Vol 7 Chapter 210 – Long Shan is my biological son

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
Volume 7 starts now~

XH 210 - Long Shan is my biological son

"Be careful." 

Long Zhu caressed Xiao Hua's cheeks. Her baby fats were gone, either by small appetite or growing up.

"I will be back soon," Long Zhu promised.

Duan XiYing, Da Bei and Da An were left behind to guard Xiao Hua while the rest followed Long Zhu to break through the rebels to rescue the hostages.

It was fortunate that they were inside the palace, saving Long Zhu's manforce.

Xiao Hua was sitting up on the bed, properly dressed up in case they need to escape. 

"The Gu Dan are working with the Second Prince to take over the throne," Duan XiYing reported.

"Second Prince? XiYing, you know what's going on?" 

"Everyone will believe its Gu Dan that infiltrated the palace, but Gu Dan can only get into the palace easily with the help of the Second Prince that knows most of the secret passage~"

"How did you know?"

Duan XiYing laughed. "I have my means~" Now that Xiao Hua could not see, she could freely used her skill. 

If Xiao Hua could see, she would have screamed from the amount of little snakes slither in and out of the room, acting as Duan XiYing's little spies. However, the little spied could not go far and so the information received was limited.

"Did the Third Prince know about this?"

"Yes, he's informed of it."

Da Bei in his wolf form bumped his nose into Xiao Hua's hand to comfort her. Xiao Hua gratefully rubbed her hands on his soft, fluffy head. When she first heard of Da Bei's condition, she immediately felt guilty, even when others said it was good news. 

Da Bei was now stronger and after learning control, he can freely shift his form. 

But that also means his freedom and life were now linked to her. He would protect her with everything he got, and obey her every command.

"Da Bei likes you," Da An unexpectedly said. "He is much happier serving you than the Third Prince. If he does not want to form a contract with you, he would not have agreed to it in the first place."

Da Bei nodded his head and rubbed his furry head over her hand to let her know. 

"Thank you… I can only promise to treat you very well." Xiao Hua hide her face in Da Bei's soft and furry neck. Her first tears since she woke up blind quickly soaked his fur but Da Bei did not move away.

Among Long Zhu's troops that were following behind him, a short figure sneaked in with a eunuch following closely. 

Long Zhu stopped walking and turned back. "Eighth brother wish to join the rescue mission?"

Heise: Of course! 

"Father Emperor and Mother Empress is in danger. I can help."

Long Zhu knew that this younger brother of his had just reached the third rank cultivation. From a non cultivator to a cultivator of third rank in less than two years, this speed was the fastest he ever had the chance to witness.

If Heise helps out now, it means his mentally ill facade will be ripped off. But he still chooses to do so because things had already progressed up to this point.

Heise: If he did not show off his might during the climax, he would not have much cool screen time!

In his novel, the Second Prince only made his move after the Emperor gotten seriously ill. At that time, the Crown Prince was already dead, leaving only the Second Prince the suitable candidate to be the next Emperor. The Empress choose to die along with the Emperor once he took his last breath. 

Long Zhu, the time traveller, also know that Long Shan had not followed his initial plan and even involved Gu Dan that had never appeared in his first life. 

Right now the Emperor was still healthy and strong. What made them change their mind and bare their fangs this early? Were they that confident with their victory with Gu Dan's help?

The Fourth Prince was inside his own manor when the news of the Emperor being held hostage reached his ears. Chen Miao, with her arms carrying their daughter, asked worriedly, "Husband, will you charge into the palace?"

Or would you wait until everything ended?

"I will let third brother took care of the hostages." He knew that his third brother was staying in the Pearl Courtyard to tend to his injured little fiancee. His brother will not just let this be. 

What he could do now was to gather as much troops as he could and meet up with second brother. His heroic brother will definitely find a way to save the hostages with the intel of third brother from inside the palace!

Long Lian anxiously stood before her mother that was clutching onto her huge stomach with pale face. In two months, her little brother or sister will be born, but right now no one knows if the child inside would survive. 

The Empress was forced to defend herself when the Crown Prince suddenly went mad and attacked her with his sword.

The Emperor ordered his guards to hold down the Crown Prince, but he was like a restless beast. Without any care of his injury, he continuously charged towards the Empress, with the intention to kill.

He screamed, "Monster" at the Empress without a hint of sanity or recognition towards anyone. 

The Emperor, who failed to restrain the Crown Prince, was forced to kill his son by his own hands. 

Even when the Crown Prince was dying, he never regained his sanity, and his last words were, 'monster'. 

Before the Crown Prince went mad, the Emperor was scolding him when the evidence of his embezzlement reached his hands. Who knew if the reason he went mad was due to denial when the Emperor was about to strip the Crown Prince's title from him. 

