Vol 9 Chapter 297 – Make a little girl cry

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 297 - Make a little girl cry

Liang Shan, the noble Yellow Dragon, had never thought he would one day make a little girl cry. It might make him feel a bit better if she had cried from fear of his tyrannical presence.

"Sincere apologies for our rudeness," Duan XiYing apologized respectfully, as she had insisted on Liang Shan to step out of the tent the moment Xiao Hua's wounded deer-like eyes started to produce waterworks.

Standing beside Duan XiYing, Da Bei also helped by bowing in apology.

《I have spoken insensitively. 》 Liang Shan does not mind being ushered out, for his words would not be able to appease her.

Her tears started after he had questioned if she could demonstrate her tea brewing again, to see if he could trace the lingering traces of the source of power before the trail went cold.

Among them, only her father, Bai Chuan, could soothe her pain and be welcomed. Da Bei understands that too and leaves the father and daughter alone to talk.

"It is something that Xiao Hua had to overcome sooner or later," Duan XiYing gave an excuse to pardon Liang Shan.

《It should not be my words to push her to confront it.》

His words sounded like he was pushing the blame onto another, but that was not his intention. Liang Shan was not the type that was too proud to not admit his own mistakes. What he meant was the young girl could have taken time to accept her loss if he had not pushed the issue. If not, she could have maintained her dignity.

Inside the tent, Xiao Hua was weeping silently in Doctor Bai's wide arms, who was radiating paternal concern. The system had helpfully set up a soundproof barrier so that they could speak without worry.

She was still aware not to brawl like a giant baby as she cried and Bai Chuan comfortingly patted her back and lent her his chest to cry on.

She had not cried this much when she knew she was going to die and left her mother alone. She had not even cried when she was relieved to be alive and back in Long Zhu's arms.

Yet, Liang Shan's words worked well to dig into the wound in her heart deeper. Her inner wall that was separating her heart from her feelings finally fell and the tears that had waited for their debut finally gushed out of her eye sockets like a river.

The accumulated loss was too much for Xiao Hua to bear at the short amount of time that was actually within a day.

After a good crying session and also soaked half of Bai Chuan's top, Xiao Hua finally collected her scattered mind and urged her heart to settle down, attacking the depression viciously in her heart away with positive thoughts.

"S-Sorry for crying so suddenly." Xiao Hua light laughter sounded forced to Bai Chuan's ears.

"It's alright to cry. Every loss has its right to be mourned." Bai Chuan pulled out a white napkin and gently wiped Xiao Hua's tear-filled face that was red from the crying.

"Your clothes are wet- hiccup!" Xiao Hua's crying was strong enough that she brought the abysmal hiccup series to life.

Xiao Hua's aggrieved expression when she continues to hiccup involuntarily brought a small smile on Bai Chuan's face. He covered his smile by creating water and manipulated the temperature to turn it into a big ice cube. Wrapping the ice ball with another clean white napkin, he tentatively pressed it onto Xiao Hua's red-eyed sockets that had already begun to swell from her crying.

If she stepped out now, everyone will immediately know she had cried just from seeing her. It will further stimulate the news of her inability to brew the medical tea anymore.

"Clothes can be washed, no matter."

It took Xiao Hua three times to pinch her nose to stop her hiccup, but her sniffles were another matter. "You are a good father, you know."

Bai Chuan's hand paused before he resumed as it had never happened. But Xiao Hua had noticed it anyway. "Do you want a child with Uncle Yu Zheng?"

"I already had a child with him, but I only saw him once before leaving the world."

Xiao Hua's eyes shone. "Oh, m-preg world!"

"...Pardon?" Bai Chuan had not heard of that word before, but strangely, he was able to guess what it meant.

"M-preg stands for male pregnancy. It's a must-have setting for a yaoi world with ABO theme!"

Although Bai Chuan was glad that the new topic helped recover Xiao Hua's state of mind, something in him made him fearful of the topic. After all, his first accident of entering a gay romance world was one where he had his three world views refreshed many times.

That world was where a man could be as weak as a woman, as beautiful as a woman, and get pregnant like a woman. They were known as 'Ger', with a tiny red dot at any part of their body to symbolize their special status.

"Alpha is the top of the chain, talented and strong, the pillar of their world but their number is few. Beta is also viewed as normal people with mediocre talent but they are the largest number in the world. As for Omega, they go into heat and are the best partner for Alpha because they have a higher chance to give birth to Alpha!"

Bai Chuan could not comprehend what she was saying, even if her words are easy and understandable.

"Are you an Omega and Uncle Yu Zheng an Alpha?"

Other than knowing what Alpha and Omega meant in scientific terms, Doctor Bai was quite sure that they were not what Xiao Hua had meant. "... No. My body in that world is a 'Ger' and Yu Zheng is a demon, disguised as a man."

"Oh yes! I heard of 'Ger' too! They are usually in a Chinese novel historical theme. ABO are more western and modern setting."

Like a parent that does not understand what young people were talking about but willing to indulge them, Bai Chuan offered an inviting smile as his hand busily rubbing her swollen eye bags. "I see."

Xiao Hua softly smiled, finding her two foster fathers to be similar when it comes to her talking about anime or novels that they have not much clue about. But Yu Zheng at least made some effort to understand her, while Doctor Bai just gave humouring response and waited for her to switch topics.

Xiao Hua falls silent, letting Bai Chuan help her to reduce the swelling, enjoying the comfortable chill from the ice. After a while, she sneaked glances at Bai Chuan, her eyes filled with curiosity yet hesitate to voice it.

"Anything?" Bai Chuan finally asked.

"Nothing. Just... thank you."

Thank you for willing to trust me when it comes to Long Zhu's heart and safety.

Thank you for agreeing to adopt me.

Thank you for treating me sincerely and cared for me.

Thank you, for lending your shoulder for me to cry and not asking anything that would make me upset again.

Ah... just thinking about it makes her eyes mist over, but the pain in her heart diminished quite a bit after a good cry.

"Family helps each other no matter what," Doctor Bai dropped a sentence and Xiao Hua smiled like a surviving flower just after the heavy downpour rain.

Seeing that Xiao Hua and Bai Chuan will not be coming out anytime soon, Liang Shan decided to postpone his apology to the young girl and went to settle his place to stay with the monks first.

The monks were actively helping with the injured, and willing to do simple tasks as long as they could help. Their kind actions touched many hearts and they were quickly welcomed, treated respectfully among the troops.

When Liang Shan approached the monks, or specifically, towards the High monk, everyone's eyes immediately went onto him.

Every monk stopped what they were doing and lined up before their God that they had worshipped every day, every year, and will continue on into the future. It was their temple's blessing to have their God descend before them, whose hair was glowing like the sun.

No words of praise could match the appearance of their God.

《High monk, I shall be staying at Huang temple for some time.》 Liang Shan announced his intention.

He would not be returning to God's realm anytime soon. At least not until the soul in his care finally enters the wheel of reincarnation, which would need hundreds of years.

Liang Shan chose Huang temple to stay because that was his territory, the land he had blessed and rich with his energy. It would be a good place for Liu Chu Chu's soul to heal.

The monks: \(^ヮ^)/

Which temple was as fortunate as theirs, to have their God staying at their temple!