Side story Long Lian 5 – Whatever you say, my Queen

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
LL 5 - Whatever you say, my Queen

Since Tian Liang had promised his friend to take care of his sister, as an understanding wife, Long Lian would not make trouble for Pei Jin.

On her first day of marriage, Long Lian forced herself to wake up on time, disregard the aches on her body to greet her father-in-law, a hearty man that likes laughing with a strong body. She let herself stay in his company for a long time before returning to her new courtyard and allow her husband's concubine to pay respect to her.

Concubine Pei Jin had waited for the new Queen for a long time, with a poised expression that showed no dissatisfaction for being ill-treated.

With a polite but unapproachable smile, Long Lian accepted her cup of tea, showing off her translucent bracelet given by Liang Shan as her wedding present. Her second brother had one of his private guards to send the present instead of personally attending the wedding, but she held no anger over it.

"I'm not an early riser. Greeting me on important dates will be enough," Long Lian said in a gracious tone and passed Pei Jin a set of jewelry.

With a strained smile, Pei Jin thanked the Queen’s kindness.

"Also, there's no need for you to worry about His Majesty's meal and health. This Queen will dine with His Majesty for every meal and will certainly take good care of him along with the imperial chefs."

Pei Jin stiffened. "...Of course, Your Majesty."

"His Majesty arrives!" A eunuch announced and Tian Liang swept into the room in his court uniform. It was not as impressive and official-looking as Guilin's, but it still contained some formality on the design.

"Your Majesty," Pei Jin greeted sweetly, but there was also a hint of grievance underneath her tone.

Long Lian had originally stood up to greet him but changed her mind and sat back down to watch how her husband will deal with this. If he still could not hear the hidden meaning under Concubine Pei’s tone, she can only diagnose her husband as tone-deaf!

Fortunately, Tian Liang did not disappoint her. After being told off by Long Lian many times, he started to notice Pei Jin's behavior that differed from how she used to act before she became his concubine.

Her skill in seeking help to vent her grievance was very familiar to Tian Liang. He had seen it from a certain flirtatious concubine towards her husband, subtly complaining about the main wife's mistreatment towards her.

Tian Liang does not know when the straight-laced and principled young lady had reduced her worth by learning such a disgusting trick. His guilt of planning to move her courtyard far away instantly disappeared. "Concubine Pei, you will be moving to the 'Jin' courtyard. I remember you like peach blossoms? You can enjoy the peach blossoms planted in that place as much as you want. Don’t run around and trouble Her Majesty."

Pei Jin's eyes widened and staggered backward as if she was dealt with a great blow. Nian Su quickly steadied her lady, who stared at His Majesty with a wronged expression. "Your Majesty-"

"I will give you another chance to reconsider."

Pei Jin hesitated and gripped onto her sleeves tightly with her pale face. She does not want to leave the palace and go back to the commoner life where she will constantly be gossiped or matchmaker with. Because of her looks, she was very sought after by eligible men, but none of them was the type she liked.

After being Tian Liang’s concubine, her mind also changed after being too used to the peaceful environment in the palace with servants serving her needs. Being too comfortable made her forget Tian Liang was the one with the highest authority in this country and would not gratify her whims all the time in the name of repaying her brother’s life-saving responsibility.

Without her brother’s promise, Pei Jin will never be able to get Tian Liang’s attention at all.

Standing up without Nian Su’s help, Pei Jin bowed, her figure looking dejected. "This concubine thanks Your Majesty for bestowing ‘Jin’ courtyard to this one."

The 'Jin' courtyard was similar to a cold palace, located the furthest away from the King's residence. The servants finally understood that Concubine Pei Jin had lost her favor. Only the Queen could enter his eyes now and lay claim on his heart.

Even though Tian Liang showed he does not favor Pei Jin, he also made sure her treatment will not be slighted. Pei Jin also understood her place and did not make her presence known. It was no different from how she passed her day and she finally put down her desire for Tian Liang.

To compete with Long Lian was just asking for a sound defeat.

“My Queen,” Tian Liang’s tone immediately changed when Concubine Pei and the servants stepped out of sight. It was one asking for forgiveness and coaxing, but he could not hide the satisfaction from his expression.

“Don’t come near me, you liar! Stinky rogue!” Long Lian scolded. Although their wedding night was not their first time they had embraced each other, Tian Liang had done too much that Long Lian needed to use the medicine that he had long given to her to be able to walk today!

“I can’t control myself. I’m too happy to have finally had you as my wife and share my bed every night. I will allow you to rest and recover by not touching you tonight?”

Long Lian glared at her blockhead husband with pink cheeks. “You dare?”

At her softening up, Tian Liang grinned roguishly and immediately gathered her into his embrace. “I don’t dare to make my wife unhappy.”

Long Lian smacked his dishonest hands. “Wait until tonight!”

