Without any precaution or concern, the Lord dumped them like this.

A few six words, like a thunderbolt on the ground, blew up the three confidants' think tanks and didn't know what year it was tonight.

Now hit Beijiang?

Lord, you want to go to heaven. What shall we fight with?

Take your head?

Rao Shifeng is so rude about hip-hop that she is too scared to speak by Jiang Pengji.

Qi Guan asked his face to see no response, but the feather fan in his hand was blowing, which showed his inner anxiety.

Wei CI first reacted and said, "Lord, this must not be!"

Now go to fight Beijiang, this is not courage, this is death!

Weici thought that the LORD was more stable in this life than in the previous one. Now it is clear that he is more bear.

Jiang Pengji smiled inside, but asked on her face, "where is it?"

She was not on a whim. She was clearly well thought out.

One by one, they made everything as unreliable as she was.

Fengzhen and Qi guanrang followed the advice.

In any way, they must let the Lord get rid of this dangerous idea.

Qi official gave way, "Lord, now attacking Northern Xinjiang is by no means a good opportunity."

Feng Zhen took a deep breath, and he stepped out, "Zhen and I share the same opinion. The northern Xinjiang has experienced the horse plague, and our troops have been greatly damaged, but the hundred footed insects have died without stiffness. If we don't have the assurance that one blow will kill, we can't easily start fighting in the northern Xinjiang. Now we start fighting, it's like hitting a stone with an egg. The book of war says that we must pay attention to the soldiers, the major events of the country, the place of death and life, and the way of survival and death. In our opinion, we need to go through five things to occupy the time of the day Only when the land, people and... Can we give it a go. The time is not yet ripe, we must not start troops. "

It was agreed before that we should develop at ease and fight again in a few years. Why did the Lord change his mind now?

The three secretly complain, but they also know Jiang Pengji's temperament.

It's hard to persuade her to give up her mind if she doesn't tell her ugly Yin Mao.

Jiang Pengji sat at the head, relying on a few, and said to Fengzhen, "Zishi continued."

Feng Zhendao, "The so-called 'five things' are' Tao ',' heaven ',' earth ',' Generals' and 'Dharma'. The so-called 'Tao' means that the Lord and his subordinates agree that they can live and die together; the so-called 'heaven' means the seasonal climate; 'earth' means the terrain conditions; 'Generals' means the generals' martial arts and abilities; as for' Dharma ', it means the organizational structure in the army and the division of generals' responsibilities . logistics material reserve. Now, we disagree with the Lord, and we don't know the terrain of Northern Xinjiang and the weather conditions after the war. Although our generals are strong, the newly recruited soldiers have not yet been trained, and there are great gaps in logistics food and grass. It takes two to three years for the method of cultivating farmland to really take effect. Now the conditions are not ripe for the war. Please think twice and think carefully. "

To put it mildly, Jiang Pengji is definitely the one who died when she meets Beijiang with this condition.

Fengzhen and others can't think of it if they want to break their heads. Why does their Lord suddenly want to fight Beijiang?

Which shabby instigated it?

Jiang Pengji smiled and said, "I understand what Zishi said."

Since we all know, why do we still have such a bold idea?

Feng Zhen several people make complaints about incompetence, they even suspect that the Lord is deliberately rinsing them.

Jiang Pengji's next sentence made them want to vomit blood——

"But I still want to fight."

Wei CI didn't say a word, but secretly looked at Jiang Pengji's expression. Qi Guan on one side slowed down the movement of the fluttering fan.

He said, "Lord, can you tell me why?"

My Lord is not as resourceful as an ordinary counselor, and her thoughts are unrestrained. Maybe she has a reason to do so.

Jiang Pengji said, "of course, it's impossible to compete with Northern Xinjiang just by maruzhou. Moreover, I don't mean to fight now."

Three people: "

Somehow I feel like a dog.

Qi Guan let his eyes darken. He seemed to think of something and added a layer of worry to his heart.

"What does the Lord mean?" Qi asked.

Jiang Pengji said, "I think it's time to discuss with my father now. The situation in maruzhou has stabilized and the recruitment is going well, but Chongzhou and Hujun are in my father's hands. I don't know the situation there. Even with my father's help, the trouble I encounter will not be small. Those who are loyal to my father may not be loyal to me. While it's still early, I want to integrate the existing forces as soon as possible Unity. Only when people's hearts are completely and orderly can they win against northern Xinjiang. "

Feng Zhen's eyes turned and seemed to want to understand the reason why Jiang Pengji did so.

He asked, "Lord, are you worried that your common brother has a different heart?"

Liu she has only one son and one daughter at her knee. In the future, the family property must be divided between the two children.

The concubine is now 14 years old and will be able to establish his own family in a few years. If the other party has great ambition and fights with Jiang Pengji, it is really troublesome. How can we gain a firm foothold in troubled times when foreign aggression has not been solved and internal worries have arisen again, and sisters and brothers stand behind each other?

The best way is to completely stabilize his position and power before the common brother grows up.

Jiang Pengji now wants to fight in Northern Xinjiang, which is an excellent excuse to take over the military power of Chongzhou and Hujun from Liu she.

The three confidants were convinced by their own ideas.

Jiang Pengji lost her smile and didn't want to explain too much. Then they will know the truth.

Liu she naturally supported her.

However, even if she is Liu she's daughter, the aristocratic forces of Chongzhou and Hujun may not be willing to buy it.

Jiang Pengji doesn't want to fight in Northern Xinjiang in a few years. The people are still distracted and in chaos.

She added, "Today, I met a man who may become a breakthrough for us to gather Chongzhou forces. Chongzhou borders on Northern Xinjiang. Once there is a war, it is bound to be involved in the war. As for Hujun, it has a wide land, few people and a large amount of grain, but we have been stationed in the field for a few years, and we need enough food for the war. From this point of view, closing Chongzhou is far more important than closing Hujun."

When Wei Ci and others heard this, they were secretly relieved.

Listen to the Lord, they should start preparing for war now instead of fighting. They can be at ease.

Weici asked, "who is this person?"

Jiang Pengji smiled and said, "That man is the direct descendant of Cui family in Chongzhou. We can make friends with Cui family by saving our lives and persuade them to stand on our side. Cui family is a fence riding sect. They have very close business contacts with Northern Xinjiang. In other words, they also know the situation in Northern Xinjiang best. If we want to go to war with Northern Xinjiang, we must have accurate sources. In addition, Cui shiza Chongzhou has been rooted for a long time. If we take Cui, we will be able to use Cui to win over other local gentry. "

Whether external or internal, Cui can become a springboard for Jiang Pengji.

Liu she has been a herdsman in Chongzhou for many years. Although she controls part of her rights, the majority is still in the hands of Chongzhou local aristocratic families.

These aristocratic families have a lot of thoughts. The interests of the family far outweigh the general interests of the country. They can do it completely by cutting their teammates at the critical moment.

Jiang Pengji doesn't want someone to shadow her behind her when she is fighting.

Before the war with Northern Xinjiang, she must clean up the whole Chongzhou forces.