Vol 9 Chapter 285 – I am still a seedling

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 285 - I am still a seedling

Fortunately, the World Spirit descended into Liang Shan's body even with Heise around. Their surrounding was no longer the meeting room, but a rainbow colored space, giving Xiao Hua the impression that she was floating, as there was no visible flooring beneath her feet even when she could stand upright.

And in this space, she can see colors again.

《You wish to speak to me? 》

"And you don't?" Xiao Hua arched an eyebrow.

The World Spirit shook his head.《Not me.》

The World Spirit's answer told Xiao Hua that it was Liang Shan himself that wished to speak to her. But that opportunity was given to the World Spirit, who sensed Xiao Hua’s anticipation of his manifestation.

"Since you are already here, might as well stay for a chat." Heise grinned, his gaze revealed his greed. Like Xiao Hua, he does not have good feelings towards the World Spirit that had kidnapped him to this world without asking their permission, even if they were ants before its eye.

Before the World Spirit had the chance to slip away, Xiao Hua tossed out questions. "What can you tell us about the gate? How do we seal it permanently? How do we remove the gate so that it won't appear again?"

With an apathetic look on World Spirit's face, Heise decided to help out his fellow comrade. "Surely you also wish for that too? Or else you won't ask for Doctor Bai to stop the demon invasion. Removing the gate will solve the problem all together."

《The gate cannot be removed. 》 The World Spirit opposed.《It must continue to exist.》

"Huh?" The transmigrated duo stared at the World Spirit with blank gazes but their inner voice was filled with indescribable anger!

The World Spirit sighed and his eyes filled with infinite knowledge gazed at the transmigrated duo as if they were insensible children that demand for the impossible. 《This world has yet to reach maturity. Compared to the other world, I am still a seedling. 》

"So you are a kindergarten kid or an elementary kid?" Heise asked curiously, his train of thought diverted marginally. 

Xiao Hua giggled at Heise's question and the World Spirit visibly scowled. 

《I'm older than you, humans. 》

"Duh? If you are actually younger than me, civilization would still be in the dinosaur period," Heise mocked without giving the World Spirit any face. "But then again, your problem solving skills does prove you are an elementary kid or in junior high. Hey, do you actually have parents? How were you born?"

Although Xiao Hua was very much curious in hearing the answers to Heise's question, it would not do to annoy the World Spirit until it flee or mess them up before they get the answers they wanted.

But after that, it’s a free game. With Heise as her shield, of course.

"Where do you want this world's development to head towards? Cultivation? Modernization? Technology?" Xiao Hua questioned, bringing the topic back to the proper path.

The World Spirit readily ignored Heise and answered Xiao Hua's question. 《More towards the cultivation path, with Demons and Gods living together with humans and other species. 》

"What? Hold on." Heise rubbed his temple. "You want every living being in the world to co-exist? That's why the gate between the two realms must not be removed?"

The World Spirit nodded. 《That is its purpose. There is also a gate to the God realm. 》

The surroundings suddenly changed, the colourful space disappeared and replaced with a vivid image of a tall, white gate stuck on the sky, half hidden by fluffy looking clouds. It was the gate between the human realm and the God realm. 

《The gate had not been opened because the majority of the Gods are not interested in anything beyond their realm. Once the world hits the maturity stage, both gates will be completely open, connecting all three realms. Nothing can close it again. 》

"Then, won't there be many humans dead if that happens? Demons and Gods are known to be enemies and have hostile relationships!" Xiao Hua exclaimed, her body shuddered in terror. She could just imagine humans being cannon fodders when both big bosses start fighting.

《That will happen in many centuries in the far future.》

“What the heck? You have an intention to wipe out the entire human beings?!” Heise stared at World Spirit that became a monster in his eyes.

《Just as one desire for destruction, another desire for peace. Both will balance out. To make it happen, the story of the wise demon King.》

Xiao Hua saw a large shadow with a vague gut-churning form with red cape flashed past. 

《The story of the brightest God.》

The dark surrounding suddenly became extremely bright and the source came from a tall man with long hair as white as pearl. They could only see his beautiful hair and vague features but it was enough to tell everyone that this being possessed a heaven defying good looks. 

《The story of the strongest group of cultivators.》

A group of humans dressed in combat attire designed in a way that combined historical attire and modernized fashion appeared, hugging onto each other. Looking worn out but still smiling happily, they resembled warriors that had experienced a great battle and won with great sacrifice. 

