Vol 7 Chapter 234 – I’ve defiled you!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
A/N: The NSFW part is removed and only available at my patreon page! 

XH 234 - I've defiled you!

"Prime Minister Shen is dead?"

Duke Heng had just returned to Guilin and immediately entered the palace to meet the Third Prince. His robes were wrinkled from the long carriage ride and his face did not look much better, exhausted.

"His dead body is found in his secret residence. There was no one in there other than him and my man in that residence. My spy had reported Prime Minister Shen often met up with Liu Chu Chu in that residence before her marriage." 

So Prime Minister Shen should only be dead after the wedding. 

Duke Heng was busy and did not have time to keep in touch with his spy after bringing Miss Wan and her family to hide in the countryside.

It was already too late when he realized his spy had not reported back for quite a while and later found dead in Prime Minister Shen's secret residence. His true alliance must have been discovered as there were signs of heavy torture on his body. As for why the spy was discovered in Prime Minister Shen's secret house, Duke Heng could only guess that his spy managed to escape despite being severely injured. He must have noticed he was being followed and did not dare to lead them to Duke Heng's residence. 

Likely because of that, his spy purposely went to Prime Minister Shen's secret house and put the blame on another. His plan to create trouble between them must have succeeded since Prime Minister Shen died.

Duke Heng had lost a loyal man in exchange for it.

"I can waaaaaaaalk!" The grave atmosphere was immediately destroyed by a loud, familiar female voice. 

Long Zhu immediately recognized the owner of the voice and went to open the door. 

It was the first time in a long time that Da Bei acted his age. As if he was having fun, he slowly skips in a weird way as he moved closer to where Long Zhu's smell was the strongest. Xiao Hua was seated on the snow wolf and forced to cling onto Da Bei's neck, her face nearly covered from sight by the white thick fur.

Da Bei's fun was cut off when Long Zhu stretched out and grabbed Xiao Hua away. He winced when Xiao Hua accidentally ripped off a fistful of his fur.

"What game are you playing?" Long Zhu was pleased to see Xiao Hua had cheered up, but his heart felt uncomfortable seeing her sticking her body onto Da Bei's.

"You are Long Zhu!" Xiao Hua cheered confidently as she patted his arm.

Long Zhu: '...' Who had fed her wine?

"Duke Heng, we shall speak again another day." It would be best not to let anyone witness her embarrassing herself, or she would get depressed once she sober up.

Duke Heng had heard that Xiao Hua went blind, but it was still an unexpecting sight. He felt it was a pity for a young girl like her to lose something this important when her future was still long to go. 

"I will need to handle things to have time to attend Doctor Shen's funeral the day after tomorrow," Duke Heng informed. He will use that time to inquire more about the late Prime Minister Shen, who was distantly related to Doctor Shen.

"Can...Can I go too?" Xiao Hua asked as she clutched onto Long Zhu's robe with her hand that still has some remains of Da Bei's fur.

Duke Heng eyed Long Zhu, who took some time before replying. "I will accompany you."

Long Zhu gave the right answer and was rewarded with a wide smile by Xiao Hua, even if it was filled with bitterness. "Thank you."

With a curt bow, Duke Heng left the couple alone. Da Bei knew better than to follow them into the study and waited outside the room like a trained dog.

"Have you eaten?" Xiao Hua asked, not comfortable with the dark and silence, even if she could feel his familiar grip guiding her around. 

"I did." He had no appetite, but a bowl of chicken ginseng soup worked well to warm his stomach.

Long Zhu sat down on his chair and placed Xiao Hua beside him, sharing the wide chair together. He had not scented any wine from her, so she was not drunk.

"Are you busy? You need to rest in between."

Long Zhu smiled, his heart touched by her concern. "I did. Do you need me for anything? You are still recuperating and should not move around too much."

"I'm not tired." Xiao Hua stretched her hand across the shared seat slowly, searching for his hand. Her heart cheered when she managed to touch his hand.  

"It's quite late now. Sleeping late is bad for your health, when you are still recovering." But before she could grab his hand, he moved his hand away. She went still, her hand still in grabbing motion felt awkward just as her heart went cold.

Was he avoiding her? 

"I want to talk to you." Not wanting to believe it, Xiao Hua inched her butt closer to him but she was suddenly guided to return back to her original position.

