Vol 6 Chapter 197 – Green soldiers had awakened too early

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 197 - Green soldiers had awakened too early

Like a thief, a man with striking green eyes silently sneaked into the prison ground. The aim of doing so was to create trouble to avenge his good friend's death. That was why he, Gu Meng, decided to contaminate the water source of the prison with his own made poison, creating more trouble for these idiot Guilin people!

But the piercing screech of the Gu bugs surprised him. They only make this noise when their lives were threatened and warned the other Gu bugs of the danger!

"These people are able to discover Gu bugs this quickly? No, how is it possible that they could kill the bugs so easily?"

Gu bugs have hard shells and have a tougher life than a cockroach! Unless one of their kin was killed, they would not send out a distress signal!

The Gu bug's screeching that came from the building had the Gu bugs inside the white tent responded to the distress call. As a result, the green soldiers woke up earlier than scheduled!

With no other choice, he had to postpone the plan to contaminate the water source. Like a village boy, he agilely climbed up a tall tree and spied the situation inside the white tent. The wide-open entrance made it easy for him to look in.

"Shit!" Gu Meng cursed when he saw the green soldiers started moving agitatedly, throwing off the doctors that tried to push them back down on the bed.

As the green soldiers had awakened too early, they were not as limber or stronger than the promised result, but it was still strong enough to push back average humans.

It would not be long before the green soldiers decided to kill those doctors that blocked their path to rescue their endangered kin. Once that happened, the Guilin people will decide to kill the green soldiers!

Gu Meng hurriedly throws a smoke ball into the tent and released a thick, suffocating smoke.

It was filled with drugs that would help strengthen the green soldiers, adjusting their bodies to achieve the same result as the matured green soldier. But this artificial growth will break down the green soldiers after six hours!

"Darn it! Now Gu Ang's dead is meaningless!" Gu Meng cursed angrily.

Their King was overjoyed when the mysterious female was able to successfully nurture the mother Gu bugs to their mature state. After the huge war four years ago, the remaining survivor of Gu Dan has lost a large number of their strong warriors that could create mother Gu bugs to breed green soldiers.

The previous Gu Dan King had decided not to write down the method to protect their secret technique from being stolen. That was why there was not a single record of how to nurture the Mother Gu bugs that were left behind for the survivors, much to their regret.

When the mysterious female was able to grow the Mother Gu bugs with her miraculous water, their King did not hesitate to agree in aiding her to overthrow the current Guilin's monarch!

The main purpose of having a small number of Gu Dan people sneaking into the Guilin Kingdom was to test out the Gu Dan bugs' strength as well as creating plenty of green soldiers!

Gu Meng grinned like a proud owner when a green soldier threw a doctor far away and the terrified doctors quickly obeyed their instinct to get away from the threat.

"Everyone, get away from here!" Hao Li ordered, who managed to keep his calm in this situation. His dark circles looked even more prominent under new stress. "Let the guards subdue the patients!"

Fortunately, there were guards patrolling around and quickly spotted the unusual situation, alerting the other guards to come over.

The doctors immediately ran out of the tent, afraid to even stay a second longer with the strange patients.

"This miss, why are you not leaving?" Hao Li asked Duan XiYing when she was the last civilian to remain behind.

"XiYing wants to hunt bugs."


The guards might have a large number of people on their side, but a green soldier's strength was so overwhelming that they need few guards to subdue one prisoner! Due to this, they had accidentally allowed one of the green soldiers to bypass them and get close to Hao Li.

Fortunately for the non-cultivator Hao Li, Duan XiYing saved him by sending the green soldier flying away with a mighty slap on his green-colored cheek. The patient sent flying by Duan XiYing surprisingly took a long time to stand back up, unlike the other green-skinned patients that moved as if they do not feel any pain from the guards' attack.

Hao Li gulped and eyed the surprisingly strong Duan XiYing, unconsciously step closer to her.

"Go and find Xiao Hua. Ask politely if Xiao Hua had found a way to deal with the bugs," Duan XiYing said to Hao Li, who was observing the patients in hopes to find what was wrong with them.

"Don't tell me... she knew about this but did not tell us?!"

"Xiao Hua went to tell her father about this and ask XiYing to protect everyone here in case something happens."

Hao Li tsk-ed but did not comment further. He does not know about Miss Bai Hua's character and it would be too early to judge her negatively without listening to her side.

"Thank you for saving me," Hao Li said, without the attitude of being grateful to his savior. He was still in shock at the sudden danger and too tired to dig out the appropriate emotion. "I will go and find Miss Bai to ask about this."

Duan XiYing smiled and grabbed a guard and pull him away from his comrade.


"You will be following Doctor Hao Li to find Doctor Bai to ask for a way to deal with the patients. Protect him with your life."

