Jiang Pengji can't raise waste and doesn't have this kind heart.

The people under her should ensure that they can create value, or they are waste. What's the use of keeping it?

Therefore, even if she plans to take these people back, she will let them create value and contribute labor force.

Xu Ke calculated in his heart and said, "everything will listen to your husband."

"Not enough food and money?" Asked Jiang Pengji.

She didn't want to rely too much on Liu's house. Except for the initial start-up funds, Jiang Pengji found a way to get the subsequent expenses.

For example... The money won from Fulai gambling house.

Some were left for the piano, and the rest were lost to Xu Ke's upbringing.

If he told himself that he was short of money, she might have to go to the gambling house.

Xu Ke shook his head, "there is still plenty, but the husband's goal is not only here. He should always make a good plan to avoid being stretched out when he gets it."

How many people are there now?

Even with those bandits who have not been tamed, the number is more than a hundred, and the cost is not large. Jiang Pengji has given plenty of money, not to mention the loot collected tonight, which is enough to support this 100 person trilogy for several years.

However, the ambition of his husband is not limited to this, and it is impossible to meet the trilogy of a few hundred people, which is painful.

As an account room, Xu Ke naturally needs to make overall arrangements in all aspects and strive to break a penny into two.

Jiang Pengji put her hands around her chest, looked Xu Ke up and down, and said, "isn't it good? There's an accounting room."

Xu Ke can't laugh or cry, "Lang Jun, stop teasing Ke."

To tell the truth, he used to think that the accounting work should be very easy until he met his husband.

Whether the accounting work is light or not depends entirely on whether the immediate boss is noisy or not.

This time, the bandit stronghold was returned with a full load. Jiang Pengji left several people to guard the bandits and took them away in batches. As for the cleared finance, all the money was transported back and left as early as possible while it was still dark, so as not to disturb other bandit strongholds.

There are too many bandits near Hejian county. If their actions are exposed and alert them, it will not be easy to start next time.

"Xiaoyu, go back and see who's hurt. Make up more, so as not to cold the hearts of the people." On the way back, Jiang Pengji suddenly said, "there are rewards and punishments, and good punishments are clear, so that people will not be agitated and hidden dangers can be nipped in the bud."

Xu Ke nodded, "don't worry, Lang Jun, Ke will do it."

After a busy night, the people of the episode went to bed in batches.

Another group guarded the bandits who were still tied up to avoid chaos.

The farm is large enough and there are many spare rooms.

Xu Ke asked people to clean up the other two big rooms and make them into Datong shop. He gave each captured bandit a quilt.

In order to prevent them from making trouble, they were carefully broken up and divided into the middle of the previous episode.

Because there were more people and more daily expenses, Xu Ke had a lot of chores to be busy. He didn't come to an end until noon.

Xu Ke saw the internal accounting book recording method of Liu Fu and felt that it was very clear. He simply drew gourds and used them in the trilogy.

The account books are clear and concise, and the accounts are clear and transparent, which is very easy to use.

He counted the rewards that should be given. He was silently calculating how many pigs to buy. His aunt's voice came from outside the house.

"Why is my aunt here?"

Xu Ke put down what he was doing and got up to open the door.

"Didn't the owner give you some cloth? My aunt thinks it's good. She plans to measure it and make you two spring shirts."

Xu Ke's aunt is a very gentle woman, but she works hard for people all year round. Her hands are full of frostbite. Her eyes are suffering, and her eyesight is much worse. Needlework is a little laborious, but Xu Ke didn't stop her.

After all, it's the kindness of the old man. How can the younger generation refuse?

Moreover, the farm is too idle. If she doesn't find something for herself, she will be very bored every day.

Xu Ke welcomed her in. "How can I only do it for Ke? My aunt should also take care of herself."

"Hey, aunt, how old are you? Why are you dressed so well? You should always dress decently when you follow your boss." My aunt disapproved of the tunnel, "you are wearing so many clothes, it seems that the master has treated you badly..."

Xu Ke coughed awkwardly and said, "aunt, Ke will pick you up. Naturally, he wants to provide for your old age. Don't do the hard work. Just do what you should do and wear what you should wear. Don't save it. Now Lang Jun values Ke, and life will be better in the future."

His aunt glanced at him and said, "how can anyone live like you..."

"My aunt doesn't have to save Ke. After waiting, I'll buy some girls to serve you and serve you as an old prince."

"I'm talking nonsense again! Don't talk about buying a girl to serve my aunt. If you can bring a girl back to Lao Xu's house to continue incense, my aunt will worship her ancestors." My aunt put her hands together and made Xu Ke cry and laugh.

"It's not urgent. When you have a favorite, Ke will certainly tell his aunt and ask you to go to the matchmaker."

Xu Ke's aunt is an open-minded and optimistic woman. She doesn't urge Xu Ke to say so.

Just... Some words still have to be said to him.

"People like us don't pick other people's girls. If there is someone suitable and considerate to you, marry them."

Xu Ke just smiled and didn't give a clear answer.

His mind is not in this part. He should finish the work at hand first and have a foundation at least.

Moreover, the mother's filial piety period has not passed, and it is too early to talk about marriage.

[system: anchor Jiang Pengji's semi interactive live broadcast of the story of suppressing bandits in the deep mountains comes to a perfect end. Are dear viewers satisfied with this?]

[a, satisfied; B, average; C, dissatisfied]

When it came to the final vote, the satisfaction was only 85.32%.

As expected, after all, not every live audience can accept her killing, and she doesn't want to change her plan for the wishes of the audience. I thought it would be good to pass the satisfaction test, but I didn't want to get the silver chest.

Hearing the system letter message, she clicked directly and chose the lucky draw.

Another card.

She clamped the card between her fingers and turned it over. There was a curled up white fat baby on it. When she saw the line of small words at the bottom, her expression would crack——

[Yi Yun pill -- the young phoenix makes a new sound, and the Lin's toes are auspicious. Once chosen by the king, three thousand people love each other, but the flowers don't bloom for a hundred days. They only sigh that the beauty is easy to grow old and the Lang's heart is changeable. If a Lin is close to the body, he will be able to stand on the top of the back palace and laugh at the flowers competing for beauty.]

[usage: before sex.]

Jiang Pengji said, "system, can you be more wasteful when you step on a horse?"

The system is going to explode, too.

"Jiang Pengji! That's enough for you! I'm a palace fighting system. What do you give me if I don't give these!"

Jiang Pengji tutted and accepted the card. "Is there anything for men to have children?"

System: "..."

"As a palace fighting system, you don't even have the function of giving birth to children. You also say you're not a waste!"

System: "..."

Wow, cry out.