Side Story [ Yang Ling ]

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH Vol 9 side story - Yang Ling

After five years since the war in the nameless village, Jing Ke suddenly collapsed and no longer opened his eyes.

Doctor Bai had said he left the world peacefully without pain, but the reason behind his death was his body could not take it anymore. After five years, Jing Ke finally had the heart to put everything down and left the world without regrets.

But Jing Ke's death left a huge cut on Yang Ling's heart.

During the years he had known Jing Ke, he treated the slow-moving man as his greatest friend and teacher. But his friends said he treated Jing Ke way too differently than he did towards them. 

He treated Jing Ke way too well. 

Yang Ling thought nothing about it, saying his buddies were just jealous and ignored the slowly increasing sweet pangs in his heart whenever Jing Ke treated him nicely. 

Then suddenly, the sixteen years old 21st Emperor suddenly announced the shocking news that stirred the whole Guilin. The 21st Emperor has picked his Empress. His Empress was none other than Heng Xin, the young Emperor's previously personal eunuch who later became his private bodyguard. 

The biggest issue was his Empress’s gender was male!

Those concerned about the Emperor's future tried to stop him from marrying a man as his Empress while there were even bolder officials that sent their beautiful daughter to force the Emperor to open his eyes!

The internal war went on for days when the 21st Emperor finally announced he had picked a successor, which was the previous Third Prince's eldest son, Long Xing Fu. 

Everyone believes their Emperor chose Long Xing Fu as his heir because there was no other choice. The Fourth Prince only has daughters and no son, so the Emperor could only pick his only nephew to continue having a royal bloodline ascending the throne.

The eyes on Long Xing Fu turned from a single digit to four digits overnight. 

People started to accept the Emperor's preference since they already had the next heir to the throne prepared. So those greedy officials started to send good looking male concubines to the Emperor, where the Emperor generously rewarded back to those officials as their concubines but switched them all among themselves so that none of them got back their own people.

Heise: This way, everyone can enjoy themselves right?

Officials: We are not able to enjoy them!

While all these happened, Yang Ling was unusually silent when he would usually join the fun with his endless speech. That was because he was enlightened at how he felt towards Jing Ke. The uncorrupted good boy Yang Ling had not known that two men could be together as a married couple! Once he knew, his mind opened wide and he stepped into a broad, unknown future that was terrifying but also welcoming.

Yang Ling started to analyze his interactions with Jing Ke. Whenever Jing Ke gifted him things, he would subconsciously treat them well and stored them in a safe place. Whenever he had free time, he would always find Jing Ke, who never disliked his companion. He could chatter anything to him and Jing Ke never got tired of him.

Their simple, blissful life was enjoyable and Yang Ling wanted to spend the rest of his life with Jing Ke like this forever. 

But who would have thought the Lady Fate never planned to have their red string to be tied together and spirited Jing Ke away when Yang Ling was preparing himself to confess his feelings to the older man?

Yang Ling was very unconsoled from Jing Ke's death. He became so depressed that it worried Advisor Yang until it affected his health. Not even Madam Yang could do anything for his son.

The 21st Emperor finally intervened and sent Tian Chi to Yang manor to watch over Yang Ling. Her task was to make sure Yang Ling eats. She does not need to do anything else.

Tian Chi was confused about why she was picked for this task.

"The Emperor must have meant for you to patiently cook for Lord Yang Ling and wear him down until he finally could not withstand his hunger anymore," Tian Zi explained. 

Tian Chi nodded in understanding. It makes sense as Lord Yang Ling had lost a lot of weight that he would resemble a skeleton monster if it continues.  

Obviously, Yang Ling would not be accommodating but Tian Chi persistently cooked every meal for him. She also made sure they were all freshly made at every mealtime even if they were usually left uneaten. 

The depressed Yang Ling went through his days lying on his bed and staring out the window. But one day, he suddenly noticed a maid in his room, sitting at the corner while reading a small worn-out book. He vaguely remembers those servants that had forced him to get out of the bed and eat were all scolded by him until they no longer disturbed him. 

As Tian Chi did not disturb him, Yang Ling very quickly forgot about her and went back to his usual routine. 

The next time he broke past the fog in his mind was when the same maid placed a warm broth on the table, its delicious smell for the first time disturbed his unfeeling stomach.

Yang Ling suddenly found his appetite again, feeling the desire to taste the delicious smelling soup. The broth was half empty when Tian Chi picked up the dish later but her expression does not change and continues with her duty.

Tian Chi was not good in words and could only rely on her cooking to help Lord Yang Ling. It seems that her idea of closing the windows during mealtime so that the scent stayed works in capturing his stomach's attention!

Unfortunately, since that day he drank the broth, his stomach no longer willing to be treated poorly and demanded to eat again. He could only eat a little to appease his stomach when he does not have much desire to swallow.

The new changes immediately reached Advisor Yang's ears and he was very grateful to Tian Chi's endless patience. She had cooked for an unresponsive person for nearly four months. It was only because Yang Ling was a cultivator that he had not died from not eating!

