Vol 8 Chapter 266 – Playing hard to get

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 266 - Playing hard to get

“Thank you, Xiao Hua.” Long Lian blinked her teary eyes. With Tian Liang not around, she was free to express her hidden feelings. 

She could stay strong and steady before everyone, defending against whatever her enemies threw at her. But she would only reveal her weak self before those that loved her, seeking comfort from them because she knew it would be given to her without using her weakness againsts her. 

Xiao Hua patted her arm comfortingly. “We are friends. Friends would want their friends to be happy."

Long Lian shook her head and put on an 'I'm alright' expression. "It should be you and third brother’s matter we should be worrying about now."

"It can wait, especially after you showed me such a sad face. How can I just ignore it?"

Xiao Hua's tone was soft and caring, her words alone told her just how important Long Lian was to her. The princess suddenly felt that befriending Xiao Hua was not a wrong decision at all. 

Long Lian shook her head again, this time in a firmer manner. "It can wait. It won’t be too late to speak of it after we finish discussing your matter. We have time. Just like you are concerned about me, I am equally concerned about you."

Xiao Hua smiled helplessly. "Since that case, I will quickly explain my part before talking about yours. I'm not going back to Guilin until the Third Prince comes over personally and proposes to me again."

Long Lian, the traditional girl, was shocked. "Why would you do that? It's a waste of time to do that again." It was considered a done deal since both of their parents had discussed and agreed with the match. Unless one party informs the other of their intention to cancel the agreement, the Third Prince and Xiao Hua will be expected to marry. 

"I'm feeling insecure after not seeing the Third Prince for two years. Who knows if he still wishes to marry me?" Xiao Hua smiled brightly, her eyes filled with mischief. "Unless he personally comes over to bring me back to home, I will not be confident of his sincerity towards me."

Before Long Lian started her journey to the Munzhu Country, her third brother had already started preparing his wedding ceremony. But she does not remember if he had ever mentioned picking up Xiao Hua from Bai land or not. That was why she invited Xiao Hua to go back with her.

However, as a good sister, how can she not defend her brother? "Third brother is busy overseeing the wedding preparations. He might not have time to personally bring you back."

"I know.” Long Zhu had told her he would be preparing the wedding ceremony for both of them so that she does not need to worry. Even her wedding dress was prepared by him. “I'm truly thankful he would do everything when we could just have a simple wedding ceremony in Bai land."

"That would be improper!" Long Lian scowled. "Third brother is a prince and you will be his princess consort. How can the wedding ceremony be simple? You would be laughed at by the crowd!"

Xiao Hua laughed. "I know otherwise why would I listen to him? Don't worry, the Third Prince also agreed to come personally to Bai land, or else Honourable Father will not agree to the marriage. He is a good and dedicated father towards me, endlessly reassuring me that if the Third Prince is not up to his expectation, he will find a better man for me."

Doctor Bai had made it clear that she could choose not to marry for the rest of her life if she wants to, and without worry too. No one will dare to speak ill of her decision as long as he supports her. 

Xiao Hua could not stop a few drops of tears from escaping her eyes after hearing his heartfelt words. 

"To speak of such nonsense-! Third brother is a very good husband candidate!" Long Lian could not hide her scandalized expression. "But I will support you if third brother is truly a disappointment."

"Thank you," Xiao Hua smiled. She was not worried that Long Zhu would pass this hurdle because Long Zhu was a trustworthy person. This act of playing hard to get was just Doctor Bai's plan to keep his disciple on his toes. 

She just goes along with the plan mainly to satisfy her need to feel loved. (´。• ᵕ •。') ♡

Long Lian eyed Xiao Hua's smile that was free of worry and the uneasiness in her heart slowly dispersed. "What do you plan to do with your shop in this town? Duan XiYing will be following you back to Guilin once you are married."

Xiao Hua was worried too and had a few days of sleepless nights just because of that. In the end, she decided not to shut down the store. 

"I will let Lin Fei and her daughter be in charge of the shop for me temporarily. The Imperial chef will stay here too."

It was a huge risk to trust Lin Fei with the shop, and the only thing she could do to minimize the risk was for Duan XiYing to frequently drop by to check how the shop was doing and have all the accounts checked properly. 

