Vol 8 Chapter 273 – A demon hunter

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 273 - A demon hunter

“I’ve not heard screams coming from Gu Mei’s direction for quite a while now.” A brown clothed man with bright green eyes stared in the direction of another street that the other group would attack. 

“No way~ That Sho Ta brat likes to create loud chaos the most!” A green-eyed middle-aged man with yellow teeth crackled madly as he launched more black mist in the direction of the fleeing people. His eyes glowed with maniac delight when more screams filled the previously peaceful night.

Gu Sho Ta was the youngest in their group and an unrestrained child. That was why when they separated their group into two small units, they had Gu Mei, the one that could somewhat control Gu Sho Ta, to form the second team to attack the other street.

“Could they have encountered trouble?” The brown clothed man asked their leader of the group.

“Gu Mei will have sent us a signal if they are in trouble,” their leader said lazily. His curly short hair was blown around by the wind, tickling his ears.

“Gu Er, can we just kill them all and raze this Kingdom to ashes?” The middle-aged man asked, his tone filled with bloodlust.

“Our orders are to attack some streets and then retreat. Don’t mess with our King’s plan,” Gu Er, the leader of the first team, eyed the middle-aged man warningly, who gulped in nervousness.

“Got it. Got it. Only a few streets. Can I go destroy some more streets?”

Uncaringly, Gu Er looked away and it was a tacit response in letting the middle-aged man do what he wanted.

“I smell our blood!” The brown clothed man suddenly reported, his voice unable to conceal his nervousness. Even though they had become a demon now and became much stronger than their previous human self, he was not as reckless as others to think they were really immortal.  

The brown clothed man hurried to where he scented the blood, not caring if it was a trap or not. If anything happened to Gu Mei and Gu Sho Ta because he hesitated, he would not forgive himself!

The scent where it was strongest came from a wriggling object on the ground, moving towards their direction.

“…Gu Mei?” The brown clothed man involuntarily took a step back when he recognized the crawling figure with half of his lower body missing. His skin crawled in fear, knowing that it was because Gu Mei was a demon that he was still alive despite in that alarming state.

“They are your companions? Good, you brought me to them and saved me some time.”

A tall man dressed in black walked towards the other subunit team of demons, the gold clouds embroidered on his thick robes were eye-catching in the dark street. His long ink-black hair danced along with the wind, teasing the onlookers as his hair played with his face, hiding him for a moment and then revealing the next. The smile on his handsome face was like an act of poise where one would not find it repulsive.

It would be a fine-looking picture to admire, if not for this tall man holding onto a majestic sword with the dark blood of a demon dripping from it. The demons knew that it was this man that killed one of their companions and the one that turned Gu Mei into this ghastly state.

“Why isn’t his sword eaten away?” The middle-aged demon questioned harshly as he stared at the sword in the tall man’s grip. Their blood as a demon was toxic to others and added with them originally a Gu Dan clan with poisonous blood, their mutated blood became even more dangerous to other living beings, including non-living objects.

“A demon hunter?” Gu Er guessed, his lazy look discarded before a strong enemy. He had expected to meet strong opponents, but not at this level.

Between the smiling murderer and the three demons was the purple clothed demon, struggling to crawl far away from the murderer and towards his companion. His eyes filled with relief, believing that his companion was here to save him.

But before he could reach his companions, his head was stabbed through by a majestic looking sword.

Yu Zheng nonchalantly pulled his sword out and the purple-robed guy’s head dropped to the ground, splattering the area with his dark blood.

“How dirty,” Yu Zheng utters a complaint and flicks his sword to remove most of the bloodstain. He could remove these demons with his bare hands, but it was their dirty blood that made him use his sword that was growing dust in his storage bag.

“I will kill this one!” The middle-aged demon suddenly declared and ran towards Yu Zheng at full speed, his green-eyed glowed with murderous intent. He hated good looking people the most!

“Wait, Gu Kong!” The brown-robed demon called out. “We should attack together!”

Gu Er’s eyes widened, his senses screaming in danger. His body moved in reflex and pulled the brown-robed man away, but he was not fast enough.

“Ahhh!” The brown-robed man clutched his suddenly missing right arm, which was unknowingly chopped off. He could only feel pain and does not understand why he would suddenly be injured!

“You have a nice reaction speed,” Yu Zheng praised and stepped over Gu Kong’s motionless body on the ground, dead by chopped into two from his head to downwards.

The brown-robed man belatedly realized that when the tall man chopped Gu Kong, the same attack was heading towards him, who was standing right behind Gu Kong’s direction. If Gu Er had not pulled him away, he would have been dead instead of only missing an arm.

Gu Er did not respond to Yu Zheng’s remark and just brought his companion away using space ability similar to Fu Chou’s. However, how would Yu Zheng let them leave so easily?

With another tyrannical swing of his sword, the wave of attack hit the portal, damaging it. The brown-robed demon knew that no matter what, instead of having both of them die here, he would rather sacrifice himself to let Gu Er survive!

“Don’t do it, Gu Pang!” Gu Er knew his companion’s intention but was too slow to stop him.

Gu Pang used his entire spiritual energy to boost Gu Er’s portal to stabilize it, before throwing himself at Yu Zheng’s spiritual attack that was still working hard to destroy the portal.

The portal disappeared and a lump of a badly damaged body dropped to the ground. It was the dead Gu Pang, with his eyes wide open and staring into nothing.

Yu Zheng approached the dead body and stabbed him with his sword. His sword was an artifact that could destroy a demon’s soul, stopping it from searching for a new body to occupy.

When the Gu Dan clansman turned into demons, they were still using their human body. But after their human body died, their soul would still be alive and able to possess another living being’s body. It would be no ending of killing the demon through their possessed bodies unless one could destroy the demon’s soul.

“Lord Yu Zheng!”

It was the 19th Emperor, riding a horse and the first to reach Yu Zheng’s side. Everyone was busy with the task in hand, so Long Yuen offered to take charge of the attack with his fourth grandson, each handling a section of the attacked area.  

“One demon manages to escape,” Yu Zheng informed and took out a high-quality cloth, only to use it to wipe his sword. “You should send people to burn all the corpses.”

Long Yuen jumped off his horse with a grim face. "Why are there so many demons? Isn’t it supposed to be only one demon? Are these demons previously in hiding and decided to join forces with the demon Liu Chu Chu?”  

Long Yuen’s sharp eyes could see from the corpses, the fight was rather unfavorable towards the demons. He had severely underestimated the thousand-year-old ginseng! And that weapon of his was not a normal sword, to be able to easily slay demons with ease.

“These demons are previously Gu Dan people,” Yu Zheng answered. “It’s likely to be Shen Ruyi’s work in turning them into demons.”

"That’s not good news.” Long Yuen’s face clouded over. It would mean there will be a large number of demons they will need to slay!

“19th Emperor!” A messenger ran towards Long Yuen, breathing heavily. “There are messengers from the Xuanwu Kingdom, Zhu Que Kingdom, and the Bai Hu Kingdom!”

“…They are not here to reply to our message, don’t they?” Long Yuen wanted to curse someone to heaven. 

“No, Your Majesty, they are not here to reply to our missive, but here to request for assistance!”

“The demons are likely to dispatch a small group to each Kingdom to create problems,” Yu Zheng guessed and at his own sweet pace, cleaning his sword.