Vol 7 Chapter 240 – I really want to kill Long Zhu

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 240 - I really want to kill Long Zhu

"Minister of Works, you look as if you wish to speak. Please do not hesitate to speak out about your concerns." The Third Prince suddenly pointed out someone, scaring some officials away. They had tried to use eye contact at the Minister of Works to have him challenge the Eighth Prince, but they never expected the Third Prince would help them out!

Perhaps the Third Prince was secretly unsatisfied with the Eighth Prince being chosen as the next Emperor by his father? But what about the news they heard about the third Prince was the one that suggested the Eighth Prince to be the next Emperor? Yet they remember it was the Third Prince that made things difficult for the Eighth Prince by suggesting him to take the exams with only fifteen days to prepare! 

Who would have thought the Third Prince had such a deep scheme, to publicly show support to his younger brother but intend to let everyone witness how unworthy he actually was! As for the Emperor, he must have made use of the Eighth Prince to have Duke Heng take on the prime minister's post again! 

The delusional officials believed their assumption and the way they looked at the Third Prince changed to one filled with soft understanding. 

Third Prince, we support you!  

The Minister of Works stepped forward and saluted the Eighth Prince respectfully. Everyone thought nothing of it until he started to speak.

"This official supports the Eighth Prince! His Highness has great ideas that helped out with the rebuilding, and even allocated a cost-saving budget to fix the mess by Gu Dan without wringing dry the government treasury! Minister of Revenue, not even you could come out with a budget that rivals the Eighth Prince's!"

The Minister of Revenue, Minister Bin, felt as if he had been slapped soundly! Does the Minister of Works need to tell everyone about his incompetence? He had not even known that there was a new budget done by the Eighth Prince, and confidently believed that the 19th Emperor had passed his drafted budget!

"Your Majesty, could the officials have in their mind to have the Eighth Prince to pass one trial each from the six ministers and get their approval?" As soon as the Empress spoke, the Emperor's attention immediately went to her. 

"That is a good idea, but it's a harsh trial." The Emperor had thought his Empress adored this Eighth son of his, but why would she suggest such a thing?

The onlooking official's heart soared at the Empress' words. Was this not a confirmation that the Third Prince wants to topple over the Eighth Prince?

"Father Emperor, I believe Eighth brother could do it," the Third Prince said before turning to the Minister of Justice's direction. "What does the Minister of Qin say?"

"This official obeys the Emperor's decision. If the Emperor chooses the Eighth Prince as the successor, this official will support the Eighth Prince wholeheartedly."

"Minister of Rites, how about you?" The Third Prince turned to the other minister. 

The officials that suffered multiple mental attacks from the defeat of the Minister of Works, the Minister of Revenue and the Minister of Justice suddenly felt as if they had been rejuvenated! The Minister of Rites was the most stringent person they ever had the fortune to meet, pickiest with everything, and a die-hard traditionalist! He should strongly disapprove of having the Eighth Prince as the next Emperor instead of the Third Prince, the eldest in line!

Before the Minister of Rites could say anything, Heise smiled like a generous ruler that was about to bestow gifts to his underlings. "Beloved Minister of Rites, let this prince introduce you to my contracted beast, Azure Dragon!"

No one could see how a dragon would suddenly appear out of nowhere!

The Minister of Rites' wide eyes trembled at the sight of a gigantic blue dragon in its glory, taking up most of the space in the ceiling of the hall. "The Azure Dragon! It's the real Azure Dragon!"

"Minister of Rites, could you be mistaken?" One of the officials does not blindly accept that this magnificent blue dragon was what the Eighth Prince had claimed. "Just because this dragon is blue does not mean it's the great Azure Dragon! For decades, none have witnessed the Azure Dragon before!"

《Doubting this majesty?》 The Azure Dragon spoke like a rumbling thunder and the official that questioned its identity disappeared into thin air!

The officials that were not cultivators screamed and wanted to run away, only to find that the imperial guards had surrounded the entrance, not allowing anyone to leave!

"They want to threaten us to comply!" A very terrified official cried until his face was full of tears. 

"Shut your mouth!" The Minister of Rites yelled, silencing the crying official with his fearsome glare. "That is the real Azure Dragon, identical to the records left behind by the previous Minister of Rites! Do not use your foolish, lack of knowledge brain to get everyone to be foolish together with you!"

