A bandit stronghold is full of corpses. The killers are clean and ferocious... A girl in the house said that her husband was coming back... It implied that her husband was the one who killed all the bandits in the stronghold

In other words, he was threatened by a girl?

After thinking about it, Mr. Feng arched his hand and said, "in that case, it's inconvenient for me to embarrass my wife. It's just that it's difficult to walk at night. Our party has been lost in the forest for two days. We lost our goods and lost several servants and thugs. Now we're on the road..."

Wei Jingxian secretly grits her teeth. Does the other party depend on it and don't intend to go?

But it's important to delay now. Lanting may be on his way here. Stabilize them for the time being.

As soon as her eyes turned, she made a decision and said in her throat, "in that case, please help yourself, childe."

Although it's a bandit stronghold full of corpses, it's better than sleeping in the forest.

The guards were no exception. They just picked up the firewood and wanted to make a fire. However, they found a very embarrassing thing. There was nothing to light the fire.

The flint has been lost, and the torch has been soaked in the water... Do you want to drill a wood to make a fire?

Turn around and look at the light reflected in the paper window. Borrow a fire. Won't you be rejected?

"Madam, can you venture to borrow a fire?"

Wei Jingxian pursed her lips. Is this a thief's heart?

If there is a guard around, it's OK for her to go down, but now there are only a nest of weak women.

They are frightened by day bandits. When they see any opposite sex, they will subconsciously fear. How can they open the door to strange men?

It's not easy to escape from the tiger's mouth. Even if they break in, they can't open the door for safety and reputation!

"The little woman's husband is coming back soon. Why don't you wait a little longer? Otherwise, the husband will investigate. I'm afraid it's difficult for the little woman to do it."

Wei Jingxian closed her eyes nervously. Why hasn't she come back?

At this time, Mr. Feng stopped his chest with both hands and asked with a smile, "an unmarried daughter, shouting a man's husband, not afraid of bad reputation?"

Wei Jingxian subconsciously took a breath of air conditioning, and then quickly reacted. She covered her mouth with both hands. The secret road was bad and she was cheated!

Feng Lang Jun's eyes narrowed slightly and his hands waved. The guard's mind understood and wanted to break through.

In another place, Jiang Pengji returned with her prey, but the lightness on her face did not last long and was soon replaced by dignity.

System: "... What's the matter?"

"There are the footsteps of strangers, and the footprints are still fresh, which are not left by the bandits before... The group went to the direction of the bandit stronghold. There is human blood on the ground, and some of them were injured, but their injuries should not be serious. Judging from the depth of the footprints, I think these people are not in good condition... There are six pairs of footprints, and there should be seven people... Jing'er, they are still in the bandit stronghold. No, I want to hurry up Go back. "

Jiang Pengji's eyes coagulated, and a series of messages came out of her mind. She hurried back.

[LAN destroys jade without folding]: anchor, are you right? Six pairs of footprints and seven people?

"One of the footprints is of medium size. It's not like a fat man, but the footprints are the deepest, so there should be another person on his back. I think two people's injuries should be in the arm and the other one's leg..."

[Wujiang pickled mustard]: am I the only one who thinks such an anchor is cute? But at night, it's dark around... I know you have good eyesight at night, which was proved half an hour ago... But you just looked at it. How can you judge these things?

[sneaking into Africa]: the anchor has a mouth. What he says is what he says... Guys upstairs, believe me

"It's obvious. There's nothing to boast about."

Jiang Pengji hurried back as fast as the wind and took time to reply.

Close to the bandit stronghold, sure enough, she saw a line of seven people outside the bright campfire. Jiang Pengji bent her bow and arrow as she ran.


"If I were you, I wouldn't be so reckless. If I don't want to die, get out of that room!"

Before the guard approached the door, a sound of breaking the air sounded, almost wiping the tip of his nose and nailing it to the doorpost.

Mr. Feng's expression was stiff. Jiang Pengji had already taken the second arrow and sneered, "if you don't do it again, the next arrow will be aimed at the delicate husband on your back. Now, do it immediately and leave the room!"

Those positions like thugs exposed everything. The most important thing was the guy who was carried and the thin bamboo pole.

Unlike the people outside the house, the expensive women in the house are going to cry with joy. It was a hard time before.

"Jing'er, how are you doing in the house? These guys are quite regular?"

Wei Jingxian used to speak with his voice in his throat. He still has some itching. After he coughs, he adjusts his voice and tries to respond loudly.

"Lanting, the childe outside didn't offend. Just now I wanted to come in and borrow a fire. I haven't had time to respond."

Jiang Pengji snorted with a sneer. No one dared to come forward. It seemed that she wanted to bully a group of girls and broke into them directly.

Hearing Wei Jingxian's reply, childe Feng's brain hurt a little.

The complaint is really obscure.

He bowed his hands in the direction of Jiang Pengji and apologized, "it was a misunderstanding just now. Our party didn't mean to offend your wife. We just showed more weight and wanted to borrow a fire. I hope the wife in the house can make it convenient and don't want to be misunderstood by her."


Knock on people's doors in the middle of the night, or a group of guys with strange clothes and knives. Who wouldn't be on guard?

"It's just to borrow a fire. There may be something like flint in other rooms. Just find it yourself. Why do some big men scare my wife outside?" Jiang Pengji shamelessly climbed up the pole and mocked.

Jiang Pengji held a bow and arrow in one hand and carried the prey in the other. A string of rolled dead snakes were wrapped around the hoof of the wild boar.

Childe Feng saw her shape through the fire. A trace of doubt flashed across his clear eyebrows. He immediately raised his eyebrows, "husband?"

Jiang Pengji also looked at each other and came to a conclusion in an instant——

With a little brain, the combat effectiveness is equal to that of Liu Lanting.

Except for the brain, there is no threatening waste wood in other parts.

Just... Jiang Pengji frowned secretly, knowing that the other party had seen the clue of her gender, so she teased her?

Thinking of this, Jiang Pengji curled her lips and smiled. Her eyes looked at the young man as if they were frivolous and sarcastic.

"The childe has a gorgeous face and is beautiful enough to eat, but... He hasn't washed for seven days and has been chased for thousands of miles. I think he has had a trembling life in recent days. He doesn't care about dignity... Although the incense on his body is precious, it does taste very smoked... Even if the childe can't wait to recommend himself to the pillow, please burn incense to bathe and clean it and come back."

Childe Feng: "

Isn't it that Hejian county has outstanding people and is pregnant with countless gentle and quiet ladies?

A lady like a mother worm?

Seeing that Lang Jun was molested face to face by a teenager, the loyal guard couldn't help pulling out his knife, but Lang Jun Feng raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't be rude. Step down."

I can tell from her clothes that she is not a farmer hunter, but why she appears here late at night and has such good skills remains to be discussed. It could not have been March 3 yesterday, when a group of noble women ran out and had a different spring outing?

Jiang Pengji was not interested in his behavior and knocked near the door.

"Jing'er, it's me. You go to the campfire and get a torch. Open the door and pass it to me."

Childe Feng arched his hands and thanked, "thank you..."

Jiang Pengji smiled bitterly, "thank you too early. I want a torch to boil water and deal with the food."