“Whatever you say, my Queen.”

As Long Lian got used to being the Queen in Munzhu Country, she also had the chance to develop a good relationship with Prince Nu Li, who viewed Long Lian as a respected elder.

It was especially so when the Queen did not care about rules and helped His Majesty to fend off the persistent officials. She was the first Queen in their history that the King allowed getting involved with the matters of the country. But Long Lian did not dare to misuse such privilege and dare not to dip her hands too deep into politics unless her husband got bullied by the officials.

Tian Liang had estimated it would take Nu Li to reach eighteen years old before passing the throne to her. But to everyone's surprise, Nu Li took over the throne and became the next King when she was only seventeen years old. The young Emperor had been doing well and steadily after taking over the seat from Tian Liang, who was like a hawk with sharp eyes to point out her flaws and mistakes.

When Nu Li turned eighteen, it was time for her to pick a Queen whose family will be able to help her. After long consideration, they picked the prime minister's eldest daughter, who knew Nu Li's secret and willing to be the Queen without a real husband, remaining chaste till her death.

As for the heir, Nu Li had to get pregnant herself. When she was young, there were already few male concubines serving her side as maids in disguise for Nu Li to pick from when she was of age. She did not hesitate in choosing her most trusted maid to impregnate her. With her male concubine disguising himself as a maid, it was easy for Nu Li to finally get pregnant and it was time for the Queen to announce her 'pregnancy'.

At that time, Nu Li had properly learned everything she needed to know as a King and no longer needed help. Tian Liang and Long Lian could leave, but they were worried about Nu Li’s first pregnancy and delayed their departure.

To adjust to Nu Li's pregnancy state, the morning court will end early and she wore thick robes to hide her growing stomach. Having extra guards around her does not make others alarmed, with her noble title allowed her to be guarded to this degree.

After nine months, a prince was born and the officials that knew the truth sighed in relief that the imperial lineage was not cursed, but the greedy King was. The young prince will be recorded as the Queen's child, who was willing to accept the task.

With everything finally settled, Tian Liang and Long Lian finally moved to Guilin, looking forward to living an even more luxurious life.

When they left, Concubine Pei was set free too, but surprisingly, she wished to stay as the Queen Dowager to keep the young king's company. She would also help to keep an eye on the newly throne Queen, to make sure there were no accidents or change of heart.

Long Lian's firstborn was a son, and then a year after, she gave birth to a daughter. Later, she gave birth to another two daughters, one naughtier than the other, and brought headaches to their parents.

"It's karma for Tian Liang calling me chili!" Xiao Hua laughed when she heard the children’s antics from their mother.

Their eldest son could never win an argument against his three younger sisters and then learned to give up. It was more peaceful that way, even if his father viewed him as a spineless person.

There were many times when the Empress Dowager shared her worries about her granddaughters' marriage with how headstrong they were. Long Lian had laughed at first, praising them for inheriting that trait from her, but in the later years, she could no longer laugh and start worrying.

One day, her worry finally came to an end when her daughters finally revealed who their interests were.

Her eldest daughter, fifteen years old, calmly announced, "I like Heng Feng Shan."

Her second daughter, fourteen years old, said determinedly, "I want to marry Heng Feng He!"

Her youngest daughter, ten years old, blushed as she said, "Mother, elder brother Heng Guang Tian is good looking, right?”

...Why are they all Prince Heng and Madam Wan Ting's sons?!

But Long Lian had to praise her daughters for having good taste because all the three sons had inherited their father's intelligent mind and their parents' good looks. Their father had brought them up to be proper and upright, perfect for a good husband.

Even if they have any bad habits, Prince Heng will surely beat them away!

But their father naturally disagrees in having his daughters taken away and tries to cut off any contact they have. It gets to the point where Tian Liang was about to forbid his daughter from stepping out of their residence.

"Father, they are still young and it’s not yet the time to speak of marriage." Their eldest son finally spoke up seeing how his father was behaving. "I actually prefer the Heng brothers as my brother-in-laws compared to having that playboy Tang as a family."

The playboy Tang was actually General Tang and Madam Ping Shui's youngest son. His charm was so great that he managed to have the three elder daughters of the Fourth Prince to fall head over heels for him. They were even willing to share a husband and a bed!

Tian Liang paused. "... You are right."

When the three Tian princesses were of age, they were quickly married into the Heng household, before the good quality bachelors were taken away by other prey.

Xiao Hua was speechless at how proud Tian Liang was for selling…err, marrying his daughters away. "How about your son? He's already twenty-one years old. Which good lady have you picked for him?"

Tian Liang paused and suddenly enlightened. His good son had used his sisters to save himself from being harassed about marriage!

Long Lian x Tian Liang side story end


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading till the end! 

See you then, if you are still interested in reading my story... (>.<)

With that, bye bye~