Feng Jin fought between heaven and man in her heart.

In another place, Jiang Pengji came to one of them's boudoir and found that the furnishings in the house were quite warm and elegant, with a girl's smell everywhere.

"I'm not feeling well. Drink some sugar water and go to bed early." Jiang Pengji smiled and said to the bright girl, Xia Erwen in the mouth of the procuress, "or I'll have someone send you some blood tonic five red soup?"


Xia'er thought Jiang Pengji came here to have fun, but she didn't expect such a sentence. Chun'er was also at a loss.

"It's all over the moon, and I don't pay attention." Jiang Pengji smiled and said, "in the next few days, do not drink or eat cold food."

Monthly events?

The two girls looked at each other and wondered if it was a psychological factor. Xia'er felt some pain in her lower abdomen when she said so. There was a faint warm flow under her body. For a moment, her face was red and white. She didn't know how to react.

Jiang Pengji doesn't know how women in this era deal with their big aunt every month. Anyway, it won't be too simple. "I don't know how your daughter's family deals with this situation, so I brought you all out. Please help her."

Xia'er's pale smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and her white face seemed to be boiling red under Jiang Pengji's attention.

Happy women, most of the monthly events are not very regular, and many people will have some shameful little problems.

Xia'er, for example, has a large and irregular monthly workload. When she hurts, her limbs are cold and even her back teeth hurt.

She was slightly embarrassed and tried to straighten her sitting position, but small and slight movements also caused bursts of pain, which made her ashamed and anxious.

Jiang Pengji looked at their reaction and took the initiative to get up and sit behind the screen. This perspective also blocked the camera in the live studio.

[Oh, my foot hurts]: I thought the anchor would have a slap with my sister. I didn't expect my sister to come to my aunt_ (: з) ∠)_

[fanghuajiu]: I want to confess. Just now the anchor left Yajian with his sister. He thought he was going to stage a restricted screen. I didn't expect it was for this. Although different from the imagination, the anchor is very gentle. I really want to have a boyfriend like the anchor.

[farewell to Wujiang pickled mustard for thousands of months]: repentance + 1

[laughing with a smile]: I'm in a trance. Although I know it's inhumane to laugh at this time, if the anchor is a man, it's estimated that he will be very depressed. I'm going to talk to my sister. I'm going to vomit blood when someone comes to my aunt.

Jiang Pengji sat behind the screen with a tea table at hand. She poured herself a cup and picked her eyebrows.

[anchor v]: @ laugh at the city, which is wrong. If I were a man, I wouldn't have to spit blood when I met this situation. After all, there are two palaces of things that can relieve my worries. If Thumbelina can't, there can be some animals, such as blue blood washing silver robbery... Of course, this behavior is too sick.

Hehe, a group of rookies want to compete with her.

Jiang Pengji took a sip of tea, and the barrage has completely changed its style.

[farewell to Wujiang pickled mustard for thousands of months]: great, my anchor! I didn't expect you to be such a dirty funeral anchor!

[sunset]: wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu?

[smuggling into Africa]: dirty voice!

[Lianmeng of lovelorn front]: I'm drunk, too. I even watch a female anchor play a serious rogue_ (: з) ∠)_

[night trip of ghosts]: what's the matter with the hooligans? If my boyfriend can be like the anchor, no, with one tenth of her, I can talk to him every day. I'm not happy if I don't play hooligans. You don't understand. It's better to turn around!

Jiang Pengji always complains that there are 3000 old drivers in her live studio, but she doesn't think that birds of a feather flock together, and what kind of anchor will attract what kind of audience. I'm a senior driver. Do I have the face to complain that others are too dirty?

Jiang Pengji glanced at the bullet screen of "ghosts walking at night", thought carefully and felt good connotation.

Time quietly flowed through the barrage and tea, and the sound of clothes rubbing behind the screen gradually quieted down.

Before long, the screen was quietly pushed open. Xia'er had changed into a brand-new dress, but her face was still red.

"My husband, I'm not feeling well today. I'm afraid I can't wait."

Chun'er then said, "if your husband doesn't dislike the posture of slave Pu Liu, can..."

Jiang Pengji smiled and shook her head, and the other party turned white.

"I'm afraid the two ladies misunderstood. I didn't mean that." Jiang Pengji raised her hand and motioned to the other party to sit down. She still looked gentle. "If you can look at the two women like this, you already feel happy and satisfied in your heart. If you do anything else, it's not blasphemy. It's easy to get men's love and women's love, and it's hard to find confidants."

They are not very old. They were bought by the procuress to adjust and teach when they were young. The dust has been rolling for several years. What kind of people have not seen?

Truth or falsehood can't hide from their eyes at all.

People all over the world say that the watch is ruthless and the dramatist is meaningless. Isn't it that they have seen through the hypocrisy and affectation of others?

You play me, too. Do you want to exchange falsehood for truth, or do you want to see through the truth of a dusty woman? Where is it so easy?

On weekdays, what kind of sweet talk have they never heard?

It's all a breeze. Just listen. I won't take it seriously at all.

But these words came from Jiang Pengji's mouth, but they subconsciously chose to trust. When they returned to God, they didn't feel bad.

The elder Xia'er smiled bitterly, "Lang Jun, this is a compliment. The slave is just a body of withered flowers and willows. Where is it worth praising?"

"Others say that beauty is in the bone, not in the skin, but I think beauty is in the heart, not in the bone. Looks are born and given by parents, no one can choose, but character and temperament are acquired. Two women are in the world of mortals and have a pure heart. How not beautiful?"

Jiang Pengji's remarks are not just praise, but are based on facts.

Most women in brothels are raised as children.

In addition to a few naturally beautiful seedlings, many of them have great potential at first sight. They are used as servant girls and are prone to beating and scolding. They are almost the bottom of the whole brothel food chain. They not only have to face the difficulties and advantages of all kinds of guests, but also endure the torture of the woman they serve. If you are unlucky enough to meet some violent people, you may lose your life.

Jiang Pengji has a keen sense of smell. She passed by the servant girl waiting in the lobby and smelled that the other party was mixed with some medicinal incense.

Although the other party's steps are steady, the balance of the upper body is not natural, which means that the other party's upper body is injured and has been smeared with medicine.

Because she was not familiar with the medicine in this world, she could not smell the ingredients, but one of them was just one of the soup medicine used by stepwife, which was not of high value, but it was not affordable for such a servant girl.

If those servant girls are valued enough and can afford the wound medicine, how can the brothel allow the guests to trample on them?

It doesn't make sense.

They didn't make it themselves or give it to brothels. So where did they come from?

It was not until Jiang Pengji smelled Chuner's own powder fragrance that she had an answer.

When she came here, she saw a box of wooden boxes that had not been completely covered next to the boxes in the corner, and this little doubt was solved.

No matter whether she is out of charity or sympathizing with the sick, it is a kind of kindness to reach out to the weak.