Vol 7 Chapter 238 – Pure Dragon energy

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 238 - Pure Dragon energy

As Heise no longer needed to pretend to be foolish, he was in a good mood. It was fun to show off what he knows and enjoy the look of surprise and admiration on their faces. But his joy soon brought along a great trouble.

"The 21st Emperor? Me?"

"Congratulations!" Xiao Hua cheered, genuinely happy for his fortune. She knew this was what the World Spirit meant by Heise's body was his cheat. 

"Why not you or Fourth brother be the next Emperor? Surely it's more suitable than me? The ten year old kid?" Heise questioned doubtfully. 

"Fourth brother had promised to let go of the competition and support the next Emperor when he chooses to marry fourth sister-in-law. As for me, being the Guilin Emperor would hinder me instead of helping me. I have no plans to be the Emperor at all," Long Zhu said. 

"Heise, you will be rich!" Xiao Hua said gleefully as if she was the one hitting the jackpot instead. "Whatever you desire will be given to you! You are the VVIP in the whole kingdom!"

"If I do that, I will be known as a bad Emperor and rebels will rise. I don't want it!" Heise rejected.

"Hey, if you really become that bad, I will join the rebels too!" Xiao Hua scolded. "Don't you know how to be moderate in your spending? You should also know that once in a while, you should spend money on investing in projects that will benefit the Kingdom! Build a highway or a car!"

"Huh, since you said it as if it's so easy, then get your husband to be the next Emperor then!" Heise yelled and pointed at the leisurely Long Zhu that was peeling mandarin oranges.

"When it comes to leading the kingdom to a better path, Eighth brother is the one that suits to be the leader,” Long Zhu said supportively, egging Heise to throw something at him. 

“Stop forcing me to be the Emperor. I don't want it!" Heise snapped.

Long Zhu could see Heise was being serious, but not Xiao Hua, who continued on pressing. 

"I get that Long Zhu wants to focus on the demon invasion, and the Fourth Prince is an easily swayed person. But why do you reject it?"

Originally, Heise does not want to said it, but after being questioned, his heart wavered after being cornered and blurted out, "I'm fucking gay!"

"You… don't want to be an Emperor because you are gay?" Xiao Hua repeated Heise's words, unable to process it quickly.

Like a can with the lid pried open, Heise continued to pour out his heart worries. "I'm no longer interested in females. Everyone will expect me to have a harem and breed like animals. I don't want it!"

Even if he did go and marry a female wife to have a platonic marriage, he would not be able to suppress his true desires and seek out Heng Xin. Sooner or later, this secret affair would be exposed!

"Who dares to say no to you? You are the Emperor!"

Long Zhu, who originally wanted to tell his brother that he does not need to breed like animals, was rendered mute by Xiao Hua's daring words!

"Hey, even the Emperor will be criticized by those old geezers and get dragged off from the throne!" Heise protested. 

"You won't if you pick your nephew to be your successor! Or pick a concubine just for the purpose of giving birth for you and enjoy your days with your husband!"

"I only love Heng Xin. I won't touch anyone else other than him." Heise looked especially serious and Eunuch Heng, who was standing at the corner of the room felt that his heart was beating at an odd rhythm. 

Eunuch Heng: Why does His Highness look especially handsome today? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

It was just recently that the innocent Heng Xin was enlightened that his master loved him, like how lovers do. Heng Xin was shocked, afraid and feeling lost, but after being given days to think carefully of his reply, he told Heise he would accept it.

It was fortunate that Heise's body was still a child...

The blind Xiao Hua missed seeing Heng Xin's blush, the first clue of Heise and Heng Xin's blooming romance. 

"Then the nephew plan, it is. The Fourth Prince and Fourth princess consort will need to work hard!" Xiao Hua swiftly decided. 

"Hah! Why call others work hard but not yourself!" Heise pointed the kettle calling others black. 

"I can only work hard after marriage, idiot!" Xiao Hua scolded, not knowing her words had Long Zhu smiling like an idiot beside her. "And get rid of the eunuch identity from Heng Xin and give him a good position so that no one will belittle his rank when you propose to him!"

"I don't need you to tell me that!" Heise grumbled, but without heat. His mind was already planning on how to get Heng Xin to be his official wife. 

Xiao Hua felt that she forgot something, but was too excited in giving advice to Heise and did not think too much of it.

Eunuch Heng: '...' What about my consent?

"Father Emperor will be bringing Eighth brother to meet Azure Dragon to complete the ritual of being the next in line to accept the throne," Long Zhu informed. 

