Vol 8 Chapter 259 – Spied on Da Bei

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 259 - Spied on Da Bei

"Let's not stay here. Who knows if that crazy bitch... lady will come back again?" Xiao Hua no longer feels safe in her own room.

Trading rooms for sleeping was a different matter.

Da Bei had no options and followed whatever Xiao Hua wanted. The white Rubik Cube was floating tiredly, not in the mood to debate over it. And so Xiao Hua led the way in search of a new hideout until Doctor Bai and Yu Zheng returned.

The first place they went to was Da Bei's room. It has no personal decorations, looking just like a guest room, clean and tidy.

Xiao Hua wondered if it was because she was already feeling spooked, that she found the room to be a little creepy. It would look better once the room was lit up with lights, but... Xiao Hua rubbed her arms that suddenly felt cold.

"Erm, let's go somewhere warmer, shall we?" Xiao Hua suggested, but did not give anyone a chance to say otherwise and quickly went out of the room.

The system was the last one to exit the room and the door gently closed behind it, followed by female giggles.

The Rubik Cube does not dislike Xiao Hua to the extent of telling her that Da Bei's room was cold because there were ghosts staying there. The two female ghosts were Bai ancestors and strangely adored Da Bei a lot.

The female ancestors very much regret that Da Bei often stayed in his wolf form, not giving them much chance to admire his attractive human form.

Although every living male in the land was handsome, the female ancestors only spied on Da Bei without a guilty conscience. After all, one was their descendent and another was their descendant's lover.

After walking far away from Da Bei's room, Xiao Hua sighed, whether it was in relief or fear, she was not sure. She no longer felt cold and enjoyed the warm breeze traveling around the land.

"Where should we hide?" Xiao Hua mused.

Duan XiYing was staying at the nearest town, but it would take nearly half a day to reach and she does not recognize the roads.

"Go to the host's room. He should have one or two talismans around in case of any danger," the system said languidly.

"...Are you alright?" Xiao Hua stared at the Rubik cube that was not floating in its usual energetic way. The way it was floating made Xiao Hua foresee that it would crash landing sooner or later.

"I'm running low on energy."

"How should I charge you?"

"What?" The Rubik's Cube stared at Xiao Hua, not even having the energy to form a red question mark on its screen.

"Do you need to be charged to recover your energy? Like a phone?" Xiao Hua clarified.

"No need to worry about it. I will go to sleep mode once we are safe!"

The Rubik Cube's floating manner was looking even more dangerous the longer it went on. Xiao Hua quickly brought them to Bai Chuan and Yu Zheng's room, which fortunately was not locked.

The Rubik Cube used some of its remaining energy to scan around the bedroom. "Host had not left behind any talisman or protection artifact."

"It's alright! We can just stay here!" Xiao Hua does not feel cold or creepy and it seems fine to stay here.

Suddenly, a familiar white, fluffy blanket popped out in front of Da Bei and he caught it lightly between his jaw. He pushed it to Xiao Hua's direction and she thought he was going to give it to her.

Except he does not.

Da Bei pushed Xiao Hua along with the blanket until they were standing in a spacious area, which was the center of the room. Then he loosened his jaw and dropped the blanket onto the floor.

"Ah! Don't! It's dirty!"

But Da Bei did not heed her words and used his paws to straighten the blanket on the floor, before hopping onto it. He laid down on the blanket and stared at Xiao Hua, telling her to get on.

"I will be in sleep mode to recharge myself." The white Rubik Cube's digital black eyes blinked sleepily as it clumsily landed on the blanket, which was thick enough that it accepted the impact from the rough landing. After its eyes closed, it looked like an ordinary Rubik cube, silent and unmoving.

Seeing that the Rubik Cube had joined Da Bei in dirtying the blanket, Xiao Hua sighed and removed her shoes before sitting on the white blanket.

It would be tough to remove the stains on the blanket later. Maybe Doctor Bai had kept the floor very clean and the blanket would not end up very dirty?

Xiao Hua pulled out two empty cups made of white jade and a bunch of snacks. "Let's have a tea party while we wait."