The Emperor stood before the corpse of his eldest son, his previously clean yellow robe was stained with blood. The blood of his son was still warm when they were suddenly surrounded by guards and the Second Prince revealed his ambition to grab the throne.

Everyone was shocked, including Long Lian, but her first concern was to have a doctor to diagnose the Empress' condition. But no one helped.

"I want that thing inside her belly dead," Concubine He said cruelly, with Liu Chu Chu beside her. She stared down at the Empress with gloating smile, ignoring Long Lian that was standing protectively before the Empress. 

"You… you betrayed me!" The Emperor roared, his eyes red. He was looking at his favourite concubine, instead of his unfilial son. To him, having his love betraying him was more painful than his son that aimed for the throne.

"I had never betray you, when I never sided you to begin with," Concubine He hissed in anger. "You ruined my life and nearly killed the man I love! I patiently bear your disgusting attention for so long, just for this day! I will watch your demise with my own eyes!"

"You evil woman! Guards, restrain her!" The Emperor waved his arm that was still holding onto his bloody sword and pointed at Concubine He. 

Concubine He laughed as a eunuch stepped up beside her, easily killed off a small group of guards that had moved towards her. "Now all those guards that obeyed you are dead! Look at how vile you are, most of them willingly betrayed you, a scum that isn't worthy to be the Emperor!"

"You white eyed wolf! I gave you everything and this is how you treat me!"

"Everything?" Liu Chu Chu stepped forward, her long red dress sweeping the floor when she walked. "You are the third party of a loving couple. You even schemed to kill father-in-law. But heaven is merciful and fair, saving father-in-law and let us avenge the sinner for what they had suffered!"

A familiar eunuch with a face full of scars stepped forward. He no longer had his head faced downward, but held up with confidence. He slowly smiled with eyes filled with hatred. "I will never die so easily when you are still alive."

"You are not dead!" The Emperor finally recognized who he was!

General Su, the one that would marry Concubine He if the Emperor had not interfered. The Emperor was not happy when Concubine He still longed for her first love, and schemed to have him murdered in the battlefield. 

Yet he survived and hide beside Concubine He, slowly waited for the chance to kill the dog Emperor!

"I won't die under a dog's hand!" General Su tossed the eunuch hat away and laughed. "A stupid dog that only know how to rut and remain blind to everything! I guess I have to thank you for providing free food and shelter for my son!"

"You have no son!" The Emperor exclaimed, but his heart started to get suspicious. His eyes glanced at the Second Prince, who still looked indifferent before his victory. Right now, the Emperor could not help but notice that there was not even a part of Long Shan that resembled him! 

"Long Shan is my biological son, my good son that will be the next Emperor once you are dead!" General Su laughed madly. 

The Emperor's whole body trembled in rage, feeling so humiliated for wearing a green hat for more than eighteen years! With a fierce roar, he swung his bloody sword at General Su and the fight begins.

Concubine He was confident with victory and focused on the weakened Empress. But Long Lian would never allow any more harm comes to her mother.

"Xin Lin, take care of Mother Empress!" Long Lian pulled out her sword from her spatial dimension and it immediately covered with bright flames that was fueled by her anger. 

It was not long ago that Tian Liang taught her how to create flames using her Qi. It was her strong emotion that burned the fire even brighter than she could ever did before. 

Long Lian was angry that the brother she admired turned out not to be her blood brother and intended to grab the throne by using bloodshed and war. 

Long Lian was angry that her mother was injured and there was no doctor around.

Long Lian was angry that her eldest brother was dead, likely from a scheme cooked by Liu Chu Chu.

Concubine He was a rank one cultivator and would naturally be weaker than Long Lian that was a rank two cultivator. Her flames caught onto Concubine He's dress, which Liu Chu Chu quickly stopped with her water.

Long Lian knows that she would not win against Liu Chu Chu, who was also a rank two cultivator. So she decided to at least open a path for Xin Lin to bring out the Empress and look for a doctor. 

With a scream similar to a dragon's roar, Long Lian brewed all her Qi and unleashed them in the form of fire, spreading it as far as possible. Regardless of the painful backlash she would receive, she did not stop the fire. 

"Go, Xin Lin!"

With the Empress in her arms, Xin Lin dashed towards the door, her Qi in form of water protecting them from most of the flames.

The guards moved to stop them and the rest of the Empress' inner maids blocked them. With their help, Xin Lin successfully escaped with the Empress.

The Second Prince's 'sword' soldier had sacrificed himself to protect Concubine He from the raging flames. 

Long Lian could not hold up the intensity of the flame for long, and the moment she started to slip, it gave Liu Chu Chu the chance to subdue Long Lian.