." The restlessness in her heart about King of Munzhu finally disappeared. She had a feeling that this great change in the current Tian Liang compared to the novel King of Munzhu had to do with the Third Prince's interference.

Since Xiao Hua now has the identity of Doctor Bai's daughter, she could no longer stay at the Empress' courtyard. The Emperor had them stayed in a different courtyard, far from the harem to avoid any interactions between males and females.

Xiao Hua followed behind Duan XiYing, who knew the way to the courtyard where she would stay in starting from today. "XiYing, I want to visit the Empress to explain some things. She had been kind to let me stay, and leaving just like that makes me look ungrateful to her."

However, Duan XiYing did not agree. "Xiao Hua cannot meet the Empress. Tomorrow, the Empress will know everything. It makes no difference to meet her earlier to explain."


"Xiao Hua can thank the Empress tomorrow. It's not late to do that then."

Xiao Hua stared at Duan XiYing suspiciously for insisting she did not meet the Empress. However, she obediently nodded. "Okay. Will you tell me what happened between you and Doctor Bai?"

"XiYing's story is long and boring. Xiao Hua would not like it. We need to hurry back so that Doctor Bai will stop worrying."

Well, she tried.

♣ ♣ ♣

In just one day, the news of Liu Chu Chu as the fake apprentice of Legendary Doctor Bai was spread quickly. Although there was a considerable size of people that believed Liu Chu Chu was innocent and it was all a big misunderstanding, not everyone could believe it, especially when she wronged the real apprentice, their charming Third Prince Long Zhu! There were also a smaller group of people with ill intention and spread different news.

The Third Prince was the real apprentice, yet he did not call out the Fifth Miss Liu's lies! He must have remained silent for the sake of the Second Prince that loves his future Princess Consort dearly!

When the sun was fully hidden and the moon shines brightly, the rumors had reached the Emperor's ears. Suffice to say, his decision of letting the son he was proud of to marry Miss Liu started to waver.

Concubine He was aware of his thoughts and proceeded to drug him twice the amount of usual dose. When the drug's effects finally passed, it left the Emperor tired but very satisfied, willing to indulge her even more. Although she felt disgusted, she still had to get naked and cuddle with him in bed.

"Your Majesty, this concubine is so happy when Long Shan finally falls in love. Thank you, Your Majesty, for letting our son marry the one he loves," Concubine He said coquettishly.

"Long Shan have done well and deserve a good wife."

Aware of what the Emperor did not say, Concubine He decided to cut down the thorny trees covering the path for her son and daughter-in-law.

"Your Majesty, please do not be swayed by the public opinion." She pressed herself closer, successfully distracted his attention. "Chu Chu had never failed to cure everyone that sought her aid. Long Shan's life was saved by her as well. She could make medicine that most physicians could not make."

The Emperor nodded thoughtfully. The Fifth Miss Liu had indeed given him a good medicine that cured his old, painful injuries. There might be even more medicine that could benefit him, and as the Emperor and future father-in-law, she would surely give him good things to please him.

Seeing the Emperor was agreeing, she continues on in praising Chu Chu. "Long Shan never liked silly people. It's understandable that he would fall for Chu Chu when she's an intelligent girl. He always praises how smart she is, helping him to plan his strategy, and always taking care of him. This mother also got jealous of how he praises Chu Chu."

"My love, there's no need for you to be jealous. A son never forgets his mother. Hmm, it would be great if we have another child," The Emperor said wistfully as the heat in his eyes grew. 

In contrary to his belief, she was actually disgusted but forced herself to act as if his touch was enjoyable. She fears that she will be taken tonight for real, but if it could secure her son's marriage, she was willing to sacrifice her body for one night.

"With that unreasonable blame of the Second Miss Liu's death on her, Chu Chu was removed from Liu Family. She has no family to back her up and could only rely on her talent. Despite that, she's still able to shine and all her accomplishments helped Long Shan's reputation to grow. How could I dislike the girl? I will also willingly push my son to her arms!"

The Emperor hummed in agreement half-heartedly. "Once they have gotten married, the Liu family will try to fix their relationship with Fifth Miss Liu. Long Shan should learn about business, even if it's only some basic knowledge. It won't do for him to only know how to win the war," The Emperor said a long while after arranging his thoughts.

Concubine He smiled beautifully, her relief could be seen with how her shoulder relaxed. "Your Majesty!"

"I know what you are worried about. You think I will take back my word to let them marry?"

"This concubine..."

"Enough. I don't blame you for it." The Emperor was not angry at all. "The talk will end here now. Child making needs all our attention."

Concubine He moaned playfully. "Your Majesty, you already did it for so many times earlier. My waist is tired."

"Just lie down and let me do everything."

Eunuch Xiang was standing outside the room to stand guard and heard what his master was doing inside. Naturally, he did not dare to shake his head in disapproval and remained subservient, patiently wait for his master to come out tomorrow morning.

There was another eunuch standing at the other side of the door, belonged to Concubine He. Surprisingly, there were three deep lines scarring his handsome face. His eyes were cold, filled with hostility, but it was hidden from view as his head was lowered. One would think that he was not affected by the sounds coming from the room if his hands were not clenched so tightly that he bleeds.