《Only after the stories finish playing will the three realm unite. 》 The World Spirit's smile was especially wide, his eyes shooting out sparks. It was looking forward to the day where their legends will begin.

The history of the four celestial beasts was just an insignificant history before the main event unfolded. 

"I bet there will be a lot of hiccups in between," Heise mocked, using it to hide his uneasiness and cross his arms. "How many more souls will you kidnap to help fix your problem?"

"Aiyah, don't say that. What will he do if he gets into trouble and doesn't dare to ask for help? This world will end up in ruins!" Xiao Hua's tone was clearly scolding Heise, but she could hardly hide her scorn!

Fortunately for them, the World Spirit was not easily offended.《That won't happen.》

"Don't say it so quickly. We don't know what will happen in the future." Heise raised his hands, a sign of surrender. "Please just don't kidnap our souls again in the future."

Heise no longer cared about removing the gate permanently, after knowing that it will play a big role in the future. Even if the truth made him deadly uncomfortable, it does not change that they were just a small dot of the soon to be ancient history, way before the heroes were born and create their own new legend. 

The World Spirit shook his head, looking a little dejected. 《I will not bring in outside souls again. Both of you will be the last outsiders I will ever allow to enter my world. 》

The surrounding changed and formed into a large still picture of Liu Chu Chu, nearly shocking the transmigrated duo into heart attack. 

The World Spirit had learnt its lesson not to trust outside souls that it could not control. As long as it no longer allows outside factors to affect its growth, the world’ path will continue on smoothly and according to plan.

Even if it was boring… even if it wanted to experience the fun the other World Spirits had experienced... it had to endure.

"That's your problem, not ours." Xiao Hua tried her best to ignore the large face of Liu Chu Chu. "What we need to know is the way to reseal the gate and stop the dark beauty permanently."

After solving both problems, they will be safe. The future problems? Not their problem. 

《The method of sealing is known by my vessel. 》

Xiao Hua’s expression changed. “Your vessel… Long Shan. He does not need to sacrifice his life to re-seal the gate, right?”

《I cannot tell you. 》

“Why not?” Xiao Hua demanded in disbelief.

《It does not concern you. 》

“What the bloody hell?” Heise stared at the World Spirit in disbelief. 

Xiao Hua’s temple throbbed, feeling irked. Fine, she had only asked out of curiosity anyway! 

"Okay, great. I won't care about that then. What about the dark beauty? The demon that is walking around in Liu Chu Chu's body," Xiao Hua asked and then gasped in shock the next minute. "Oh my God. The heroine is also walking around with Liu Chu Chu's body! Poor body, being abused and possessed repeatedly."

"Tsk, it's normal for a transmigrated soul to possess a dead body, like us. But the demon possession is not written by me!" Heise quickly shifted the blame away from him. 

"You still need to offer some incense and burn some offering to the deceased," Xiao Hua kindly suggested.

"The demon already ate up the female lead anyway. There will be no ghost haunting!"

The World Spirit ignored their pointless argument. 《The matter of the demon will be deal by the humans. 》

That was the reason why Doctor Bai and the transmigrated duo were here in the first place. After the resealing, the world will slowly go back to its original path. 

Heise gritted his teeth and struggled to swallow the complaints. "At least drop a hint!"

《Hint?》 The World Spirit was puzzled. 《It will be solved by your decision, not mine. 》

"How can you be so irresponsible?! At the very least, help us find a way to enter the Gu Dan country-"

In a blink of an eye, Heise and Xiao Hua found themselves at a different place without Liang Shan in sight. Even Xiao Hua's sight returned to its previous colour-blind state.

"Where are we?" Xiao Hua whispered, looking around the place, which was mostly dark. The sudden shift of colors to black and white threw Xiao Hua off and she felt unnerved. "Why did the World Spirit throw us here? Did we successfully piss him off?"

"Hey, Xiao Hua. Look at this," Heise whispered, who had wandered quite further away. 

It was Heise who was making an effort to whisper that alerted her of possible danger. She quickens her steps and Heise beckoned her to look into the hole big enough for a head to be inserted.

Her breath hitched and unconsciously took three steps back after she had seen what Heise wanted to show her. "Oh my God…"

"Darn right. F*ck, they are eggs. Gu bugs' egg."

They were in Gu Dan Country, right at the place where the Gu bugs were breeding in a very large volume.