Long Qian, the late Crown Prince, had yet to pass this ritual because at that time, the 20th Emperor wish to hold onto the throne till the end of his life before he would be willing to pass down the throne.

"... Hold on, I've yet to agree being the Emperor!" Heise was like a sleepy person finally woke up right before signing his life away.

"You should, if you want to marry Heng Xin officially! Legalize gay marriage!" Xiao Hua said confidently. "With you as an Emperor, you will be able to protect your husband and stop everyone from trying to tear the both of you apart! Only as an Emperor will you get to be with Heng Xin and live a happily married life!"

"Father Emperor will be bringing you to Azure Dragon early tomorrow morning," Long Zhu said. "Eunuch Heng, please wake up eighth brother before sunrise."

"Yes, Third Prince!"

Heise started speaking up after getting a chance to slip in a word. "Hey…"

"What? Do you have any problems about being the Emperor?" 

"No…" Heise could only give in to the gangster-like Xiao Hua. Besides, he really has no other complaints about being an Emperor.

Surprisingly, the Third Prince and the 19th Emperor followed them to meet the Azure Dragon as well, requested by the great dragon itself.

The entrance to the Azure Dragon's lair was inside a beautiful garden where the entrance was hidden with no one allowed to step inside. Right under the beautiful garden was a cave with blue rays lighting up the rocks every few seconds.

Long Zhu and the 19th Emperor had no complaints about Heise being the 21st Emperor, but that was not the case for the 20th Emperor. 

"His cultivation is so low that he would faint upon seeing the great Azure Dragon." The 20th Emperor could only sense his youngest son's cultivation at the lower first rank. He had to concentrate hard before he was able to sense that small amount of cultivation in Long Ming. 

Long Yuen snorted at his idiot son. "Long Ming, reveal your cultivation."

Like a good side kick, Heise promptly stopped concealing his cultivation.

The 20th Emperor's eyes went wide like a goldfish. "T-Third rank?!" And at the higher stage! He had not thought his ten year old son was able to learn to hide his cultivation!

"He will be able to speak with the Azure Dragon without embarrassing himself," Long Yuen stated. 

They do not have to walk further into the cave, for the Azure Dragon meets them halfway.

《You've arrive.》 The Azure Dragon has a deep, growling voice that shook them to the core.

"Azure Dragon, this lowly one has brought my son, the next in line, to greet you and earn your sacred blessing." The 20th Emperor was very respectful towards the large blue dragon, albeit not in its usual size, for it had sunk its size so that it could fly around the cave without hindrance.

The large blue dragon stared at Heise who was pushed forward by the 20th Emperor, with a gaze that could see right into his soul. 

《A mature soul, not from this world. You will be steady and your believe won't waver easily.》

Although Heise was not book smart like the previous Emperors, he could be considered as a social bee, and a person that had seen more of the world. He was not a prince that the servants would try to get him away from dipping into the darker aspects of life. 

The 20th Emperor was impressed with his youngest son for getting the Azure Dragon's praise. He had not gotten praise from the great dragon himself. 

《I will be your contract beast until the day you depart from this world.》

The others were clearly taken aback, because the Azure Dragon had never offered to be a contracted beast to any Emperors before!

"Why would you want that? Because I'm a different soul?" Heise questioned suspiciously. "What do you get from helping me?"

《You are the only descendant to have pure dragon energy in you. That energy is beneficial for my wounds to heal faster.》

"Pure dragon energy?"

Long Yuen explained, "Because we are the descendants of Azure Dragon's vassal with borrowed strength, we have some dragon energy. But none of us have pure dragon energy… except for you."

"Won't the energy disappear after you absorb it?" Heise pointed out with a sharp gaze. Even if the energy originated from Azure Dragon, that does not mean he would agree to permanently harm himself just to return it.

《Your dragon energy will return after resting, like your normal spiritual energy. It won't shorten your lifespan or threaten your life.》

"Is that why Long Ming's cultivation speed is faster, even compared among the Long family line?" Long Yuen inquired.

《Yes. And…》 The Azure Dragon raised half of its body and loomed over Heise. 《I can sense the end is approaching.》

The end… 

The dragon could be talking about the demon invasion where it's duty was to protect the humans.

"Okay, I agree to form a contract with you." Heise nodded with a polite smile.

It was different from his inner self, who was skipping around at the thought of having a legendary celestial be his contracted beast and play an important role to end the demon invasion. 

It feels fucking amazing!