Xu Ke asked, "what's wrong with the men and women?"

Xun Mei nodded. "When I fled my hometown, I was still young, but I couldn't remember what my parents looked like. The men and women were very strange. How could they be parents? Just, they brought my parents' things..."

Xunmei noticed something different, so she pretended to admit it. The family said "whispers" for a while.

She was told that her parents and younger brothers and sisters were all in each other's hands. If she was unwilling to obey, those people would die.

On the contrary, if she is good, her parents and siblings can live a good life.

Xunmei was skeptical. She didn't care about the life of the beast's father, but she couldn't leave her mother and young siblings.

"... concubines should answer their eyeliners and their inner feelings..." said here, the look of Mei Mei has become somewhat strange. "But the gang just let the concubine watch the two women in the backyard. If there is any unusual movement, we must return it."

Xunmei was really puzzled by such strange instructions, but he obeyed and followed them. He has been monitoring the second lady very seriously these years. People's daily life is either reading, painting and doing needlework, or basking in the sun, enjoying flowers and playing with servant girls around them

Xu Ke asked, "what's the matter with stepping on the snow?"

Which psychopath is staring at the common women in the backyard of Liu family?

For this problem, the husband and wife are confused.

"At the beginning, I didn't know that stepping on the snow was also an insider, but I and stepping on the snow were the close maid around my husband. There were many intersections on weekdays, and I gradually found her abnormality. She was also very attentive to the second lady, and some actions were very suspicious..."

Xu Ke nodded, just

"What's so strange about the second lady that she is so stared at by strange forces?"

Xun Mei shook her head, "I don't know."

Xu Ke: "

"Probably the content of the report is similar, and fewer and fewer people contact my body..."

Also, who has the time to listen to a girl's daily life?

Listening too much is naturally boring.

"... without them, I didn't know the current situation of my mother and sister-in-law, but I had to find a way to find a relationship and ask Liu Fu to ask the servants of zhongzhao business for help. But I didn't want to. My father didn't survive the drought, and my mother finally volunteered to sell her brothel in order to keep the young sister-in-law alive. But their lives were miserable... My brother was killed by local ruffians and my sister was poisoned... They were gone 。”

In other words, that group of people are cheating Xunmei!

Shortly after Xunmei received the real news from her family, the liar who hadn't appeared for several years appeared again.

"... Oh, I want to see what kind of moths these people have, so I make a false commitment to them." Xunmei's eyes flashed a little killing intention, and she said coldly, "but this time they don't care about the second lady, and they made my concubine keep an eye on her husband..."

Xu Ke asked, "when did this happen?"

Xun Mei thought, "it was about three years ago when Lang Jun implemented grain purchase restriction and was ready to get up and go to Beijing."

The change of instructions made Xun Mei vigilant. Thinking of the kindness of the late former wife, she couldn't do anything to hurt Liu Xi.

"Are there any other orders besides keeping an eye on your husband?"

Looking for Mei said, "there is a way, but I think it's better for my husband not to listen."

Xu Ke listened to Xu Mei so much that his guard had been relaxed.

At least, so far, Xunmei has not made a big mistake, and there is room for redemption.

Therefore, his words were much easier.

"What is it that my husband can't hear?"

Xun Mei turned her eyes. "Another instruction given by the informant to my concubine is to make her a safe girl while her husband's mind is uncertain."

Xu Ke forced his face, "Lang Jun, no matter how heroic, it's also a decent man. How can it be molded into a noble girl in a boudoir?"

Xun Mei smiled, "that's why I said before my body that my husband would rather not listen."

Xu Ke: "

Still don't understand.

"... these instructions frightened my heart, so I thought of reining in on the precipice..."

Xun Mei thought about the way out while pretending with those informants, and then she met Xu Ke.

"... my original intention was to marry my husband as his wife, redeem their personal contract with the money saved over the years, and then fly away..."

Xunke interrupted Xumei before she finished.

"If you want to leave Liu's house, you don't need to marry..."

Xun Mei turned her eyes. "My husband's words are light. I'm a young girl. Can I walk alone? I'm afraid I haven't gone far. I've been watched by sneaky people and sold to a place where I can't see the light..."

Xu Ke: "

"Besides, you don't have to belittle yourself. Among the servants of the Liu family, even if you have the tattoo on your face, your appearance is excellent, let alone knowledge and conversation. Isn't it a good husband for your daughter's family?"

Xunmei knows her identity and doesn't want to climb high, but she always wants to find someone who suits her heart.

She entangled Xu Ke. At first, she was in a hurry to escape Liu's house, but later she really wanted to marry Xu Ke.

"Then you remind me to beware of stepping on the snow... Has the instruction given by the person behind changed again?"

Xun Mei sighed, "maybe my concubine wanted to marry her husband too much, and acted improperly, which aroused the disgust of those people..."

"So what do you say?"

"Step snow tried to test my body several times. At first, it was just a warning, but then it became more malicious. Until the wedding, step snow looked at my eyes, full of killing intention, looking at the dead. It can be seen that those people can't tolerate my survival. She tried several times, and my body responded carefully, which made step snow believe that my mouth is tight and didn't reveal their affairs..."

Speaking of this, Xun Mei smiled sarcastically.

Stepping on the snow thought it was a good cover, but Xunmei gradually figured it out - I'm afraid the husband had already found the clue.

Apart from other things, when Lang Jun went to Langya to study, she wanted to talk to him at first, but Lang Jun talked strangely at that time, leaving her in Hejian County, and even hinted that she wanted to catch up with Xu Ke. It's better to start from the people around him and brush enough good feelings first

So Xunmei stayed and Lang Jun took the snow.

Now looking back, Xu Mei can't help but wonder

When you do this, you should protect her?

After all, if she doesn't separate from stepping on the snow, there will be an accident sooner or later.

Alas, I never found this when I stepped on the snow.

"Stepping on the snow has a murderous heart for my concubine. I'm afraid... My husband will soon be a widower..."

When Xu Ke heard this, he suddenly turned cold and hugged Xu Mei.

Rebuked lightly, "what do you do when you say these unlucky things!"

Xunmei smiled happily and put her pillow on his shoulder. "Will my husband remember my concubine then?"

"I can't be a widower. You have to be a mother!"

After that, the couple covered the quilt and were turned into red waves, which made the room full of spring.

When the clouds disappeared and the rain stopped, Xu Ke got up, cleaned his body with warm water and changed into daily clothes.

"You sleep first. Ke goes to find his husband for an idea. It can't be delayed."

Looking for plum nest in the quilt, holding his cheek, "can't you drag it? Were you serious just now?"

Xu Ke turned his head and stared at her. Unfortunately, he didn't scare people.