They did not relax their vigilance. A dozen people continued to point long guns at them, and two others were sent forward to check with torches.

As soon as the torch was illuminated, I saw more than ten carts hidden in the dark, with medicinal materials and grain on them.

"It's a non-toxic snake. You can't die if you bite. Don't howl."

Another man raised a torch and came forward. By the light of the fire, the big guy found that the snake was still biting the pale servant.

After careful identification, the man knew that it was a non-toxic snake. It was very common in the wild. He raised his hand and took it down, rolled it into a ball in his hand, and then threw it with his strong right arm. The snake was thrown far away. After a while, there was a movement of shaking vegetation.

The servant did not tremble. He looked down at the wound on his wrist. His blood was bright red and there was no sign of poisoning.

"But when you go back, you still have to flush it with clean water and apply some anti swelling medicine. In this way, the wound will get better faster."

The movement here also alerted the people in front of the team, so the team stopped.

At the front of the team, the man dressed up as a scribe had gloomy eyes, just like the thick ink, "what happened?"

"A suspicious looking man was found. They claimed to help the people of Shangjing transport grain and medicine."

When the man heard the speech, he raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Take me to have a look. If he is really seeking happiness for the people, why hide it?"

"Mr. Meng will come with you." Next to the man, there was another strong man with a thick beard. His muscles seemed to burst the brown on his body. One muscle at a time, he knew what explosive power it contained.

Huang Qin, with a thousand forbidden guards and five hundred stone grains, entered through another collapsed East Gate in the capital.

The forbidden army held hundreds of torches high and looked like a slow-moving fireball floating in the air from a distance.

Huang Qin half narrowed his eyes and saw the surrounding situation through the fire. He couldn't help feeling that natural disasters can't be resisted by human beings.

Shangjing, which was still bustling two days ago, has now turned into ruins, and the night wind carries an unspeakable smell.

He took out his handkerchief from his arms, pinched it to cover the tip of his nose and raised his hand.

"Go -"

At this time, a faint cry for help came from the collapsed ruins.

"Help... Help, help..."

Such a weak voice, coupled with the current night, has a bit of human flavor.

The forbidden guard was in a commotion. Many people were frightened. Huang Qin's face remained unchanged and waved.

"The proclamation is important. Don't delay it."

Shangjing seems to be a dead city. Even Huang Qin, a big eunuch used to seeing the world, can't help but stand up at the moment.

Jiang Pengji lives in the east of the city, and the camp is also built in the east of the city. Huang Qin and his party enter the city from the east gate. The distance between them is not far. In addition, the candles in the camp are not extinguished, which is very conspicuous in the night, which reduces Huang Qin's trouble finding people.

"Where is Liu Erlang?"

Huang Qin led people to announce the decree. The movement caused by the trip was not small. Feng Jin saw it from a distance and made preparations for receiving the decree in advance.

Feng Jin was neither humble nor arrogant. "Erlang took people to search and rescue the people. He couldn't come back for a while. Please have a rest."

Huang Qin seems not to squint. In fact, he has swept the temporarily built rough camp with his spare light.

His ears were filled with Shen Yin of pain. There were some medicinal incense floating in the air. More of it was a strong and choking smell of blood. He always felt that his stomach bag rolled and his throat smelled sour. "What's the smell?"

Huang Qin, as a eunuch, was treated with dignity, and Feng Jin, as a son of an aristocratic family, did he grow up rolling in the mud?

He couldn't stand it either. He just thought of the tragedy of the people in the earthquake. These sufferings were nothing.

Feng Jin saw his eyebrows frown and thought of a compromise, "angel forgive me, the camp is crude and unclean, and there are many injured people. In order to prevent the people's filth from colliding with the angel, Jin braved to ask the angel to wait in another place. Jin sent someone to call Erlang Jun back."

He coaxed Huang Qin to one side and waited. There he built a shed, set up a fumigation stove and burned sandalwood, which diluted the peculiar smell in the air.

Huang Qin sat down on the horse and swept his eyes around.

Seeing a hill like shadow in the distance, he pointed and asked, "what's that?"

Now it's downwind. The smell floating over there is particularly smelly. If there weren't two incense burners around him, he would vomit.

Feng Jin looked down and smiled bitterly, "Tell the angel, those people are all the people who died in the earthquake. Now the weather is hot, there are many flies and insects, and the bodies are difficult to preserve, but they can rot and maggots in three or five days. The bodies stink and rot, and if they are not properly handled, they are likely to cause various epidemics. Therefore, these bodies were dug out during the search and rescue and buried later."

At first, Huang Qin could listen calmly, but with Feng Jin's story, the blush on his face slowly faded into pale, and then turned to iron blue... His eyesight was good, and he could see the outline of the "hills" in the night

Such a high "hill" pile is actually made of corpses

At the thought of this, Huang Qin couldn't help but roll his stomach bag. A stream of xanthic acid vomited out of his mouth. Among the filth, there were digested abalone, shark fin, fat meat and other things... Feng Jin secretly glanced at it and pulled away a thin sneer from the corners of his mouth.

After waiting for a long time for incense, Huang Qin thought of the shadow of the "hill" not far away, and became more and more unable to sit still, as if on pins and needles.

Fortunately, at this time, the "sound of nature" came from a distance, and the master Liu Xi arrived.

Huang Qin is a young scholar who has seen Liu Xi. He looks romantic and has a clear and proud demeanor. If he grows another year or two, he is afraid to be a lover admired by countless girls in the boudoir. Now when we meet again, Huang Qin almost suspects that he is dazed. Is this man Liu Xi?

Jiang Pengji saw Huang Qinhuang's divine appearance, looked down at her image, and frowned in her heart.

She knew that she looked like a beggar who hadn't taken a bath for two or three years. Her sleeves were incomplete. Her clothes were stained with blood and other filth. She couldn't see the original color at all. The gray stains were mixed with sweat and stuck to her face. She could hardly see the original appearance.

Not to mention Jiang Pengji's bloody hands and thick cloth tied to her feet, which were worn to pieces by her.

Don't talk about beggars. Even those who have been fleeing famine for more than ten years look cleaner than her.

"Liu's Erlang took the order."

In view of the miserable appearance of Jiang Ji Ji, Huang Tan could not help but move away from his sight. His heart gave birth to a feeling of regret. Liu believed that Liu Xi really had a benevolence and a heart for the people * not for those posing insects.

"Liu Xi, the grass people, knelt down to welcome the holy will of the son of heaven."

Huang Qin took out a roll of exquisite silk from her sleeve, unfolded it slowly and read it out in a sharp voice.

Another place——

"Yo - I haven't seen you for a long time. Why is Xiaoyu so embarrassed?" The young scribe rode on his horse and smiled with some interest.

Xu Ke stared in amazement and couldn't believe it.

"Why are you here?"