Vol 9 Chapter 302 – ‘Xiao Bao’ will be moving

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 302 - 'Xiao Bao' will be moving

When Xiao Hua first met them, it took her entire effort to stop her face from forming an expression of utter disgust at how self-entitled they were. They were also shameless in how they pressed onto the issue of ownership and regarded her adopted father as someone below them!

Fortunately, Yu Zheng managed to silence them by showing off his strength. The argument that escalated to physical finally ended when the Four Kingdoms finally issued an official statement that the spring pool was now a property of Doctor Bai, a certified doctor to use the miracle water properly.

Doctor Bai then set a rule that only one person per day could drink a wine cup of the spring water. And they had to reach a certain level of illness that will be checked by the legendary doctor.

Although the Bai family's way of handling things was filled with inexperience, they were able to learn quickly and make the system work better in a short time. As expected of the system tasker that had undergone numerous worlds with different identity and occupation. Doctor Bai easily handled the problem after some trial and error.

With the path blocked, those self-entitled people manage to find another route by persistently throwing their daughters to be married to Doctor Bai or Long Zhu, which pisses off Xiao Hua and Yu Zheng.

Yu Zheng solved the problem by throwing out dog food to show Doctor Bai's preference, but it became troublesome when the nobles were flexible opportunists and threw their sons at Doctor Bai.

It caused Doctor Bai and Yu Zheng to seldom go down the mountain anymore, but that gave Long Zhu more trouble. An Jing and Da Liu helped to fend them off with their scary gaze filled with killing intent, but that method was never a permanent solution.

In the end, Duan XiYing handled those pesky suitors by matchmaking them with each other like a love consultant. As for those that were more difficult to deal with, Duan XiYing's snake corp was able to sniff out a suitable blackmail material to send them away.

Duan XiYing truly helped them to regain some peace.

As for the young couple's relationship, they were doing well and forming a routine for themselves. Every morning, Long Zhu would gently wake up Xiao Hua who refused to part with her bed, her love affair. Then he will pick out her clothing, and secretly make sure their clothing matches.

Xiao Hua had originally planned to hide her colour-blind, but who would have thought Long Zhu had already known of it when she was still a single lady in the Bai land?

Their breakfast was always prepared by Doctor Bai, who got used to waking up early. The young couple will also return home to eat lunch prepared by Doctor Bai.

After they had developed a suitable daily routine, Lin Fei suddenly sent a letter to Xiao Hua. The content spoke of her wish to speak to Xiao Hua about the matters of the shop, and also to pay her first visit to the new Bai land.

"Madam Hua, this land is truly a good place," Lin Fei praised with heartfelt sincerity and longing that confused Xiao Hua. But her next words answered her question. "May this one be bold to suggest moving 'Xiao Bao' shop right beside Bai clinic? The patients would prefer waiting while partaking on a light meal to fill their stomach and wet their mouth. It will reduce their impatience."

"Madam Lin wants to move to Bai land?" Xiao Hua accurately pinpoints the main issue.

"May my daughter and I move here?" Lin Fei boldly requested in an overly humble tone and even adjusted her posture to be more subservient than she used to. She rather threw her pride and begged Madam Bai to secure a better future for her daughter. She could see the patients visiting Bai clinic were mostly nobles and decent gentlemen. She certainly hoped one of them might be her future son-in-law.

Xiao Hua then realized it was already more than a year since she last spoke to Lin Fei about the shop. "Madam Lin, do excuse my blunt words, but did 'Lucky Rock' town not have suitable gentlemen for Han Mei to pick from?"

Lin Fei's expression drooped. "It is as you say, Madam Bai. They do have their share of good gentlemen, but the town knows too much about our circumstances. Those gentlemen from good families do not want my daughter to enter their family, while those from lower income families eyed my daughter as if she is a treasure box."

"Treasure box?" Xiao Hua does pay a decent salary to her employees, but was the amount able to quickly alleviate their financial status?

"...Before I speak, Madam Bai, I want to say that I and Han Mei have no desire to take 'Xiao Bao' for ourselves."

Xiao Hua's face went dark, just as Da Bei, who was lying down beside her like a pet, had his furry ears twitched. "People are saying 'Xiao Bao' is now your shop?"

Lin Fei nodded and immediately bowed. "They had not seen the rumored owner since the beginning. It was already too late for me to explain when I heard from someone that everyone believed I'm the actual owner of 'Xiao Bao'. I apologize for my incompetence to clear your name, Madam Bai!"

