Vol 6 Chapter 191- Y-You… know my body size?

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 191- Y-You… know my body size?

The news of Gu Dan spy infiltrated the Guilin Kingdom terrified everyone, but the approaching date of their Second Prince's joyful wedding offset most of their fear. When they heard that their Minister of Justice would settle the spy issue, the rest of their fear disappeared! 

In these ten years, Minister Qin had never failed their expectations. He was a man with a great sense of responsibility and justice! It was widely known that he never accepted bribes and punished those that dared to bribe him!

He was the Guilin Kingdom's justice man!

It was two more days until the day of the great wedding and the street was decorated with red to join the happiness. 

But someone quickly spread the news around that the owner of the pawn shop was their prestigious Second Prince!

The public never know that the average business pawn shop belonged to the Second Prince and doubted the news at first. But a higher class nobility easily investigated the origins of the pawn shop and confirmed the rumor was true. The news of the pawn shop doing business with the Gu Dan spy would damage the Second Prince's reputation but the citizens were more willing to believe he was innocent and does not know the truth!

The citizens were worried about how the Second Prince was fairing with the vicious rumors. But their concerns were not needed when the person himself was indifferent about it. So far, no one dared to mock him about the pawn shop to his face.

As for the one that caused the problem in the first place, Yao Bao the female in disguise, was too busy to be angry about another matter!

When Owner Kang send her a message to request for a meet up in a restaurant, she had thought he had a good offer for her and went there with good mood. 

"Owner Kang, we had already signed a contract. How can you break it so easily?" Yao Bao asked grimly. It was not even two days since the day they had signed the contract! The last time she saw him, he was trying to remain indifferent when negotiating with her, but his pretentious air was a child's play in her eyes. She daringly raised her conditions and just like she had guessed, he agreed to them even when it was more unfavorable to him.

As a businessman, he was willing to lose some to earn more. He believed that Yao Bao will bring more profit and good reputation to his shop.

But right now, the hard to conceal greed in his eyes was gone and he was now truly indifferent to her!

"You may have better pills than my previous supplier, but even if I think highly of you, my investors are more willing to trust Miss Wan than you, a person from an unknown background."

Owner Kang's assistant placed a bag on the table and pushed it towards Yao Bao. 

"This is what I owe you as compensation for breaking the contract." Owner Kang sighed. "You are indeed talented, but I can't gamble all my trust on you and carry all the losses if anything happens. Just blame me for being short sighted two days ago."

Yao Bao glanced at the bag without looking inside it and hmph-ed coldly. "Your compensation is just this? I have rejected offers and other work because you demanded me to work exclusively for you in the contract. Two days later you suddenly want to break the contract and then look down on me? Owner Kang, does everyone know you treat all your employees or partners this way?"

Yao Bao stared at Owner Kang coldly, her gaze reminded him of a snake staring at her prey, terrified Owner Kang greatly. 

Not wanting to stay any longer, Owner Kang quickly said, "I have suggested you to 《Strong Pill》 shop and the owner seems to be interested in you. You should go and have a chat with him and perhaps you are able to find a great opportunity. That's the extent I can help you. I am busy and shall leave first."

She watched the cowardly duo ran away and after they were far away from the room, the teacup in her hands cracked loudly.

"Miss, this must be Wan Ting's scheme!" Other than Owner Kang, his assistant and Liu Chu Chu, there was another feminine, tiny boy inside the room, which was a maidservant in disguise. 

"It should not be her," Liu Chu Chu waved the suspicious away. "She does not have this much influence."

"Then who did this?"

"We will know sooner or later." Liu Chu Chu wiped her hands with a clean napkin. "Let's return."

"But miss! Are we just going to let Wan Ting off just like that? She took what's supposed to be yours, miss!"

Liu Chu Chu's mouth curled. "I have no plans to let her off. I already decided to deal with her after my wedding, but the plan will be brought forward." 

Since Wan Ting had challenged her for Long Shan's affections and remained stubborn in separating the couple, they were destined to be enemies in this lifetime. Liu Chu Chu would not choose a cruel method to deal with her if Wan Ting had not tried to get her into trouble way too many times.

Originally, Liu Chu Chu planned to enjoy her wedding, so she decided to postpone dealing with Wan Ting after her wedding date. But she had gone to seek help in sabotaging her money earning plans. In return for her efforts, Liu Chu Chu will kill off Wan Ting's chance to live her carefree days longer. 