The guard does not know about Xiao Hua, so Duan XiYing had to borrow Doctor Bai's name to have this guard agree with the task.

The guard gulped and straighten his uniform. "R-Right!" Despite the one that gave him the order to have the appearance of a delicate yet alluring female, he could not dig up any unwillingness to ignore her command.

"Da Bei!" Xiao Hua exclaimed in fright, wanting to call him to get away from the corpse when the painful screeching assaulted her eardrums.

She quickly covered her ears with her hands and instinctively hunched closer to Doctor Bai's back for protection.

It was Da Bei's beast instinct that had him grabbed onto Doctor Shen and darted away from the corpse right before the numerous aggressive bugs crawled out from any opening they could find from the body.

Xiao Hua, whose nerves were already high strung, let out a sharp "Eeek!" at the appearance of the green bugs at the size of an adult cockroach!

Pulling onto Doctor Bai's sleeves, Xiao Hua exclaimed frantically, "We need to run! Quick!"

But Doctor Bai did not budge from her pulling. "I can't let the danger spread."

"Can you even deal with them?!" Xiao Hua asked.

The head warden stepped forward and pulled out his weapon from his spatial storage. "Even if we can't, we must do our best to stop these pests. Lord Xiang, please escape with Doctor Shen and Miss Bai."

In the head warden's knowledge, it was only him and Doctor Bai that would be able to stand a chance against these bugs. Lord Xiang and Doctor Shen were not cultivators, and he doubted the pampered looking Miss Bai would even have enough strength to deliver a punch! Even if they choose to stay out of kindness, they will just be a burden!

"Xiao Hua, go to the prison's water source and brew as much tea as you can," Doctor Bai ordered just as the green bugs swarmed towards them.

With a wave of his hand, he created a water barrier that spread from ceiling to floor, effectively stopping the green bugs with wings from reaching them.

None of the bugs were able to bypass the barrier but they did not give up and keep on slamming against the barrier, disregard that their action would harm themselves instead.

With the water barrier, the flight mode that was turned on in Xiao Hua's mind switched off. She would have run off and left them alone if she does not care about the other's safety!

Le XiaoTing had watched so many characters in horror or thriller movies who had not taken the chance to escape at the first hint of danger! How many times had she cursed their idiocy and swore she would never be like them? And now she has gotten the chance to experience a similar situation, but she could not find it in her heart to abandon these strangers when she has a tiny chance to save them.

"Brew - so they are afraid of it?" With wide eyes, Xiao Hua quickly nodded. "Alright!"

"Have Doctor Shen and Lord Xiang help with transporting the tea to the treatment tent. I can hear the patients creating trouble above."

Lord Xiang quickly got what they were discussing. "Head Warden Kang, as soon as you and Doctor Bai able to deal with these bugs, quickly go to the treatment tent to help out. Try not to kill anyone and wait for us to come back."

"I know," the head warden said grimly. Even if he was only an early stage of the second rank cultivator, he could feel the chaos above the prison walls. "Doctor Bai, would I be able to attack behind your barrier?"


The head warden tightened his grip on his double-sided weapon, crafted to look like a big needle and accurately stabbed a few bugs through the water barrier. He had to use most of his strength to pierce through their flesh.

"It is Miss Bai's medicine that hurt the bugs earlier?" Doctor Shen asked anticipatedly. He could smell the strong stench of burning bugs just now and had wrongly misunderstood that the black-masked boy had used acid to hurt the bugs earlier.

Doctor Bai turned to look at the other gentlemen with a gentle smile, so out of place in the middle of danger. With a twist of his hand, the water barrier started to emit steam, before it turned into red flames. It surrounded the screeching bugs and the smell of burning flesh became even thicker and the rest had to fight not to vomit.

The head warden, Lord Xiang, and Doctor Shen felt chilly even when they should be sweating from the fierce flames. They immediately understood that they should not ask about Miss Bai's special concoct, knowing that every doctor wished to have an ace hidden in their sleeves.

Seeing that some bugs managed to survive from the flames, Doctor Bai snapped his slender fingers. The red flame instantly turned into blue flames and morphed into the shape of the countless head without a distinguishable face. The heads made of flame stretch their mouth wide and swallowed the bugs, instantly burning them into ashes.

"We will meet again in the treatment tent," Doctor Bai suddenly speak out, snapping the onlookers back to reality.

"Right!" Lord Xiang and Doctor Shen hurried to the stairs.

Doctor Bai handed Xiao Hua a bag with tea leaves. "Stick to Da Bei."

Xiao Hua nodded grimly. "I will. You stay safe too!"

Doctor Bai had to make sure the prison was clear of bugs before heading to the treatment tent, or else there will be new patients.