"Why don't you set a shop at Guilin and close down the shop in this town? There will certainly be more customers there," Long Lian suggested.

"...I will think about it." After all, Xiao Hua had originally set up the store just to provide her dowry and this goal was already achieved. She had not planned to close down the store after her marriage, but knowing that her products were copied still kills her motivation. 

Feeling her heavy mood, Long Lian took out an exquisite box with dancing maiden carvings on the surface and gave it to Xiao Hua. "This is my birthday present for you!"

"Wow, this is pretty!" Xiao Hua will certainly not dislike any beautiful stuff. "Thank you very much!"

"Don't open it first!" Long Lian quickly stopped Xiao Hua when she made a move to open it. "Will you promise to only open it during your… wedding night with third brother? After the ceremony would be ideal."

If this was not a traditional period with a very proper demeanor, Xiao Hua would have thought Long Lian had just given her an adult toy. That was certainly what Le XiaoTing and her friends had given to their newly married friend as a good laughing material. 

“I have another wedding gift for you!” Long Lian said, fearing that Xiao Hua was upset. 

“I don’t mind if this is a birthday and wedding gift together.” Xiao Hua laughed. “Okay. I promise." Xiao Hua put the box into her spatial bracelet, pushing down the curiosity in her heart. "Now, you know my reason. Can I listen to yours?"

A second ago, Long Lian's posture was normal, filled with confidence and vitality. But now, she resembled a timid daughter-in-law that was scolded soundly by her mother-in-law. "... Mother Empress disagrees with me to have me marry Tian Liang."

That… was not surprising at all. 

"The Empress must be worried to have you married so far away from home."

Long Lian sighed softly. "Originally, Father Emperor did not mind it, but after knowing Mother Empress disagreed, he quickly changed his mind and completely supported her."

The Emperor gave an excuse that Long Lian was his only daughter and reluctant for her to marry so far away. It would be better if Long Lian had a Prince consort instead and stay at the palace. The Prince consort will be given a not too high, but not too low, position in the court, and will dedicate his entire life to the Princess. The Prince consort will naturally not be allowed to have concubines. 

Xiao Hua silently thought that the Emperor had worked hard to please his wife. 

"Which parents won't want their daughter to live a good life? Don't blame your mother too much," Xiao Hua appeased.

"What do you think?" Long Lian probed. "Does Xiao Hua agree with my parents’ choice too?"

"My opinion does not matter. I will support your decision, no matter what you choose."

"Lies," Long Lian grouched. "I will be angry if you don't tell me the truth!"

Xiao Hua: Of course I don't agree! (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

"...As long as the King of Munzhu does not explain properly what he intended to do with the prince from the previous ruler and his concubine, I will not be at peace to leave you in his hands. One is your marital happiness, and another is your life threat. Both should be handled well before you marry him. I believe the Empress Dowager worries about these matters too."

Xiao Hua hoped their relationship would be where the husband will treat his wife well and properly, confide to her like an equal, and respect her as a person instead of treating her as a bed warmer collection or a child breeder.

At Long Lian's silence, Xiao Hua added in a few words. "You should sit down with him and have a proper talk without ending up in an argument or a fistfight."

"Tian Liang isn't that kind of person!" Long Lian quickly defended. "He would never hurt me, no matter how angry he gets."

Xiao Hua laughed teasingly. "Oh? You sure love him a lot to defend him well~"

"Don't speak nonsense!" Long Lian blushed like a maiden in love. "He isn't a bad person, or else I won't consider him as a potential husband."

"You are our Guilin's treasured princess. There is no need to feel pressured to marry. You could even remain unmarried for the rest of your life, with male concubines fighting for your affection," Xiao Hua teased even further.

Long Lian's expression conveyed her aversion very vividly. "Why ever would I want male concubines? I can't even handle one man, what's to say more of them? I will not even have a single peaceful day!"

The young ladies laughed and joked around, failed to notice the roof tile above them shifted slightly, went back to its original position. Tian Liang sat on the rooftop, staring up at the bright sun, unknown what he was thinking.

After some time, the figure on the rooftop silently left.