Madam Yang silently gave Tian Chi an encouraging pat on her hand before leaving for her prayer room, her usual haunting place.

Thinking that their thanks were undeserved as the change only happened because Lord Yang Ling wanted to do it by himself, Tian Chi worked hard to improve her cooking. 

As days passed where Yang Ling's appetite grew more and more until it became normal, he suddenly could no longer get back to his own mind. 

He could not go back to where Jing Ke was.

"My lord!" 

Yang Ling snapped his head up in a daze and found himself on the floor with broken dishes near him. He saw the maid that always served him food was holding onto his hand, sending him calming inner energy. 

Yang Ling had gone into a panic attack.

For the first time since he mourned for Jing Ke's death, he was mortified at his own behaviour, especially before the maid's gaze that was filled with pity. Although he loved Jing Ke, they were not lovers where he would have every reason to break down after his death.

After more than half a year of mourning, Yang Ling had finally pulled his head out of the water.

Since then, Yang Ling refused to hole up in his room and tried to return back to his usual routine before his break down. However, he no longer has much interest in horse riding and archery. He would never join the military ranks, why would he practice so hard over them?

Advisor Yang suddenly felt as if his son suddenly grew up overnight. He was used to scolding his son for being noisy and unable to close his mouth, but now that he did, Advisor Yang felt uncomfortable.

It was even more shocking when his son suddenly became sensible and started to study earnestly. 

Yang Ling does find studying to be boring, but they were at least more tolerable than in the past. Mealtimes became his favourite time of the day, where the maid would provide him food.

After a few days of tentative tasting, Yang Ling figured out that it was the maid that prepared all his meals and she had been working hard to improve the taste.

His brow knitted when he felt a very similar pang in his heart.

Tian Chi stayed for another month until Lord Yang Ling finally looked well before requesting to return to the Emperor's side. Advisor Yang and Madam Yang were reluctant to let her leave but knew that their son had more or less recovered from his mental breakdown and they should not delay returning Tian Chi to the Emperor.

Yang Ling did not notice Tian Chi had left until he had the first bite of his meal. With a frown, he looked up, searching for the maid, only to discover she looked unfamiliar.

"Where is the previous maid?" Yang Ling asked after placing down his chopsticks. 

"Young master meant Elder Sister Tian Chi? She had returned to her master's side."

Yang Ling's frown became more prominent. "What master? Aren't I her master?"

The maid quickly concealed her surprise and hurriedly explained the reason Tian Chi was here.

His frown evened and he silently picked up his chopstick again. But after eating a few bites, he once again placed down the chopstick. "Take them away."

The maid was worried since the young master had barely eaten them. But her urge to coax the young master to eat more could not be uttered when facing his gloomy expression.

The change was immediately known to Advisor Yang. He was silent until an incense burned out before he told the servants to continue to keep an eye on the young master. For his son's meals, he ordered the head chef to prepare them personally.

For now, Advisor Yang wanted to test whether it was because of Tian Chi's cooking that changed his son, or because of the maid herself.

As several days passed, Advisor Yang sighed when his son skipped his meals again even when the manor's best chef had done his best to cook delicious meals for him.

Compared to Tian Chi, the chef's cooking was much better, yet his son preferred the former.

Knowing that this could not continue, Advisor Yang wrote a letter and had the servant pass it to Yang Ling. "Tell the young master to enter the palace and hand the letter personally to the Emperor. I have important matters that need my attention and are unable to step away."

After the servant conveyed his father’s words, the old Yang Ling would have rebuked his father for being lazy, but the current him just took the letter with a nod and headed to the palace. Whether it was a coincidence that Yang Ling arrived at the palace during lunchtime or not, his nose suddenly caught a familiar scent that aroused his muted appetite. 

Heise was rather informal and invited Yang Ling to have a meal together. "Tian Chi cooked enough for five people today, so help me finish them!" 

He could see Yang Ling looked worn out and his frame was not as dangerously skinny as half a year ago, but he still looked too thin for comfort. But fortunately, his eyes still shone with the will to live or else Heise would start worrying.

"Tian Chi?" Yang Ling unconsciously muttered and automatically eyed the maid standing at the corner with her head lowered as per rule. He recognized her to be the one that had been preparing his meals for months.

Hearing her name, Tian Chi raised her head and met Yang Ling's eyes, which was filled with vague emotion. "Greetings, Lord Yang Ling," Tian Chi greeted.

"You are the Third Prince's inner maid." Yang Ling finally remembered where else he had seen her before. She was the maid that accompanied him and Jing Ke to the nameless village.

How could he not recognize her earlier?

"Third brother is worried about me, so he left two of his inner maids to look after me. So, how well did Tian Chi take care of you?" Heise was teasing Yang Ling just for the fun of it, but he gave a 'deer caught in the headlight' expression that spoke volumes.

"Her cooking… suits my appetite," Yang Ling finally found a proper word for what he felt towards Tian Chi.

"That's good to hear because I like it too." Heise smiled, but it was slightly guarded and Yang Ling did not notice it. "Let's start our meal."

