Vol 7 Chapter 236 – Like a doting grandmother

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 236 - Like a doting grandmother

"What a poor child. To lose your eyesight this young, what a great loss."

Xiao Hua's smile on her face became even stiffer the longer Madam Shen fawned over her like a doting grandmother. 

She does not dare to say she was lucky enough to retain her life, not when Madam Shen's husband died from the incident. 

"My late husband loves to help people and devotes his entire life in medicine. That old man, he even left his wife alone in this huge house during night time."

Xiao Hua continued smiling sympathetically, not knowing what to say without offending her or the dead. The best choice was to remain silent and mumble 'Hmm' and 'Aah' at the right moments. 

Madam Shen does not seem to mind that she did not answer verbally and continue speaking. "I have two sons that worshipped their father greatly. It influenced them to be doctors and as a mother, I'm very proud of them. Both of them are so intelligent and talented, just like their father. But both of them died young from an epidemic. It truly hurts to have my children leave the world before their parents." 

Using a white handkerchief to wipe her tears, Madam Shen was the epitome of a sad mother that missed her sons. 

That visual attack was useless to the blind Xiao Hua, but she still expressed concern over her loss. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Madam Shen sighed mournfully. "It's been more than twenty years, but I still miss them dearly. They left without even the chance to start their own family, truly disheartening."

Xiao Hua made an understanding sound with a sympathetic smile despite her mind currently in a mess. Fortunately she was able to control her crow's mouth from saying 'they will be happy to know you miss them'.

She was afraid to admit she had gone a little nuts or her cruelty level increased after that mental breakdown. 

But currently, she was more frustrated on why she was picked to discuss heartfelt feelings with Madam Shen!

Was she trying to make her feel guilty over Doctor Shen's death? 

"You look like a good girl. Many of my nieces and nephews would leave whenever I tried to talk to them."

Madam Shen's sudden change of topic took Xiao Hua aback, but it was a welcome change from the depressing topic. The smile on her face feels extremely strained and tiring. "They must be busy at that time and could not speak longer with you."

"Is that so? Ah, this old lady thought no one wanted her." Madam Shen delicately let out a pitiful sob. 

"How could it be? Madam Shen is a likeable lady. Surely your family adores you," Xiao Hua said, managing to speak lies without breaking her sincere smile. 

Changing from a depressing topic to self pity one was not much better!

"Oh, you are such a sweet girl. If only you are my daughter and able to spend time with me…"

Xiao Hua was not sure what Madam Shen aimed with this conversation, but she would not agree to visit her in future. She may feel bad about Doctor Shen's death, but by no means does she have an obligation to offer generosity to his wife that makes her increasingly uncomfortable as the conversation goes on. 

Madam Shen gave her the impression of a scheming lady alike when people gave her an inch, she would take a mile.

With a bright smile filled with innocence, Xiao Hua sweetly said, "I'm sure your family would agree to spend time with you if you ask. They would never reject you when you face difficulties, just like your nephew, Doctor Hao Li. I could tell he is very concerned about you. That's how he was able to persuade me to speak to you."

"They are busy with their work and I'm reluctant to bother them during their sparse free time. Why don't you come over to play when you are free?" Madam Shen refused to give up.

Xiao Hua was getting the creeps. 

"Little miss is very busy too~" Duan XiYing finally came to the rescue. "Madam Shen, my little miss need to be elsewhere now~"

Duan XiYing picked Xiao Hua up and sat her on Da Bei, who started walking out the door that An Jing had pushed open just a second ago. 

"How bold for a servant to order your miss around!" Madam Shen sounded scandalized.

"A servant have a duty to protect her master." Duan XiYing smiled charmingly and as the last person to leave the room, she closed the door well mannerly. 

Madam Shen could not chase after them and destroy her own reputation. She could only let them leave.

Totally let go of any fear she initially had, Xiao Hua trusted Da Bei or anyone around her to not let her fall off. That way she can worry about other matters instead. Xiao Hua has a deep frown on her face, looking worried but has no one to speak to.

"Do you have any worries that you wish to dispel? I can listen if you do not mind talking to me," An Jing offered. 

Xiao Hua hesitated before asking, "What does Madam Shen want from me? She flatters me and wants me to visit her again as if I had bewitched her with witchcraft."

"Madam Shen is grateful to you and wishes to have a good relationship with you. But she is also using this opportunity to increase her standing in the Shen family by using you. Her husband and children were dead and she had no one in her husband's family to count on."

Xiao Hua had forgotten that this was not like the modern era where daughters in laws were independent and did not need to rely much on the husband's family to survive. 

"How about her maternal family?" Xiao Hua asked. 

"Her maternal family is very low in power compared to the Shen family. She had married up the rank and had to be humble around them."

"Should I have accepted her invitation then?" Xiao Hua was confused. 

"Do you want to accept her invitation?" An Jing asked in return.


"Then you do not need to."

Xiao Hua sighed and consoled herself. "She will most likely be fine if Hao Li is there to help her."

Even if he did not, it was out of Xiao Hua's hands and responsibility. She was not a heroine, selfless with the ambition to help everyone in need. 

Madam Shen will face some difficulties, but she would not die or starve, much less being abused if she acted according to her status.

It sounded harsh, but that was how this world was before females got their own rights. 

The Shen family had kindly provided a small room for the Third Prince to talk privately with Minister Qin and Lord Xiang.

"The first Gu Dan spy we got our hands on was rescued when we were not aware. I failed to get anything from him."

In fact, Minister Qin was not at all anxious for his prisoner to be taken away. That Gu Dan prisoner was like a ticking bomb and he nearly thanked Gu Dan when they took him away. 

The time limit that the Emperor had given Minister Qin to investigate Gu Dan had long passed and Minister Qin had nothing new to report. The news of the bedridden Emperor was considered a fortune in another's misfortune. 

"Third Prince, what do you think would be the best stance we should have towards Gu Dan?" Minister Qin inquired about Long Zhu.

"We must not let anyone think that Guilin is one that accepts being bullied," Lord Xiang voiced his opinion with a sharp, meaningful gaze.

Long Zhu stared at Minister Qin, who did not look as if he disagreed with his assistant's words. "To think our fair and just Minister Qin would suggest war, what a shocking change."

"Please do not misunderstand, Your Highness, for this idea was suggested by me," Lord Xiang quickly intercepted. "It is this official that is worried for my son in law that would be punished by the Emperor for his incompetence."

It was rare to see an official will lower his head for the sake of his son-in-law, especially on such a sensitive matter that will threaten his own life and family.

"I agreed because I had also thought of it. We do not have much choice to pick from." Minister Qin spoke up for his father-in-law. 

Long Zhu smiled. "We could never live alongside the ambitious Gu Dan."

Just as he could not let the dangerous Liu Chu Chu create more trouble for them.