Vol 8 Chapter 276 – Overbearing and perfectionist CEO

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 276 - Overbearing and perfectionist CEO

It has to be said that under the Emperor's watchful gaze, no one dared to slack off, trying to look as if they were working hard.

However, in addition to the presence of Empress Dowager, Princess Long Lian, and the Third Princess Consort, no one dared to even slack off for a second.

The servants' productive rate exceeds a hundred percent, moving around quickly. There were a few servants that dared not to have their masters' mood to go sour by dutifully wiping their sweat covered face, neck, and wrists.

What happened to the princess and Empress Dowager's maidservants?

Tang Mei, Long Lian's personal servant, was loaned away to help out with other teams. As for the Empress Dowager's inner maids, each of them had a decent affinity with water and earth elements, so they were helping out with the architecture.

The mother and daughter only needed to keep boiling the flowing water to a certain degree so their maidservants were relieved to step away from their masters.

Xiao Hua silently looked away, restraining herself from ordering those servants to help out with the water scooping and transporting. It was not her place to speak, and she was also worried about Empress Dowager and Long Lian working under the intense heat in a stuffy bathroom.

The heat made Xiao Hua sweat a bucket, but she could endure it. She was used to helping Doctor Bai brew something under a high degree of heat for a long time inside the self-made lab.

Fortunately, Xiao Hua was spared from the sweat wiping service, for no one dared to approach her under Duan XiYing and Da Bei's piercing stare. Duan XiYing would have immediately helped Xiao Hua to wipe her sweat if she allowed it.

But there would always be one unique servant that dared to step onto a landmine.

"Your Highness, perhaps this servant could be your extra hand and legs to scatter the precious herbs?" The brave maidservant curtsied, looking cute and obedient. Her eyes accurately expressed her earnest desire to ease Xiao Hua's burden.

"No need. Please help out with the lifting. They are having more trouble than I do." Scattering tea leaves was not a difficult task and she only needed to toss at an area and let the boiling water spread the tea around.

"That maid, drag her out!" Heise thundered as he pointed at the maidservant that had spoken to Xiao Hua.

Like an overbearing and perfectionist CEO, Heise had been moving around, ordering the servants to lift the excess tea leaves and dirt from the bottom of the pool after the earth user made additional larger holes for more water flow.

But Heise was actually worrying about the servants getting tired, for their limbs were moving slower and slower. There were even more sloppy mistakes occurring from their weariness.

Giving them a cup of Xiao Hua's tea to drink would certainly fix everything, but it would also invite malicious intention from greedy parties. He had already received reports that some commoners were trying to steal Xiao Hua's tea when it was distributed to the infected.

This already happened when the tea was only known to be purifying the demonic energy, what will happen if they know the tea was beneficial to their body?

There would be bloodshed in the name of greed and survival.

That was why his ears immediately picked up the conversation of the brave maid asking for Xiao Hua's job.

The bold maid quickly dropped to her knees and begged. "Your Majesty, please forgive this servant!" She do not even know what she had done to make the Emperor angry!

"This Emperor could not effort idle servants that look for future self-benefit when the situation in the Kingdom is dire! Being lazy and pushing the works to others, you deserve to have your useless four limbs to be chopped off and feed the hungry dogs! Even dogs are more loyal than you and it won't be a waste to feed them!"

The maid's face was already deadly pale and looked about to faint from the description. "Your Majesty, this servant only has the intention to ease the Third Princess Consort's burden!"

"Drag her out!" Heise ordered, no longer bothered to speak out reasons. He was already merciful that he only wanted her out of the bathroom.

A guard swiftly dragged the resisting maid out and the bathroom became more disciplined.

"Those two that bother Empress Dowager and the Princess, drag them off too!" Heise ordered curtly, and the guards grabbed the two servants that were helping to wipe the sweat away before they could plea for forgiveness.

The Empress Dowager and Long Lian did not show any mercy to the servants. Plus, Heise would not kill them. Among the others in this boiling warm bathroom, the Empress Dowager and Long Lian were the ones that sweat the least. Their element affinity was fire, how could they be weak against the heat?

Heise had also noticed that the high temperature in the room had made the servants get tired even faster. Things could not continue being like this. "Heng Xin!"

Eunuch Heng, now known as bodyguard Heng or Sir Heng, bowed. "Please state your orders, Your Majesty!"

"Retrieve the boxes of energy replenish pills and distribute them to the servants! One pill per person, and needs to be recorded!" Heise would rather waste money than risk having Xiao Hua fall into danger.

"Immediately, Your Majesty!"