Da Bei blinked his eyes and she knew what he was trying to say. Their bond was growing stronger, and although they could not speak mind to mind, she could somehow understand his gesture or looks without speaking.

She pulled out a bamboo bottle and poured her handmade tea into the cups. "Eating helps to ease stress. Just like sitting on the ground facing the exit gives you a little sense of security."

Actually, the main reason for eating snacks was to keep herself from falling asleep, but the reasons she gave him were reasonable too. Le XiaoTing often ate snacks during her revision for exams as it helped her to concentrate.

But then pimples visited her face.

Fortunately, Doctor Bai's room has a bathroom installed, so she can drink plenty of tea to dehydrate herself. Da Bei's head leaned above a cup and used his tongue to drink the tea.

Xiao Hua sighed and inched closer to Da Bei. Only then did she feel safer.

Both of you, come back sooner!

In the peaceful Bai land, the air suddenly distorted and Yu Zheng's figure traveled past it, handsomely landing on his feet soundlessly.

He looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary, except for the lingering traces of the space distortion in Xiao Hua's room.

Strangely, he sensed the children in Bai Chuan and his bedroom. He could not hear anything from the room thanks to the sound barrier array he had set previously.

Why would they go there when it has no protection array?

The door was not barricaded and Yu Zheng easily pushed the door to his room open.

Right at the center of the room, the children were sitting on the ground, with a white furry blanket as their cushion. There were two beautifully made cups filled with tea and plenty of snacks covering a small area of the white blanket.

The white Rubik Cube was not floating for once, looking like an ordinary Rubik Cube as it remained still on the floor.

Yu Zheng sensed its energy was running low but was not damaged.

"Yu Zheng!" Xiao Hua's face was full of relief.

"Good to see you kids are safe." The unnoticed tension eased from Yu Zheng's body.

"We didn't touch anything or snoop around," Xiao Hua spoke up earnestly. "We just borrowed your floor."

She had seen that when Yu Zheng first stepped into the room, his eyes first looked at her before they went to the large chest at the corner of the room and then lastly to the bed.

His gaze reminded her of Le XiaoTing's boss who always went stiff with troubled expressions when his father just sent her into his room to wait for his return.

Le XiaoTing was ashamed that she had indulged in momentarily madness and ransacked his room for blackmail material. Her feelings were rather complicated when she found nothing worthy to tighten his noose.

Yu Zheng chuckled and bent down beside Xiao Hua and sneaked a peanut candy for himself. "Why would you choose to hide here? The plantation fields have the strongest defense barrier in this place."

Bai Chuan was annoyed when birds and worms always lingered in the plantation field, finding the opportunity to eat his spiritual plants. He had to renew the protective barrier every time it was broken by those intelligent birds.

The spiritual plants had the birds mutated to intelligent ones.

"Ah! I forgot!" Xiao Hua facepalmed.

Yu Zheng lightly laughed. He found that she was just like a little child that would treat her parent's bedroom as the safest place in the house to hide from the danger.

How amusingly childish.

"That demon... the dark beauty tried to cross onto here using a portal!" Xiao Hua informed. "Luckily Rubik Cube could make a mirror portal and stopped her from landing here. I think she's trying to locate Doctor Bai."

"If that's the case, the portal won't appear here." Yu Zheng sat cross-legged on the blanket, helping himself more on the snacks. "The portal appears right in front of you, doesn't it?"

Xiao Hua shivered when she remembered it. "Yeah. So she wants me dead?"

Yu Zheng grinned. "You are the top three people that pissed off Liu Chu Chu the most."

"F*ck. So it's revenge for splashing tea on her!"

"It's likely to deal with Liu Chu Chu's lingering resentment before the demon is able to fully occupy the body."

"...That means she will be back!" Xiao Hua's voice increased in volume.

"I've placed a tighter lockdown in this land. No one will be able to enter anymore." Yu Zheng had not done it earlier because he often used a space portal to travel outside the Bai land.

"That's good news." Xiao Hua sighed and flopped down on Da Bei like a rag doll. She does not need to consider moving into Da Bei's room anymore.

But why was that room so cold anyway?