"We can talk tomorrow."

Xiao Hua bit her lip, not wanting to believe he does not want her anymore. His words of forgiveness were a lie?

"Are you going to let me sleep alone?"

Long Zhu: ?

Her next sentence was quick to dart out. "You don't like me anymore?"

Long Zhu: ?!

"You ate my tofu so many times and you want to throw me away after eating your fill?" Xiao Hua said in panic when he did not reply to her within a second.

Long Zhu: !!!

"Why are you not answering me?" Xiao Hua asked tearfully, like a maiden being wronged by a pervert.

"You spoke too fast for me to answer you." Long Zhu finally has the chance to speak. "By tofu, do you mean… our hugs?" 

He had remembered that Xiao Hua and Heise spoke about tofu before, but not the food's tofu. Their conversation that involved tofu does not sound proper to his ears, hence he did not dare to ask more about it. 

"Hug me, kiss me, grope me. Don't try to downplay your pervertness!"

Long Zhu choked on air from Xiao Hua's accusation. "Xiao Hua, I…"

As Long Zhu does not welcome her touch, Xiao Hua decides to go big and throws herself at Long Zhu, plastering her body onto his like a koala bear. "I have kissed you, groped you, even touched your third leg. You cannot leave me!"

"Leave? No-"

Before he could speak out, his mouth was sealed with her soft lips, persistently rubbing their lips together. Her small tongue came out and forcefully entered his slacken mouth that was loosen from the shock of her aggressiveness. Her soft tongue tangled with his, the wet, sucking sounds loud in the silent room.

Long Zhu grabbed her waist, wanted to pull away, but Xiao Hua suddenly pushed him down. Not expecting the move, he went down and the back of his head hit the armchair with a soft bang!

Being blind, Xiao Hua did not notice his pained wince and proceeded to sit on his waist, pressing him down while pulling open his front robes clumsily.

Her bold move made Long Zhu forget about the pain. "Xiao Hua!"

Afraid that he would stop her, she quickly plastered her lips down, which so happened to be his chin. It was fortunate there was no more painful incident on Long Zhu's part. 

She even tried to make a hickey, but she stopped after the first try since she could not see her result. 

Long Zhu was extremely grateful she stopped biting his neck, because it hurts. 

"What are you doing, Xiao Hua!" He was able to forcefully wrestle his rationality back when he felt his belt loosen. Her naughty hands were tightly restrained by his larger hands, stopping her easily.

He sat up and realized they had gone too far when his robe slided down his arms, his chest completely bared. Xiao Hua may not be able to see his undressed state, but her hands had touched plenty!

Long Zhu felt his will weaken when her unfocused gray eyes stared down at him like a female conquering her male. 

She licked her lips, as if to enjoy his remaining taste lingered on her lips. "I've defiled you! So you have no choice but to marry me now!"

Long Zhu: '...' Isn't that supposed to be my line?

Her seductive appearance was totally opposite of her childish words. Long Zhu once again choked on air before bursting out laughing, like a mad man finally found his inner peace. 

He wrapped his arms around Xiao Hua, still laughing and not at all concerned with his half naked state. 

As he pressed affectionate kisses on her sweet mouth, cute nose and beautiful gray eyes, he admitted with a tone of a boyfriend coaxing his beloved girlfriend, "Yes, I am yours, my little flower. Treat me well."

Long Zhu was insanely happy that his silly, adorable little flower still wants him!


Today, I will recommend 'Cultivation Chat Group!". It's a modern cultivation novel, and there's manhwa too. The author finished writing it a month ago (3000 plus chapters) but english translation is only at 1000 plus chapters.

Comedy! Comedy! Comedy!

It's gold! I love the comedy! And the MC is not bad either! It's a male main character, and it's not BL (even if its shipable)

Its not the typical kill, kill, kill mindset of the overused troop in the cultivation chinese novels. Not that the MC does not kill, but he only kill when his and his family's safety is in the line.

And the most important thing is...


He is my favourite character ever! Like 'Please marry me!' Favourite! Very goodlooking that could turn men gay, smart, talented, kind! Even his quirks are cute! *rose tinted glasses mode on*

P.S. At the beginning, I tried to write the Third Prince based on Senior White. Well, in the end, Long Zhu escaped and formed his ownself.