The servants that heard Heise's words felt complicated in their hearts, but they were certainly touched by his generosity. They were just servants, used to do heavy labor, and get paid with measly wages along with food and shelter for free.

Heise stared at the dumbfounded servants, meeting their eyes. "When I give you the energy replenishing pills, it means I'm expecting all of you to continue working hard. Don't save energy, use them up! The next round of pill distribution will be midnight, but at that time, only those that had worked hard will receive it. We won't have time to sleep and could only depend on the pills, but this will only last for a few more days. You all have to persist because the lives of the injured and the safety of our kingdom depend on you!"

The Emperor's words were not encouraging, but it was enough to rejuvenate the weary servant's fighting will. After all, they have their own family outside the palace and some were living on the attacked streets. Would they not feel guilty by indirectly causing their family to die if they slowed down the medicine transport?

They must work hard for their family and survival! It was only for a few days!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Qiang Laohu returned with a brown sack, which was actually a high grade spatial dimensional storage despite its slovenly appearance. "Fifty buckets!"

"Show me the goods!" Heise sounded like a drug dealer to Xiao Hua.

The sack opened and loud banging sounds echoed around the bathroom. It took awhile for the sound to stop, which was only after the sack was emptied out.

Xiao Hua hurried over to inspect the goods with critical eyes and had to praise the quality and size. Even the handle was made for easy carry but sturdy!

"What are you all waiting for? Change the buckets!" Heise ordered and the onlooking servants quickly dumped the inferior buckets in their hands.

There were actually a small number of spoilt buckets that were previously ignored and continue to be used by the servants all these while. But now, when they were in a dire strait and demanded buckets without holes or the handles that were not easily broken, the servants found the previously serviceable buckets to be an eyesore!

Qiang Laohu pulled out another sack and hauled out a large bathtub, very easily lifted by his thick, muscular arm. "You better keep your word, little Ming!"

Heise's mouth twitched at the nickname. "I'm a person that keeps my word. Take as much medicine as you can!"

"I will be bringing my men along to help!"

Qiang Laohu had to travel back and forth for a few times before he finished bringing his helpers which were all very muscular men with different heights. If a Guilin man stood beside them, they would look like a scrawny teenager!

Bai Hu men were known to be dominant, strong fighters, and excelled in hand to hand combat. Their strength and stamina will be very useful in lifting and carrying!

"I will lend ten of my strong men to help you," Qiang Laohu very generously offered. He had brought over more than thirty men but he could only bring fewer than twenty people back and forth without getting exhausted.

Heise smiled and decided not to take advantage of his ally. "I will only charge half the price for the medicine. The rest of the price will be discussed later."

Qiang Laohu laughed. "Then I will accept it! Just don't regret it!"

The Bai Hu men were very quick in their task and Xiao Hua had to speed up her tea leaves tossing to keep up with the new batch of water.

However, they were working in a hot bathroom without any window. It was a miracle that no one had yet to faint from the lack of oxygen. The Bai Hu men started stripping their top, revealing their rock hard tanned abs, glistening in sweat.

The disciplined maidservants could not help themselves from glancing at them for a few times, with shy blush on their faces.

Some hopeful maidservants even cast shy glances at Da Bei, hoping he would join in the stripping. But he was likely to be one of the few that does not sweat, disheartening the young maids that had fallen for his cold exterior. He easily ignored their gazes and was the first to notice his twin's arrival. Da An's expression was not one that carried good news, but it was not a very bad news either.

"There's no more medicine in the manor," Da An reported grimly to Xiao Hua.

"The others will have to enter the palace to receive the medicine." Someone answered for Xiao Hua.

"Long Zhu!" Xiao Hua's eyes brightened and was not aware that her easy manner of calling his name made him happy. The Third Prince looked tired and his wedding robes were dirty with unknown fluid, but he was safe.

That was all that matters.

"The patients in the palace are completely stabilized. They just needed rest and those that are able to move will be helping out," Long Zhu reported to Heise.

"I guess Doctor Bai had already gone to save the patients outside the palace?"

Long Zhu nodded. Yu Zheng had joined Doctor Bai to help out the stressed doctors outside the palace immediately after everyone in the palace no longer needed his help.

"Hey, Long Zhu!" Qiang Laohu greeted when he appeared for the nth time with his troop of muscular men.

Long Zhu returned the greeting with a brief nod and watched as the tiger-like man hauled water into the large bathtub with his men, flexing their muscles and captured more ladies' hot eyes onto them.

Thankfully, Long Lian was not one of them and properly looked away from the topless men. She secretly thought to herself that Tian Liang's chest looked better.