After his harsh scolding, the Minister of Rites quickly turned back to look fawningly at the Eighth Prince, his eyes finally took in how noble and majestic the young prince looked. He was truly blind earlier and wronged the great Eighth Prince!

"This lowly slave will obey the Eighth Prince, who is favored by the great Azure Dragon itself!" From that moment, the Ministry of Rites became Heise's number one fanboy!

Sitting beside his shocked siblings, the Third Prince was all smiles. "Now we have the Minister of Defense left."

General Tang stepped forward and bowed. The previous Minister of Defense was Long Shan, but since the other generals were either retired or killed for rebelling with Long Shan, only General Tang was the highest-ranking among other military members.

The countlessly defeated officials decided to place their remaining hope on the last minister to remove the Eighth Prince from the candidacy today. However, even if the Eighth Prince failed to get into the top fifty seats in the Imperial exam, he was still a good Emperor candidate for being approved by the majority of the ministers!

"Minister Tang, you should be fair and not treat the Eighth Prince as other children his age. We should treat him as a potential candidate for the throne, and should be tested as such," Minister Bin suddenly spoke up seriously. This was his warning for General Tang to not go easy with the test.

General Tang frowned since he had decided to follow Minister Qin's answer but Minister Bin's words stopped him. He unconsciously had his sight strayed to the Third Prince, perhaps to get a hint on what to do. His wife fully supported this prince, and as her husband, he will also support the Third Prince.

The Third Prince's meaningful smile did not disappoint General Tang. "This prince suggests three elites for the Eighth brother to spar with. If he won two out of three battles, it would be considered as the Minister of Defense approving the Eighth brother to be the next Emperor."

"What a wise and fair Third Prince. This official truly admires the Third Prince's wisdom!" Many officials supported the idea, blinded by their assumption that this was the Third Prince's finale plan to permanently stop the Eighth Prince! It would be better if the elites were heavy-handed and injured the Eight Prince severely!

Heise: '...' I really want to kill Long Zhu!

"The court is coming to an end. We shall have the spar begin after the Minister of Defense chooses the three elites," The Emperor decided. If his third son suggests this, it will not be a problem for his eighth son to pass this test. 

The ambitious officials could not wait to watch the Eighth Prince getting beaten into a pulp while the soft-hearted officials silently lit multiple candles for the small Eighth Prince.

The court ended quickly and everyone gathered at the wide training field, eyes wide and alert in anticipation of a good fight. 

But once the Eighth Prince, with a small frame and appearance that screams to be one that was easily bullied, wields a tall spear, he gives off an aggressive air. The long, heavy-looking spear looked light in his grip as he swung it around.

The worried Duke Heng that had not seen his nephew fight before was shocked at the display of strength. It was a beautifully violent and messy battle!

"Who would have thought the little prince is a crouching tiger in disguise!" Yang Ling stared at Heise's fighting form in rapid interest. "Would he be this good in archery?" He really wanted to spar against the little dumpling prince!

No one had thought the Eighth Prince would win against all three elites, except for the smiling Third Prince. 

With a bright smile, the Third Prince approached the Eighth Prince that tried his best not to glare at him. "Congratulations, Eighth brother! Know that I will always help you and fight alongside you at every battle you encounter."

The Fourth Prince approached, his eyes still dazzled at how savage his eighth brother's martial art techniques were. "I will dedicate my life to you, 21st Emperor."

Long Lian skipped towards them, her dress danced beautifully around her. "I will do my very best to support you, Eighth brother!"

The Eighth Prince grinned with a boyish charm, with the mini-sized Azure Dragon draped over his shoulder.

It was Duke Heng that kneeled down first and saluted humbly. "This subject greets the Crown Prince!"

Afraid that others will take the second place, the Minister of Rites quickly kneeled down and said in a loud voice. "This loyal subject greets the future Emperor!"

The others quickly followed and pledged their loyalty to their new Emperor. Their protest was forced to be silenced and stuffed deep down their stomach from the display earlier. No matter how much they were unwilling, the Eighth Prince had proved himself to be a suitable Crown Prince! 

"We shall officially pass the seat to the Eighth Prince after the Imperial examination!" The Emperor announced. 

The Emperor did not say if the Eighth Prince's result would matter or not, because the young prince had shown he was already worthy to be the next Emperor.