She had tried to explain to others, and even pointed out that the frequently visiting Duan XiYing represented the true owner, but because Duan XiYing often came with fresh ingredients, everyone believed her to be the supplier instead.

They were more willing to believe in their eyes than what Lin Fei said, despite humoring her clarification.

Xiao Hua quickly decided. "Move the shop to Bai land. I will have Duan XiYing settle things there on my behalf."

Even if Lin Fei was lying, it does not hurt Xiao Hua much to have her shop finally under her direct supervision. It was time to properly run her shop and hold the rein tight.

Duan XiYing took Da An and San Sheng along on the trip down to 'Lucky Rock' town to have fun. With just a single trip, she arranged to have everything in the shop packed away in spatial storage and sell the shop back to the previous owner.

The news of 'Xiao Bao' shop closing had many people gathered around the shop and saw people busy packing and moving things. When they saw Lin Fei, they quickly went to her and asked why she was closing her shop when it was doing well?

Was she going to remarry? Was she going to move to the capital?

As someone that had encountered plenty of scheming people, how can Lin Fei not know what these people behind their friendly smile and innocently asked question's real intention?

They were just trying to see if they could get at least a tiny crumbs of benefits from her.

Finally, the last fondness for her hometown dissipated. Those that she was fond of had long left the world, only leaving behind fond memories to keep her going.

The reality was never as sweet as childhood memories.

Despite the chill in her heart, Lin Fei still smiled politely to the group of curious people. "The staff will be moving into a shop near the owner's residence. 'Xiao Bao' will be moving to the Bai land, right beside the Bai clinic, so whoever has the time, do drop by and buy some buns from us."

Lin Fei did well in separating personal issues and professionalism. But no one would blame her if she was less professional. After all, it was doubtful that people from 'Lucky Rock' town would go out of their way to visit the Bai land, which was not exactly close by.

This could be their last meeting, unless Lin Fei decides to return here again in the distant future.

But some started to doubt their confident suspicion, because Lin Fei was rather deferential towards Duan XiYing and dared not to walk a step further than the other woman.

Han Mei has no comment about the move because she was already mentally prepared for it when her mother started to think about the Bai land some time ago. The young girl looks forward to their new home and she knew it would be a warm and inviting place, because their benefactor, Madam Bai, lives there!

The Bai clinic was spacious, its space similar to a double storey house. It was built according to Long Zhu and Bai Chuan's tastes and because of it, there was some hint of modern style blended with traditional style.

Xiao Hua wanted the same design for her new shop, so the same architecture was hired and the shop was quickly built up, with some difference in designs to suit a bakery shop.

With Xiao Hua's attention split between the clinic and 'Xiao Bao', Long Zhu had to hire a decent helper to ease his workload. He quickly found one, which was surprisingly the late Doctor Shen's nephew, Hao Li, who looked as if he aged ten years from what Xiao Hua could remember about his appearance.

"What of your aunt?" Xiao Hua asked, her eyes gazed over Hao Li's shoulder for the difficult aunt that might have followed him here.

Hao Li's eyes lowered momentarily before they shifted back up. "Aunt had passed away two year ago."

Unexpected from the news, Xiao Hua flinched, suddenly feeling guilty for thinking that the elder lady was being difficult. It was one thing to complain about the living, but complaining about the deceased was similar to an unforgiving person.

"If you do not mind working in this small clinic, I welcome you to Bai clinic," Long Zhu said pleasantly, happy with his helper.

Hao Li was not one with difficult temperament or evil thoughts. He must have his reasons to leave his family, home and job to come here.

Xiao Hua quickly pushed aside the messy thoughts as she agreed with Long Zhu and welcomed him. Although she had only met Hao Li twice, he does not seem like a bad person. Him being here might be allowing himself to stay at an unknown place to lick his wound in private.

She shoved a basket loaded with meat buns right in front of Hao Li, its scent could make one stomach rumble with the urge to taste it. "Here, have some! You can have all if you like it. I have plenty more."

"Thank you." His two words were more than his thanks towards the meat buns and being hired. They were filled with silent gratitude, subtle relief and also with a tiny flame of hope being lit again.


Happy to announce that Volume 2 of 'The Dragon's Flower: Calming Blue' is already at the digital stores!