Vol 8 Chapter 270 – Knock out Yang Ling for him!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 270 - Knock out Yang Ling for him!

Like any other newly married man, Long Zhu wanted to ditch his guests and go to his newlywed wife. But etiquette and years of teaching prevented him from being rude, forcing him to entertain the guests with a smile on his face.

He was not sure how many cups of wine he had drunk to receive the guests’ blessing, but it should be plenty, for he found his head a little dizzy. Despite his appearance, he has a high tolerance for alcohol. For today’s occasion, he had brought out a special wine that could knock out at least second rank cultivators.

It was a rare brew but Long Zhu was willing to share it with everyone if it could get rid of the guests faster.

Fortunately, his parents found that the after feast party was rather too inhibited for their age, so they left with Long Lian, who passed her wedding gift before leaving. As for his fourth brother, he had foolishly drunk a large amount of alcohol, using it to gather enough courage to apologize to Long Zhu about doubting his heart and embarrassed his third sister-in-law. It was the Fourth Princess Consort that dragged her husband back to their residence before Long Yu will create an even more shocking scene. 

While most of the guests were sensible and left early, there were also those like Yang Ling. Acting like a pest, he followed him everywhere with his mouth babbling non-stop on how much he laments that Long Zhu was no longer single and that in future, he will forget his brothers and only remember his wife!

Not even the special wine could knock out Yang Ling for him! (ʘ言ʘ╬)

Even worse was after the fireworks finished its’ display, Yang Ling tried to gather a bunch of guests to follow the groom to the bridal chamber! It was fortunate that most of the guests had either returned to their residence or they were too drunk to hear Yang Ling.

“Heeeeey, Jing Ke! Come with me to look at the beautiful bride!” Yang Ling invited loudly. Jing Ke shook his head in refusal, but Yang Ling’s invitation was heard by someone else.

“It’s time for the groom to join the bride already?” Long Zhu’s eighth brother approached them with an interested look. His expression clearly expressed his desire to join the fun!

Much to Long Zhu’s dread, his eighth brother’s display of interest caught Prince Heng’s attention as well.

“Is it good to disturb the newlywed?” Madame Heng asked her husband. She still remembered how uncomfortable she felt when some idiot officials dared to speak vulgarly of her to her husband during that night.

Prince Heng would not disturb the newlyweds too, if not for his nephew. As long as something was interesting to Long Ming, there will surely be something worth gossiping about. He also remembers Long Ming said he has prepared a great gift for the newlywed, which still had not made its appearance.

“If you do not want to go, stay here with Jing Ke. Stay away from those drunken people.” Prince Heng patted his wife’s hands gently.

Wan Ting does not want to disturb the bride, so she agreed with his husband’s words. After Prince Heng came back, they will head back to their manor.

Prince Heng had thought the furthest they would go was the front door of the bridal chamber, but what happened was Yang Ling directly stepped into the room with desire to look at the beautiful bride!

His actions were more of a husband than a guest!

To make things worse, Heise followed in, not at all concerned with how improper it was. Even though Prince Heng knew that his nephew treated Bai Hua as his sister, it was still improper!

However, the groom was still smiling and did not stop them from entering, despite the maid in purple gave the intruders a dangerous smile. But Prince Heng noticed the Third Prince’s smile was rather strained.

As everyone was distracted in their own thoughts, they did not notice Xiao Hua had quickly shoved a box underneath the quilt right behind her. Right after that, she laments at how stupid she was for not hiding it in her bracelet! 

What should she do if they come and inspect the bed?!

Xiao Hua naturally noticed that it was not only her husband that entered the room. Judging from their voice, it was Heise and Yang Ling was among them. Nervousness mixed with panic, she sat still and did not do anything, just to see what they wanted to do, and silently prayed they would not approach the bed.

If they do, she will deliver them a kick!

“The veil is still on?” Yang Ling’s voice was full of complaints. “How can I see how beautiful she is then?”

“…The veil can only be removed by my husband,” Xiao Hua explained, although a bit embarrassed at Yang Ling’s expectation of her looks. 

Xiao Hua’s words did not reduce Yang Ling’s enthusiasm, for he immediately turned to Long Zhu. “Prince, quick, remove her veil!”