Wan Ting's ruin will be a wedding gift for herself!

"Yao Ling, come closer. I will tell you what you need to do for me." 

In consideration that the occupant of Peach Courtyard would not rise early, Duke Heng choose to visit a few hours after sunrise. 

It was just right in time for Xiao Hua to finish bathing after her usual morning exercise when Duke Heng requested for audience. 

When she stepped into the room where they usually have their morning meal, Duke Heng was already seated with the Third Prince. The 19th Emperor had dragged Doctor Bai somewhere last night and yet to return. 

Duke Heng's smile was no longer distantly polite, but full of genuine joy behind his wide grin. "Good morning, Miss Bai."

"Good morning, Duke Heng," Xiao Hua greeted and glanced at the Third Prince once she seated beside him. 

Today's breakfast was congee again, with sweet potato added in this time. Yesterday's dinner was spicy hotpot and they had eaten quite a bit so the chef decided to have a lighter meal for their breakfast to avoid indigestion. 

"Miss Bai and Third Prince's disguise is truly an eye opening for this one. If I had not known beforehand, I would think that Miss Bai is truly Third Prince's young miss, much to every bodyguard's envy!" Duke Heng remarked. 

"How did you identify us?" Xiao Hua asked curiously. Her hairstyle and dressing had changed, even half of her face was hidden. 

"I have a pretty good memory and sharp eyesight. As long as I put effort into it, I'm able to recognize you and Third Prince even with the disguise."

"Memory…" Xiao Hua stared at Duke Heng with wide, round eyes colored with shock. Her arms unconsciously hunched in an effort to hide her body. "Y-You… know my body size?"

"Miss Bai is mistaken. It is the Third Prince's body size that I've memorized. Since you are beside him, I figured out that lady is you," Duke Heng said with a face of calmness.

"Indeed, Duke Heng estimated correctly," the Third Prince cut in, helping Duke Heng hide the truth. He knew that Duke Heng was a person that preferred to confirm things thoroughly before making a judgement. It would be more in line to Duke Heng's usual actions to check out Xiao Hua's measurements before confirming that it was really her, but this truth would likely scandalized her. 

"I apologize for my rudeness." Xiao Hua quickly straighten her body. "I do not find it offensive that Duke Heng would use my measurement to identify me. I am just shocked but honoured that Duke Heng would take the time to remember me. Duke Heng truly have a good memory."

"Duke Heng could be the youngest prime minister in Guilin's history is mostly thanks to his excellent memory."

"Third Prince flatters me."

"As promised, I will let you drink my tea without limit or payment today!" Xiao Hua stood up and headed to the prepared tray with tea sets and started brewing. 

Xiao Hua was willing to brew as much tea for Duke Heng today was due to fear of the heroine's charm affecting the duke. Her worry had the Third Prince came up with this challenge for Duke Heng to drink her tea in large amount without him being suspicious. 

"Your spy could not find out more information?" The Third Prince asked, stirring his congee to cool it down. 

"My man is working under the Second Prince, not Miss Liu. The Second Prince had gifted the pawn shop to his fiancee, and allows her to do as she wishes with it. She might had informed the Second Prince what she's doing, but it's always without servants around to overhear their conversation. My man can't do much about it, and the Second Prince remain tight lipped with it."

"Did the request of aid reaches Miss Liu?" The Third Prince asked. 

"She claimed being busy with the wedding preparations and because of it she have a slight cold. We have no reason to force her to help out."

Xiao Hua finished brewing and placed Duke Heng's tea before him. "Here you go. Be careful not to burn your tongue."

"Thank you, Miss Bai. Your tea could possibly be the best I could ever taste-" Duke Heng trailed off, his eyes stared at the large bowl before him in shock. "This bowl…"

Xiao Hua laughed, a bit embarrassed. "I always think that the teacups are too small. Whenever I just started to enjoy the taste of the tea, that is always when the cup became empty."

Seeing that Duke Heng was still silently staring at the large bowl filled with tea, Xiao Hua added, "Please don't think I'm going back my word, Duke Heng. I will refill the tea whenever your bowl is empty for the whole day today!"

"I won't dare to think that, Miss Bai. I'm just a little touched for your consideration."

Duke Heng laughed as he thinks that at least she did not make him drink from a bucket like how the King of Munzhu, Tian Liang, was forced to.