Vol 8 Chapter 268 – Complaints from the transmigrated brides

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 268 - Complaints from the transmigrated brides

The sun was not yet rising when Xiao Hua was yanked out of her bed, bleary-eyed and confused. 

Tian Zi and Tian Chi giggled when they saw Xiao Hua looking dazed with her mouth slightly parted. Even though she looked more mature than before, her soul was still a child!

Duan XiYing wiped Xiao Hua's face with a wet, warm towel and it helped to wake her up a bit. Two nights of excitement made her lose sleep, but with one nutrient pill, her energy and mind were refreshed.

Why could she not have a nutrient pill during her exam days?

An Jing had told Da Bei to stay outside and only the ladies were allowed inside. Not long after, Da An came over and pulled his twin away with the excuse of helping with the security when he just wanted to spend time catching up with his brother.

Tian Chi had thoughtfully made some crystal shrimp dumplings for Xiao Hua to eat, but she had just woken up and it was still very early in the morning. Her appetite that was not working yet made her decline them. But she stored them in her spatial bracelet for later to eat. It was good that she could wear the spatial bracelets on her wedding day, and it blends well with the gold bracelets.

She had read plenty of complaints from the transmigrated brides in novels, about how their wedding day was tiring, torturous, and stomach abuser. They could not eat for the entire day, and some brides would secretly hide some snacks to eat at the bridal chamber before the groom arrived, with only oily lips as evidence.

Xiao Hua will make good use of her predecessor’s experience!

Today was her grand day and she must be the most beautiful bride of the day. 

The first thing to do was bathing.

At the thought of bathing, the sleep-deprived Xiao Hua suddenly felt her body became heavier than before. Laziness has nothing to do with whether you have the energy or not.

"You know, the wedding ceremony would take the whole day and I will end up dirty and sweating at the end of the day. Why bother bathing twice? I already had a bath last night."

Xiao Hua's attempt to dodge the bathing was rejected by everyone. When she noticed the inner maids wanted to help her bath, hands-on, her protest became even more vocal!

"Your skin must be scrubbed cleanly!" Tian Chi insisted, to ensure that her master will find his bride clean, ripe and enticing!

"Your hair must be washed properly and treated with care, leaving no tangles," Tian Zi added, to ensure that her master’s fingers could run through his bride’s hair, feeling as if it was silk threads!

She must be presented to their master smelling like flowers and as clean as a blank paper without any ink on her! 

No matter how much Xiao Hua wanted to escape, she could not win against five strong ladies.

Duan XiYing let Xiao Hua hide under the petal flowers in the bath tub first before the inner maids entered the bathing area to help wash and moisturize her long hair with nice, light smelling oil. With their sleeves rolled up, Tian Zi and Tian Chi washed Xiao Hua, using enough strength to scrub her skin cleanly. 

Once the scrubbing session starts, whatever embarrassment Xiao Hua felt was quickly flown away.

"Ah ah ah! Sister Tian Chi, my skin will tear!"

"Lighter! Lighter! Ahh, my skin is red now!"

“I will bleed! I will bleed!”

The cleaning was quick, but Xiao Hua felt like a day had passed and her soul managed to survive like a battered doll. Like a statue, she stood still and let the five ladies prepare herself from head to toe. She admitted she was distracted along the way and it was only after Tian Chi helped her put on the red bridal shoes did she finally snapped out of her discomfiture.

They were all women anyway! What they have was better than hers anyway!

Unlike her usual hairstyle, An Jing bundled up all her hair into a bun, the hairstyle of a married lady. Xiao Hua had lost count on how many gold hairpins were inserted into her hair, but one of them caught her eye. 

It was a gold hairpin with a vivid like phoenix perched on the hairpin, like it was a branch. It's red, arresting gems as its eyes were quite vivid.

She knew better than to accuse An Jing of planting traps for her, and she was likely to have permission to use the phoenix symbol, which was something only a Queen or Empress could use. 

Makeup should take the longest time to complete, yet An Wan, who was in charge of painting her face, was the first to finish.

"Your skin is good and does not need much rouge," An Wan explained and then left to keep an eye on the other preparations. 

By the time Xiao Hua was ready, the sun was high up and her stomach craved for substance. But she was not allowed to eat. 

When she was in the middle of rubbing her complaining stomach with a frown, Doctor Bai and Yu Zheng visited her room. After greeting them with a happy smile, her eyes immediately went to the tray in Doctor Bai's hands, her nose twitching from the delicious smell. 