Yang Ling truly was a brave person, to even dared to pull Long Zhu to the bed! Long Zhu finally grew impatient and with a swift, powerful kick, sent Yang Ling right out of the room! After that, he turned to look at his eighth brother, who quickly raised his palms in surrender.

“I just want to pass my wedding present to you!” To prove his words, he tossed a bundle to Long Zhu, who had in response, caught it. 

Heise does not seem to have the intention of leaving until Long Zhu unwraps the gift. Since it was too much work to toss Heise out, Long Zhu unwrapped the present and his fingers halted when he felt soft silk.

Feeling dread of what Heise might have given him, Long Zhu picked up the silk, only to belatedly recognize it was a light gray dudou! Its material was high grade, the embroidery was beautiful, but the cloth was very thin and the design was small in size! 

“…What is your intention of this gift, Eighth brother?”

Even though Heise was the Emperor now, Long Zhu would always call him as eighth brother when they were among close friends and family.

“It’s for Xiao Hua to wear, and for you to enjoy.” Heise’s tone was mocking him for not understanding it.

Prince Heng was caught off guard at the unexpected gift, wanting to leave to avoid looking at another female’s undergarments but also wanted to stay to see how Long Zhu will deal with his nephew’s improper mischief.

Long Zhu frowned and eyed the dudou in his hands. “It’s not the correct size. Xiao Hua has grown.” If Heise had not explained, he would have further assumed this dudou was for his future children.

Heise snickered and wiggled his eyebrows, a rather inappropriate expression on his underage face. “Trust me, it will fit her just nicely.” That was the purpose of giving a smaller size dudou, which will hug the wearer’s chest tightly and the view will be appreciated by the lover.

Curious, Xiao Hua lifted the veil slightly to look at the dudou they mentioned. Taking the chance that Long Zhu was thinking over his words, Heise pushed his uncle out of the room.

“That’s all for tonight! Have a nice wedding night! I will see both of you tomorrow morning!” Heise was very quick in escaping before Xiao Hua caught on!

Xiao Hua ignored Heise’s escape and asked, “Can I have a look?”

The innocent Long Zhu had not caught on to Heise's meaning and passed the bundle to Xiao Hua. Then he lifted Xiao Hua’s veil up, carefully not to mess up her hairdo. He was rewarded with a beautiful smile that had his heart raced. 

Long Zhu was looking even more handsome today, but Xiao Hua’s attention was quickly captured by the present again. She lifted up with silk dudou and had to agree with Long Zhu that its size was too small. Then she understood what Heise was trying to do by sending this sort of ‘lingerie’ to her. Below the dudou was a similar silk material of a short pant.

“Oh! This is good!” Xiao Hua lifted the shorts up to examine closer. Although she could not see the color of the lingerie, she doubted Heise would give her an awful color.

She does not like wearing long pants underneath her dress because it would be hot and cumbersome, which was against the etiquette, but none of the inner maids had chastised her, choosing to be ignorant of her little habit. Now she can wear this, treating it as safety pants!

Xiao Hua would never know that this decision to wear the skimpy pants under her skirt would have awakened a wolf that would like her short pants very much.

Long Zhu sat down beside her on the bed and one of his hands rested on the bed behind Xiao Hua. “You like eighth brother’s gift?”

“Yes, it’s useful!” Xiao Hua carefully folded the clothes and placed them back onto the wrapper. She had counted and Heise had given her five sets!

Long Zhu’s hand moved and accidentally bumped onto something under the quilt. “What is this?”

"Hmm-" Xiao Hua’s heart nearly burst out from her chest when she saw what gotten his attention! “It’s… It’s a present from Long Lian.” She opted to be honest.

Long Zhu was not concerned with the box’s content and moved the box at the table. He had thought the gift was something innocent, but the truth was far from it!

What was inside the box were medicines such as to reduce swelling, especially useful for female lower parts after an intense intimacy! There was also a warming gel, which could be used as an aphrodisiac substitute. 

But what threw Xiao Hua off guard was that there was a real aphrodisiac among the medicines in the box!

Xiao Hua wondered if Tian Liang had cooked Long Lian’s rice for her to know about these products! She doubted that a servant would dare to teach Long Lian this stuff when she was still an unmarried lady!