No one but Heise guessed the true reason why Yang Ling took Jing Ke's death the hardest. It was because of love. Heise was more sensitive to those with the same sexual orientation as him, and because of that, he did not want Yang Ling to get close to Tian Chi when he had not even managed his feelings properly yet.

Yang Ling returned home with a full stomach and a heart filled with longing to taste the same dishes for his next meal. 

He does not know what drove him to do what he was about to do.

Since that lunch meal, Yang Ling often had reasons to meet the Emperor and it was always coincidentally during meal times. He was rather thick-skinned in getting an invitation to partake in the meals and he ignored the gossips of him trying to get close to the Emperor.

Yang Ling was feeling rather blissful to be able to eat Tian Chi's cooking again. But he does not know since when that his eyes would unconsciously go to Tian Chi whenever she was in the same room. 

He even started to notice her small habits of playing with her fingers when bored, or licking her lips when she thought of something that was likely to be food. Under her sleeves, there were always some snacks she would secretly eat whenever she thought no one noticed.

Tian Chi was not the dazzling beauties like the noble daughters. Rather, she was the adorable type with more flesh on, making her look very huggable. This twenty-one-year-old woman does not look like a spinster at all. 

Yang Ling wondered if she had plans to marry. When his heart ached at the thought of Tian Chi marrying another man, he quickly realized his true feeling. He already understood that he had felt the same way towards Jing Ke, so when he has the same feeling towards Tian Chi, it does not take long for him to catch on.

But it confused Yang Ling. He had not interacted with her, other than being in the same room with her preparing meals for him. Where and how would he fall for her?

Yang Ling even tried to distance himself, but always found himself thinking of Tian Chi and wanting to meet her again. He even went as far as planning for opportunities to speak to her so that he could know more about her.

His musings finally brought his feet to Tian Chi, stopping her from leaving with the empty meal box right outside of the Emperor's dining room. 

"Is there any matter, Lord Yang Ling?"

Yes, there is. "I wish to speak to you."

Tian Chi nodded and was clearly waiting for him to speak so that she could leave. 

Yang Ling, the famous rapid-fire mouth, for the first time found himself to be tongue-tied. 

As he remained silent for too long, Tian Chi decided to speak, "Lord Yang-"

"May I court you?" Yang Ling blurted out, his face flushed in embarrassment.

"Par…don?" Tian Chi gripped onto the meal box tightly, wondering if her ears were playing tricks with her.

Yang Ling cleared his throat and straightened his back, gazing down at Tian Chi as if he was preparing for an intense battle. He would have looked dashing, if not for the fierce blush on his face.

"I want to eat your cooking every day, for every meal. I also want you to stay by my side until the end of our lives because you make my stomach fall for you. As someone that stole my stomach, you should be responsible for your actions!"

Tian Chi was clearly bewildered and her heart finally went back to the original place. "Lord Yang Ling wants to hire this servant as your cook?"

"I am clearly hiring you as my wife!" Yang Ling said with a louder and slower tone, making clear of his intention so that she would not misunderstand.

"W...Wife?!" Tian Chi exclaimed, clearly alarmed by the sudden confession and her grip on the meal box shook fiercely.  

"Well~" Heise draped his form over the door and peered at them. "That is a nice confession I hear! Tian Chi, do you find this guy's face loathsome?"

"No!" Tian Chi quickly shook her head, as if feared that if her reply was any slower, the Emperor would just decide things for her. 

"Is he annoying?"

She shook her head again. "No."

"Someone with a fickle heart?"

"No…?" Tian Chi wondered the meaning behind the questions.

"What does Your Majesty mean by this one being fickle?" Yang Ling frowned, not happy that the Emperor was trying to smear his reputation in front of the girl he had his heart on.

"If you aren't, that means you have gotten over his death?" 

Yang Ling suddenly finds the Emperor's gaze to be all-seeing and all-knowing. The Emperor knew how he felt towards Jing Ke.

It was terrifying and he felt as if his soul was being taken out from his body to be gazed on. 

"...Yes." Yang Ling finally found his voice to speak out his heartfelt answer.

Whatever the Emperor saw from Yang Ling made him satisfied. "Okay, I will let both of you marry each other!"

"Your Majesty?" Tian Chi blushed, a little dizzy at how quickly things had escalated. 

"You and Tian Zi are not young anymore and should start your own family. Lord Yang Ling has a good background and a decent personality. He will treat you well." Heise turned to look at Yang Ling with a scary smile. "You will, right?"

"Yes!" Yang Ling automatically saluted when answering. "I will treat Tian Chi well!"

There was no reason for Tian Chi to reject and she did find Lord Yang Ling to be attractive as a man. She had never thought a handsome and charismatic man would be interested in her and wondered if the luck of her life had finally descended onto her.

After three months, Yang Ling and Tian Chi finally got married, with consent from Advisor Yang that had already foreseen it before Yang Ling noticed his feelings.

When Tian Zi visited Tian Chi after the latter gave birth to a daughter, she wanted to have her own romance too. Three years later, Tian Zi managed to take over the position of the horses in Xiao Liu's heart and married him.