Doctor Bai removed the cover and what was in it made Xiao Hua very happy! "Wow, such tiny steamed buns!" 

"I thought you would be hungry, so I made these for you." 

Bai Chuan had experienced weddings for a few times in historical periods and understood the hunger of a bride. Fear that eating would smear her lipstick and waste more time to reapply the rouge, he made tiny buns so that Xiao Hua could swallow it in one bite. 

The time was tight, but with one word from Doctor Bai, the servants did not utter a word, allowing Xiao Hua time to eat peacefully. 

"Not a small fortune is spent on your wedding attire," Yu Zheng noted with a pleased smile. 

Xiao Hua's wedding attire was the same shade as other wedding dresses. But hers was in much better quality, worthy of a princess to wear. It has gold linings that do not overwhelm the red dress, looking subtle and elegant. 

"It's heavy," Xiao Hua said and opened her mouth for Doctor Bai to drop a bun into her wide mouth like a hungry baby bird. The food was just the right temperature for her to eat without scalding her tongue. 

When Xiao Hua walks, she thought she was piggybacking someone. That was how heavy the clothes and the accessories were on her. It was lucky that she was a second rank cultivator and able to withstand the extra weight. 

"Heavy means luxurious." Yu Zheng laughed. "Fortunately the groom's house is near the palace, or bandits will attempt to kidnap you."

"List out the ingredients of the bun you just ate," Doctor Bai suddenly said. 

Xiao Hua grinned and confidently listed out what her tongue had tasted. Doctor Bai smiled, which means she got them right.

Only when the ten small buns entered her stomach did the servants dared to announce the time.

Doctor Bai stopped her before she followed An Jing out. "Do you know about the birds and the bees?"

Xiao Hua blinked, trying to look unaffected by the topic, but her fair face betrayed the blush on her face. "I thought you would ask if I know the yellow book. But yes, I know about it. There's no need for you to tell me."

"Really?" Doctor Bai looked doubtful. In his mind, he thought Xiao Hua was rather innocent about the world of adults. What she learned from novels was mostly useless compared to real-life experience. As for sexual stuff, he believed his disciple was the one that took charge but knew better than to complete the last step until they lawfully wed.

"Really," Xiao Hua said firmly. She would have nod too, but she fears that moving her head would toss some expensive hairpin out of her hair. 

"If there is anything you do not understand, ask me."

Xiao Hua chuckled, her heart filled with happy bubbles. She skipped over to Doctor Bai and gave him a big hug, careful not to let her face touch him. 

This was the first time she had hugged him. "Thank you for everything."

Yu Zheng smiled softly, watching his lover looking calm as he returned their daughter's hug. He knew that Bai Chuan was actually flustered under his warm smile, which was both humorous and emotional.

Bai Chuan was a dutiful father to his other 'children' in his previous worlds, but he had never truly cared about them as he did towards Xiao Hua. In his opinion, it was a job to care for them because of his character setting. 

The hug lasted longer than they expected but even so, Xiao Hua still went over to Yu Zheng and gave him the same bear hug. Even the duration was similar.

Yu Zheng laughed as he patted her back. "This won't be the last time you see us, so don't cry."

"Darn it, don't mention it!" Xiao Hua had been holding back her tears, thinking of happy things, but Yu Zheng mentioned it and destroyed her hard effort!

Yu Zheng flicked her nose and pushed her to the door. "Your husband must be anxious by now. Go and marry the man you love."

His words successfully distracted her, and her smile was the most beautiful Yu Zheng and Bai Chuan had ever seen from her.

She was their precious daughter, already an adult, and about to leave their nest to marry a husband. 

"Hey, is the crying done?" Heise peeked his head in. He was dressed in yellow and red attire, to symbolize his status as an Emperor but also to celebrate today's festival. 

"Eh? Aren't you supposed to be with the groom?" Xiao Hua asked and discreetly wiped her tears away.

"Hey, I'm your good brother! I need to carry you to the sedan!" With this excuse, Heise was able to see Xiao Hua before the wedding ceremony, which Long Lian was greatly jealous of. 

Heise's words touched her heart once again and she quickly jumped onto his back to hide her growing red eyes. “Then what are you waiting for? Go!”

“I’m not a horse!” But Heise heed her words and started walking. 

Everyone silently laughed at how a shorter boy was carrying a taller girl, but was still able to walk steadily. 

Doctor Bai ushered the siblings to hurry to the sedan or they will be late!